Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, everyone. My name is David to sing, and my group member is of
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course, Andrew.
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Today I will be presenting a strategic case for the proposal of
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C S P P Safety induction program for the unit M.
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P. S 535
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A safety introduction consists of Authority Safety Briefing,
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which covers information, instruction and training to protect any new employees,
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contractors and visitors from any hazards risks.
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When visiting the workplace,
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our team will look into a safety induction program of the
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major hasn't facility called C S P P West farmers limited
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to address some of the shortcomings identified in
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this review and provide further recommendations for improvements.
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A safety induction is a critical onboarding process and a legal requirement for
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some industries which can result in
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negligence towards health and safety practices.
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It delivered in an ineffective mental,
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leading to serious injuries and harm in the workplace.
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By ensuring these employees properly obtain
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the knowledge of safety requirements,
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key risks, workplace health, emergency procedures,
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they will have greater confidence in their competence to perform,
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and they've always safely
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about the company.
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C S P P is a W,
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a based organization engaged in the marketing
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and manufacturing of heavy chemicals and utilizes.
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This report identifies current gaps that exists
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through the experiences of one of our
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team members through their short term employment.
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This major hasn't facility
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scope and objectives.
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The objective of this report is to
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provide recommendations to develop an effective basic
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safety induction with the intent to see
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a reduction in the overall safety incidents.
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A proper and effective safety induction should
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help achieve the following in a workplace.
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Promote a safe and comfortable working environment for all employees.
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Implant adequate knowledge regarding emergency procedures such as evacuation,
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assembly points and emergency exits.
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Probably training in first aid.
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Proper procedures on handling equipment.
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Employees becoming aware about company policies regarding
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harassment and bullying in the workplace.
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Implement improved and
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productivity and quality of performance,
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as well as ensure a smooth transition into the company.
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The scope of this report includes a thorough review
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of safety induction program of C S P.
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The review process involved using C S P P safety induction program as a reference,
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critically analyzing its content and identifying the gaps during the process.
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It further provides recommendations for
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improvement by addressing the shortcomings
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the company's current safety induction consists of
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a pre-recorded 30 minute training Sessions Lecture,
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which is accessible online for individuals,
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are able to view it from the comfort of their own time.
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It contains relevant information about the site and covering key
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topics such as the risks and hazards in the workplace.
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Special equipment you such as P P E, which may require additional training,
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health work and safety regulations,
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first aid driving instructions within the site,
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and emergency contacts and procedures.
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Individuals are able to easily skip to the
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next slide without completing the current topic,
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resulting in a lack of understanding and inadequate knowledge.
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After the training session,
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individuals are required to pass a quiz in
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order to fully complete the safety induction,
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in which they must retake the training session if they fail.
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Analysis of findings.
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Although the induction easily accessible,
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the content is not being communicated effectively.
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This is due to a few gaps present in the current format of delivery,
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leading to the cracks in the employment understanding and knowledge.
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The absence of a face to face
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relationship during a safety training induction can result
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in a lack of understanding which is likely to go unnoticed by the supervisor.
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A study conducted to assess
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induction programs from different organizations found that
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more than half of the websites resulted
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in far less on-site incidents as a result of switching to interactive training.
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With the inclusion of supervisors as opposed to online safety deductions
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for workers that aren't necessary profession or
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have negative attitudes towards technology use,
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the online training sessions will impact the ability
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to learn and obtained the knowledge needed.
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The online method also allows a potential for
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individuals to take shortcuts during learning sessions,
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cheat on quizzes and heavily reliant on search engines
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instead of acquiring a personal understanding of the content
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Our team recommendations to improve the company's
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induction includes switching to an interactive face
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to face safety induction under the supervisor
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under the supervision of a training supervisor.
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If the company is unable to conduct in person,
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the online induction should be designed in a way so that individuals are
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unable to skip through the slides until the current topic is completed.
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The quiz needs to be specific rather than consisting of general
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safety questions which can be easily found through the Internet.
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The online induction should also include a Healthline by individuals
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can call to ask about any queries they may have
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in summary safety Induction are a key
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component to an onboarding process for an organization
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and effective safety induction process can
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deliver up productive and favorable outcomes
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by enhancing the company's existing induction.
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With making adjustments to is delivery methods and content,
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we can ensure less workplace incidents and injuries.
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Thank you for listening.