Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Good afternoon, my name is Monica catholic and I will
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be presenting my U.
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D. L.
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Guidelines examples and resources.
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The principal I will be discussing.
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Its means of representation and the checkpoint I chose was
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2.5 which is to illustrate through multiple media displaying the
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lesson through various forms of media could benefit accommodating each
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learning style.
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It is a form of representation that could greatly impact
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the students and how they take in the information being
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taught to them, utilizing text would not be the better
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option being that most students have reading disabilities.
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Text is a particularly weak form of presentation for learners
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who have text or language related disabilities according to cast
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lessons can be illustrated in multiple forms of media to
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best suit the needs of the students, whether they are
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visual learners, auditory learners or learners who learn vest with
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hands on methods.
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Those forms of media could include diagrams, tables, videos, storyboards,
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comic strips etcetera.
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According to cast the way I would utilize the guidelines
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in my future classroom will be to utilize multiple means
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of representation.
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To appeal to waste.
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My students learn best, I will craft presentations, show videos
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that relate to the list and and provide them with
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the option to utilize technology to learn more about the
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listen it is within the best interests of the students
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to provide them with methods to help them gather and
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retain the information.
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Each student does not learn the same so it would
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be pointless to use one method to teach to teach
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students new information that concludes my presentation.
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Thank you and I can't wait to see what your
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feedback is.