Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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everyone. It's Russell from the presenter.
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And this is just a quick reminder that on April
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the ninth and 16th at 3 p.m. u k.
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Time I'm gonna be delivering some live webinars where I
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explain my top five tips for online presenting.
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We've got over 150 seats gone already for both of
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those sessions, but there's plenty of space.
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I'm gonna put the links to those sessions above.
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But what I thought might be useful is just to
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give you one of my top tips right now.
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So just recently, I was speaking Thio, a training consultant.
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Hey, got in touch with me because, of course, his
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entire business, which is normally in person training sessions, I
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had to stop because off the crisis that we're all
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going through.
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So he had to immediately shift toe online training, which
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was something he'd never done.
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Now the very first thing that we focused in on
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is the environment.
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On when I talk about environment, I really mean the
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space around you.
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What did people see behind you on that webcam when
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you're speaking to them or presenting to them online?
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It's really, really important to think about that.
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Before you worry about the technology that you're using, how
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your slides look or anything else, it'll think about the
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environment. So after speaking to this particular guy, we found
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out, actually, that he was known in his industry for
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being a real superhero nerd.
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In fact, I told him to stand up, move his
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laptop around so I could see the rest of his
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home office.
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And there were pictures of the whole.
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There was some X Men characters, Captain America and things
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like that, and he was trying to hide those from
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view. But that's what he's known for already.
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So I encouraged him to just tidy up those pictures,
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put them on the wall behind him, and even put
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some white board behind him as well.
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So he had a really nice size white board that
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he put next to those pictures.
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So during the online training sessions, he could actually sketch
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things onto that white board as well.
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And that was something that he did a lot in
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his in person training because of the type of session
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that he was delivering.
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So it's really, really important to think about your environment
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and see this as a chance to actually bring through
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your own character into your online presentation.
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So superhero pictures work for that guy for me, you
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probably notes in the background here I have, Ah, road
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bike. This is my pride and joy, and I'm a
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really king cyclist.
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And there's quite a few of my kinds that I
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work with that I know are also into cycling.
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But the only way I know that is because they
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saw the bike behind me and it sparked a conversation.
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So if you have something like that, then I would
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encourage you to bring it through into the background into
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the environment.
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It doesn't have to be there, right up close to
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the camera, but things like that can always spark nice
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conversation. Make sure your environment is nice entirely and tried
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to use it.
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I'm almost to bring through your own personal brand.
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I would really encourage you to not worry so much
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about the technology.
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You're gonna use the weight your slides Look, First of
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all, focus on your environment is really, really important.
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Now more than ever, everyone we work with is gonna
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be coming into our home.
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So let's give them a taste of who we are
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because people buy from people.
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People like to work with people that they have things
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in common with to this.
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Bring that through.
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So that's my number one tip.
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I'm hoping that you can join me on the ninth
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or the 16th of April 3 PM UK time.
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Links will be above where I'll share the rest of
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my online presenting tips.
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I'll see you there.
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Take care.