Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hey, I'll look into my video on incorporating president into
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your live conferences.
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So this could work really great for any type of
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compliment setting, whether it is corporate or in the classroom,
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because I am a teacher A and making this for
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teachers and mind, especially now that reviewing a lot of
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online and virtual learning.
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But know that when ever you are conferencing and you
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want to present information to the people you're conferencing with
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Prezi video is a wonderful tool to use.
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Okay, so the first thing we're gonna look at is
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templates. Um, you can have a template already created in
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President. You can make a template from Prezi created yourself.
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You can also import from Power Point because I'm really
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focused on pricing, and I use president all the time.
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I'm going to be looking at Prezi templates, but know
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that importing from power point or a template you've already
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created is also an option.
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These are some template ideas I have used before in
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the past.
- 00:59 - 01:02
Um, small Kurt discussion questions so that you already have
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questions plate laid out in plan you can just easily
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incorporated into your template.
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It takes like maybe five minutes.
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And then from there you can go ahead and record
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forced out your video conference.
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Also, this works really well for reviewing frequently miss questions
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on assignments and assessments, going over steps for an assignment,
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checking in with your kids, having good morning or various
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weekly conferencing meetings with your students.
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And I've used this before with scavenger hunts with my
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suit ends.
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And it was it was really fun.
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They enjoyed it a lot.
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Okay, so assuming that your templates are already made, the
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next step is to download the Prezi video app.
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Now, that is important because President does have various APS
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out there.
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They do have various APS out there.
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This is that you're looking for president video.
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It is purple, and it looks like that.
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So you posit video, download that app right now.
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Okay, Cool.
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Hopeful of abs downloaded.
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The next step is to click on import from Prezi.
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Now notice here that their option there is an option
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for power point.
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Um, I'm importing from Prezi.
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So that's the option that I am exploring.
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You can also do this from Power point.
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Totally up to you.
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If you have something that you already want to work
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with. You can also import power points into a president.
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We don't need to get into that.
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Were sickened.
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Were sick into the Prezi video in conferences.
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Okay, The third step is to you've got your app
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downloaded. You've got your, um, presentation imported and selected from
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that. Now we're switching gears over to the conferencing side,
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so choose the conference method you're using.
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I'm going to be looking at Google meets because we're
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focusing on Google meets at my school.
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I have also used this on Zoom.
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Um, and I'm going to go back here.
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So this is where it looks like when you select
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an import, your template.
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So back tracking.
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All right, So you got your template selected, and now
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we're going to the method of conference.
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Okay, Cool.
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So after you have imported your, um, templates, open up
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your video conference.
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Like I said, I'm working with Google meets at my
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school. I know that this works for resume because that's
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where I've used it before in the past as well.
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Here are some other options Microsoft teams go to meeting.
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Looks like Skype.
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And there's other eps and essentially any video conference saying
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Yeah, or tool that you use as long as you
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can get to the camera option, which will look at
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and a bit Prezi video will seamlessly connect and communicate,
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so the next type is setting up the conference.
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You've got your conference tool, whatever it is that you're
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using and you've got your Prezi video at, those two
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have to be up going back to the Prezi video
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app After you have imported your templates, you select video
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conference that my arrow is pointing to right here.
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Video conference.
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Now the X Step is President's going to try to
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connect it to whatever method of video conference that you
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are selecting.
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I am selected.
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Google meets, so the next step is to go to
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your actual conferencing tool and find the camera.
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OK, eso if you're using Google meats, which at my
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school we are open up your double meat session go
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to so you start your meeting open settings, right?
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That's the three dots on the bottom, right?
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You open up that menu.
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From there, you go to settings.
- 04:57 - 05:00
Once you have selected settings, there is an option for
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video and you are going to choose the Prezi video
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camera. This is what that looks like.
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I have selected video.
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You can see it's highlighted on the right, and then
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the drop down menu.
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You're looking for a president video virtual camera.
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It should be originally selected at FaceTime HD camera.
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Again, we are selecting Prezi video Virtual camera.
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It's a bit of a tongue twister, and the reason
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for that is that is what allows your Prezi app
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to communicate with again whatever Google or whatever video conferencing
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tool that you were using.
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This is America.
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It's fun.
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It's time to conference.
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Y'all Okay, so this is how I have it on
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it. And this is what has worked for me.
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He might have something else that works for you.
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I recommend that you have two tabs open.
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This is because when you are going through the presentation
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on Prezi, it has to be done through the app.
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Now I always have that is one window or one.
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Have whatever something that is open to the I just
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like it on the right of my computer screen.
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That's just how my brain works.
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Um, and then on the other side, I've got the
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window open for my Google presentation.
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I keep saying Google presentation for my conference and this
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is what that looks like up close.
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I've got my app.
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You can see that on the rights and then on
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the left is my presentation or my conference notice that
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this is backward on Google meat.
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Your viewers are not going to see it backward.
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They will see it as it shows on the president.
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Um, I can't tell you why it works like that.
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I'm sure that somebody else who is more technologically advanced
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than I can explain that to you.
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I do know that it shows for your viewers correctly.
- 07:01 - 07:03
Now. The reason why I like to have the two
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Windows open is because if you look at the app,
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you can see the arrows to the right, to the
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bottom right of the screen.
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Those air the arrows that you are pressing to control
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your presentation.
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That's not a big deal.
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Um, and so I just like the have that somewhere
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on my computer so I could manipulate from the app
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and then also really engaged in connect with my students
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and my conferencing session.
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That's what that looks like.
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That's my tip for you, All right.
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And the last, um, things I think are worth mentioning
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is remember how we went to the camera option and
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we selected a president video, virtual camera, whatever that tongue
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twister waas Once, once you're finished with your conference, go
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back and choose the original camera that was originally selected.
- 07:57 - 08:01
Um, also make sure that you close any unnecessary APS
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during your conference time and unnecessary windows.
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This does take some energy on the part of your
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computer, and it's not good.
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Like you don't want your computer to overheating over work.
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So I recommend closing out the windows and tabs that
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you don't need thirdly, or viewers are going to really
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like it again.
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I'm making this for students in mind, So this is
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a really great way to connect with your students.
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If you're like me and you need to plan, um,
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planning things on the template is so wonderful because you
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can put in those discussion questions you can put in.
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The sentence stems right, things that you need to make
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sure that you hit on within the conference of your
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students because let's face it, that time is extremely valuable.
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It allows for your students to really engage with you
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and the presentation.
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You can also import things like different pictures and images
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and uses is talking points.
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I just like the list goes on and on.
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I really, really love Prezi video.
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And I hope that this is something that you can
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use in your classroom and your online virtual, um, teaching.
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So thank you so much for watching this video.
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I hope that you have found it helpful.