Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, this is Elizabeth Graham.
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Um Today I want to talk about a case study
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on a second grade student.
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He is, he's a little boy and um, I of
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course I'm going to start with his strengths and weaknesses
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first so that we can know how best to help
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him in the classroom so that he can be successful.
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So first I'm going to go right here to our
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strengths and weaknesses.
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And let's talk about, of course his strength first.
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So he's a bright kid.
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He's got, as you can see here, excellent language skills,
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vocabulary. These are all really, he's going to be a
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great kid in class who participates well and he's able
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to copy from the board um, without any trouble.
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Um, let's talk about his weaknesses so that we can
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know how best to help him and set up a
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plan. So he has difficulty reading, he has had intervention,
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but it's still still struggle for him, struggles with word
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spacing, struggles with keeping the letters on the lines.
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Um, and of course with the difficulty reading, he's got
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trouble with spelling and sounding out the words with decoding.
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So, um, put some things into, into practice for him
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that are going to help him with these things and
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let's use his strength to help him overcome his weaknesses.
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So one of the very first things I'd like to
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talk about is uh, just an activity that that's fun.
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Um one of them is this little space man stick
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so that he can use it to help him realize
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where the spaces go between each word and then there's
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other things that can help him, um, keep the words
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on the line, something like a little wicky stick, which
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are those little sticky strings that he can put right
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across the bottom of the blue line and across the
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top so that he can write on those and you
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can feel that.
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Um, and really be able to tell where his letters
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and words need to go, I'm going to put the
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links to the videos and these resources in my work
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cited so that you can go check those out yourself
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kate. So let's talk about how we can also use
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his strengths and weaknesses.
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Let's talk about incorporating technology.
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Okay, so first I want to talk about what's going
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on at school that we can help him with and
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how we can then use those things at school, teach
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him there.
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That he could take it home and use it there
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too? Okay.
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One of the things is um, let's get a Chromebook
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in his hand, chrome book in his hand um and
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put a spell check function on it so that he
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can see the words it will highlight underneath it so
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that he can see, oh, hey, I misspelled that.
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Um, I need to come back to it or click
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just double clicking on it so that it, it comes
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up with a correct spelling.
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Um give him auctions there to, to go, were you
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trying to say this or that?
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And um that's, that's also a function that can be
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turned on for all the students in the classroom to
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help with spelling.
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Um And then as as he we can take that
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a step further that when when he has these misspelled
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words they can look up a picture of that word
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to help them solidify what that word looks like as
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far as its action or its meaning and to further
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help with the spelling.
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Um Another another thing that they could do with this
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um and this is just for him you can do
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it again whole class.
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They could take these um miss commonly misspelled words.
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There's a uh there's some cars they're called snap words.
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What it does is it takes the word like for
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instance jump J.
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U. M.
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P. It turns that you into a jump rope so
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that the students can get a mental picture of the
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word and um and and it's meaning with with a
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picture to help them with spelling and and also with
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decoding, sounding it out and recognizing their sight words.
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Um Another great thing with this would be uh to
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help him learn how to use the speech to text
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function available on lots and I'm gonna put again links
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so that you can go and look at these yourself.
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Especially teach uh speech to text functions are super awesome,
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way easy to use.
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And it's probably going to eliminate some of the frustration
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for him and writing it all out unless we said
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earlier. He's got great vocabulary skills, great communication.
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Um And so he's gonna be able to talk and
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be able to express himself in a different way.
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Still getting it typed out to turn in for assignments.
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Um Finally another thing that the student to do because
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he participates really well we could put him with a
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partner or he could, this could be an assignment students
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can do by themselves but again trying to use the
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class as much as possible.
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Having video, having video his assignment, have him talk about
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and and show what he knows.
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You can like said you could do that with a
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partner. They can um submit that way versus having to
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type and write out a whole whole homework thing there.
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Um Okay so now can this technology be used at
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home? Okay.
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Um Yes for the most part yes all of these
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things can be used at home.
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Uh Chromebooks, laptops, those kind of things they go home
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with the kids, cell phones um have spell check features
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on them or give them options.
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You know what is it you're trying to say?
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Uh It'll give you usually like three words at the
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bottom to figure it out.
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Um Mobile devices.
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Great kids can he can you look up that word
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that he misspelled and see the picture for?
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What does that word mean?
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What does it look like to help again with that?
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That is a bright kid.
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It's gonna work out well for him.
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Um, against snap words.
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That's something that can be purchased or copied and sent
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home. Um, that's something that students can even draw their
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own word.
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Um, draw their own picture for that word and practice
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it again.
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That could be something that's done whole group or even
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just individually for him.
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Um, cell phones.
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Uh, the uh, usually most of them have capacities to,
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to use the speaker.
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So you've got speech to text.
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I don't know that all cell phones have that, but
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just definitely something that, that could be used and making
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a video, He could make a video on his cell
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phone. Um, so definitely use that technology.
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He at home again, as I said, this is a
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great, this is a great student who I want to
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use his, his strength to help him with his weaknesses
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and be able to incorporate technology and make it.
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Um, you die so that he is not singled out
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or embarrassed or anything like that by the tech use
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of technology or the things that are going on inside
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the classroom to help him learn can be done whole
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group. So again, if you have any questions about some
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of these things, I'm going to put the videos and
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the links for how twos and things to look at
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and they were excited.
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All right, great.
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Thanks so much