Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:20 - 00:22
Hello. My name is Jackie O's time your management professor
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from the Catholic University of American Washington, D.
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C. I don't wanna welcome into the short video on
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teamwork and leadership.
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This is a short video that review how teams your
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form, how they best work together.
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And we're going to use a metaphor how that works
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and and and and what that looks like.
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We're gonna understand the leader, the manager and the team
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and how those three interacted work together to produce results
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to advance organization goals.
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Uh, we will have an outline, to be sure, but
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one of the things that I'm that we work closely
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from is the book called The Memo.
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And this is actually a management textbook on how the
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U. S.
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A. One World War Two.
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That will be our textbook.
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But we haven't outline that will use awesome.
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Now, every time that I ever worked with a corporate
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client, every office that I've ever been in and every
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office that you've ever been in will always have a
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metaphor for what teamwork looks like.
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In that metaphor is a rowing team.
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His crew.
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This is an eight person and eight or boat a
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very thin boat of that's directed by Coxon, and this
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shows how people work together.
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Ah, in a team, and it is a cliche, to
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be sure, but it's but it's a nap cliche, and
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it's most appropriate because the for ah crew race of
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about seven minutes and about 2000 meters, those eight rowers
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are going to do 200 or strokes in unison over
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in a compressed pressure field time.
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So what we're gonna talk about is how these teams
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get to that performance level, how they get there and
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how these teams air managed and how you could be
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a part about to make that happen.
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Now are are, uh, outlined for the short class.
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For this, this is the sort emitted class is from
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from Turkmens.
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Five stage theory of group development.
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Now, uh, Duckman first came up in 1965 with forming,
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storming, norming and performing.
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And what's neat about this story is that in 1977
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he had a student.
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Tuckman had a student and said, Wait a minute.
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There should be 1/5 part of this called adjourning.
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This is the end point.
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This is how we wrap up teams because no, no
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team teams don't normally last forever.
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They may be a standing committee, but normal.
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There's an end point and you can be the end
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of the week.
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End of the day, end of the semester commencement.
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There's always an end point.
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And ah, student actually came up with the idea to
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to advance that scholarship.
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The first part, the first.
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The first step is the is the forming point.
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Now, this is where each individual on the team asks.
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The question is, how do I fit in and why
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am I here?
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So we're looking at the individual of, Well, what's in
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it for me?
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Is that how did I get chosen?
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Why did I get Why did I get placed on
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the team?
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And, uh, and and and uh, you know, why did
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the plight of the boss pick me?
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So this is one of these things great skills that
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managers have.
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This is managers with you with the legitimate authority to,
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uh, to form a team, a small task force.
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To accomplish a goal.
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Managers, uh, should have the gift of knowing the craft
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of management and, through the practice of management, develop an
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art, an insight of who to put on the team
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and who not to play on the team.
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How we form together the team and every manager is
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gifted or should be gifted on howto to maximize strengths
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and minimize weaknesses.
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How we can So if assemble a team that we
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could get the most out of the team.
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Every manager be coach has this as this as this
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as this challenge.
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Now one of the ways that that work that we
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do this, remember, is the manager.
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The coach business professor always wants to manage the best.
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Manage the strengths of the team, managed to strengthen the
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individual and minimize the weakness is now One of the
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things in rowing and crew we have is a is
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a machine called an arg Arg Ometer.
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It's called urgh for short and what this is is
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a is a piece of machinery that mimics the motion.
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Ah, and and an effort required Ah, by a rower.
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So urgh is literally means to measure work.
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Now here we have one of my daughters over here
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modeling and odometer.
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She was a rower at a very competitive college and
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she ah showing us what this looks like.
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Now here's Here's the machine here, this is This is
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the or over here, and there's connected by cable on
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this computer here.
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Measures of the power.
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She puts out the stroke rate of number of times
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that she pulls on it and how fast that she's
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going. And this seat slides back in Portland, slide.
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So administered mimics exactly the the the the action of
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a rower in a boat.
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Now what?
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One of the things that we could do for every
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competitive team is that there's going to be minimum, ah,
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standards. We have to meet.
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So if you're going to be, ah, at a high
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level baseball picture, we're looking at a 90 mile an
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hour fastball.
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Uh, you there's gonna be minimum standards to meet for
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a football player of the 40 yard dash for ah,
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for for For a collegiate level rower, it's gonna be
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a sub eight minute.
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That 2000 meter rowing distance for for very competitive of
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teams, that would be a sub seven minutes.
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So from most collegiate teams, when you get below seven
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minutes and 30 seconds, you're very competitive team now to
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make the team you're gonna have to row 2000 meters
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in less than seven minutes and 30 seconds.
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So we have a team, we're assembling a team and
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we all come together.
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So a part of bringing the team together and the
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next step is called the storming part.
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We've already cleared the hurdle.
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We have our team assembled where we have the the
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eight rowers Anna Coxon and this this is this is
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the part of the team, a team development where we
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figure out what is the individuals rolls and who's in
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charge and this is this is Ah, like a place
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political process.
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It's a long rolling, often exercise of power and we've
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already assembled the team and we have.
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We have a team that we want to put together.
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But one of the things said that coaches know on
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business leaders know is that sometimes not the smartest people
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make the best team way.
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Have some studies from from from from Great Britain, where
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they take rowing very serious seriously, where they there's one
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right. There's number of races all the time, but one
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of the top prices between Oxford and Cambridge and where
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that is the race of the year, and they've studied
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what makes a good rower.
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And what they find is that it's not always the
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fastest. Well, you would think that we is a coach
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or business leader.
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We could just look at the at the mechanics off,
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rolling on odometer and whoever had the eight fast to
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scores. We could put the eighth fastest people together and
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have a fast team.
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And, as you're guessing, that's probably not always the case,
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because somebody might still qualified to be on the team
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but may not be the fastest rower.
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Managers have to decide which of the fastest people can
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make the team all work together in an exercise unit.
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Cohesion were they will literally pulled together at the same
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time. So I'm part of the storm in part.
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Well, we figure out who is in charge and who
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is not in charge now.
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Where things so much take away from this video is
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that is that there are beat, though, and every team
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that pump comes together.
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If you have 8 10 12 people 7579 12 people,
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whatever team comes together, they're always gonna be power place
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and some friction as we come together is the storming
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part and understand that this is a power, a power
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play. There'll be some very dominant personalities that might have
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expert power.
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There'll be other dominant of personalities that that are just
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more likable or the other part of power is, is
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is social or like high school.
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They're just good.
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You're there, just the cool kids.
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Um, there will be some, uh, that have the power
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of exchanging favors, that we work together, a number of
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projects. And you do me a favor here and I'll
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do your favorite there.
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So it's reciprocity.
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Now. What I want you to do is whenever you
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get placed on a team like this, even if you're
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the quietest introvert and with the least night always stand
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up and volunteer to the manager to put the team
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together, volunteer to be the secretary to be the note
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taker to be the one that keeps the minutes so
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that no letter what dominant personalities emerge out of this
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group, you be the one to capture the thoughts to
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be the note taker so that that agenda can be
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formulated beforehand can be captured during the meeting and then
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could be reported up to the boss.
- 08:59 - 09:00
So you've all a new volunteer for that.
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Then you will become the de facto leader of the
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group. And and even if you are not the most
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dominant personality now, 01 of the things that that take
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away such a handsome man from this is that leadership
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is a process.
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It's not a position.
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Leadership is the ability to persuade to influence, to move
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the organization as we work together towards organization, goals and
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way. Understand that this is not on not a position
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of authority where you're appointed this this is that.
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What a position of leadership So it's it's not tied
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to a spot on or it's your ability to get
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things done in order to get things done on organization.
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Now one of the things that I want Oh, emphasize
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here is that when teams come together and then go
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to from the storming parties, we come out of the
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storming part.
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We, the team actually loves it to light the textbooks
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call it have.
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The teams will have affinity for each other.
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Well, I'm gonna go just beyond that.
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Say no.
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No, it's more than that.
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That the team actually loves each other.
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They love each others as brothers and sisters, so thatyou
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wantto make the other person look good to make the
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team look good to accomplish the goal.
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No, this is another one of my daughters.
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Uh, that I am, Yes, I am the inseparable parent
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and this is the Cox in here she is that
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she is the manager of the boat.
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She gives the direction.
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She steers the boats and controls the rate in tempo
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and speed of the boat.
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The coach is nowhere to be seen.
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The coaches on the sidelines of the coaches never communicate
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with the boat during a race.
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This right here, this position is the number A position,
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and you see that she's facing back.
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Everybody's facing back.
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She's facing forward.
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This is the tempo that she controls.
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The tempo and speed of the boat.
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She she has a feel for the boat and look
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at the bend on this or this is this is
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you only see this and and and very competitive complete
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Olympic quality athletes to bend down.
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Or like that, it's on the verge of breaking.
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It won't break, but it's This is close to breaking
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is it can.
- 10:57 - 11:00
And this is this is, ah, physician of great influence
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and authority because she's the Metrodome of the cheap feels
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it and feels and translates the direction from the Coxon
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into what the boat can handle.
- 11:08 - 11:11
Cause remember, we've got to be a complete synchronous synchronised.
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The boat all has to move together at this at
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the same time after at the, uh, completely together.
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Now, how we get here is that we lead people,
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and we managed behaviors.
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Now, Now, uh, this is where the coach or you're
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you as an informal ah, personal leading the team can
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we can figure out how we maximize strength, how we
- 11:40 - 11:42
minimize weaknesses.
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And every team, every individual brings different things to the
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table. This, my coaches and managers earn the incomes that
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they deserve because this is a real art form.
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I know there's the craft.
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We It's not just how fast you could pull on
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her, but we've gotta figure out how these personalities get
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together. And that's what I want you to take away
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from this clip is that I want you to be
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that person too.
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So too so be that encourager on the groups that
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we figure out what behaviors we have to do to
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reach Argo.
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What do we have to do every day to reach
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the performance standards?
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Now you have you lead people, which is the leadership
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is a sub component of management management, as you know
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from other from our other conversations.
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The plan Organized Leading control management has leadership as a
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sub components leadership is part of management, so man to
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lead to motivate us part of management.
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So what we're actually doing is managing the team through
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leadership, which is informal ability to persuade.
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But we could help the team manage behaviours, which is
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to pick pick out those skills that we need to
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work. Whether those the liberals that we have to that
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we have to work on for this team, it will
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be different for every team.
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Every coach knows that every team that he gets it
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every different season is a different sentiment is different set
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of two individuals with different skill sets that have to
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be managed in different ways.
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So we think out those skills that they need to
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practice on every day.
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So you so we practice those behaviors every single day
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we practiced those behaviors.
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We do those things everything.
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Every day we do these behaviors.
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And if we picked out the right behaviors, we should
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increase our odds that we're going to reach the goal
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that we want.
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If we do the behaviors, the numbers will follow.
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If we do these things every day, the results should
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follow. Not always, but we can minimize the risk that
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they won't.
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Now this is like a one a day vitamin.
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You take your vitamins every single day.
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You don't take seven vitamins on Sunday.
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That's why they call it a one a day vitamin.
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It's the trade market, so that that we take a
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vitamin every it won't be.
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It won't.
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You will not benefit from taking seven vitamins on Sunday.
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You do the behavior every single day.
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Now, if you do the behaviors every day and we
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do, we follow the coaches direction and we do that
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with the active support of the coach and the team
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does the performance every single day.
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Then there's a chance a good chance that we can
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we can succeed and it will look like this.
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And this is, um 01 of my daughters rings.
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This is Ah, championship ring Diamond encrusted.
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The and the daughters too to Ah, too proud where
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I am not The final step is adjourning.
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This is the This is the final step.
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This is the closing Every team every season should have.
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Should have a party at the end.
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Should have a celebration on December 31st End of the
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week, End of the month, End of the day, end
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of the season.
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And this is one of my daughters here she's being
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being She was a senior graduating and going through the
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marched are yours from from her from her university, so
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of and so every every team should have it should
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have. Should have it should have an end point.
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So I'm gonna thank you for following me on Twitter
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if you would And, uh, Andy and me with questions
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at any time