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the kensington room stone
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In 1898,
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a slam of stone was found tangled in the roots of
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a tree in rural Minnesota by Swedish immigrant Olaf Ohman,
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this stone has been the subject of debate ever since and begs us to ask the question.
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We're Vikings here in the United States.
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What is the kensington rune stone?
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The large slab of stone in Olaf's field was covered in strange markings.
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This was first thought to be an indian almanac,
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but it was later discovered that the markings on the stone were nordic runes.
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The markings told the tale of 30 Scandinavian explorers who had landed in the east
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10 men red of blood and dead
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tells of the murder of some of their party.
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The date on the stone
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13 62
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Vikings in America.
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At the time of the stone's discovery,
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there was an increased interest for all things viking in America.
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Essays were being written about the Vikings discovering America.
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In 18 93 a viking ship stole the show at the world's Columbian Exposition in Chicago
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having sailed there the entire way from Norway
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here was proof that Vikings were here first,
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But by 1910, after extensive scientific studies,
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the Kensington rune stone was considered a hoax
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is the kensington rune stone real or fake.
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The rune stone has been studied extensively since its discovery,
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scientists and geologists from around the world have
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weighed in on the authenticity of the stone.
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While there are many who believe that the stone is real,
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the scientific research all points to the stone being a fake.
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A few of the reasons the stone is considered fake.
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The runes, grammar and phrasing or modern.
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The carvings on the stone look freshly carved with no weathering.
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This is also true for softer parts of the stone.
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The timing was too convenient. Coming at the height of the viking craze in America
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ethical research and the room stone
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put simply ethics and research comes down to finding credible
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sources from knowledgeable authors and
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using the information learned appropriately.
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It is important to acknowledge all sides of a topic and to not mislead the audience.
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The goal is to learn about the bigger picture
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and to responsibly convey any findings or conclusions.
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In the case of the kensington Rune stone,
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we found an almost overwhelming amount of credible sources that
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were in favor of the stone being a fake.
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The claims that the stone is real come from people that are close to the stone.
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It's a local legend and the story of the stone and its discovery has been passed down.
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Why are our sources credible
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using the crap test on our sources help determine which ones to use And we found
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All of our sources dates from the finding of
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the room stone to present day with updated information
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They are all focused around the kensington Rune stone.
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info from our sources has been verified by scientists
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and historians and concur with other kensington room stone
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sources and for our sources have no agenda other
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than stating facts known about the kensington Rune stone.
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As you can see, we have quite an extensive list of sources for our work cited.
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I hope that you enjoyed our presentation about the kensington Rune stone and
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feel free to use any of these sources to look further into it.
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Thank you so much.