Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:02 - 00:05
hire Mr House. Mr Day here.
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I'm sorry, I can't be with you.
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I'm actually not in school today because I have was a little bit poorly.
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So I hope you will excuse
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the civilian clothing here and normally be wearing my house, Tyre,
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my jacket and all the rest of it.
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But no, not today. I'm in that you could see casuals. And I am
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recording this assembly
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in Meltem where I live, which is way, way away,
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far side of Huddersfield.
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But it's a lovely day in Meltem Sunny, Shining And I hope that Sonny shining down
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in leads to look forward to seeing you next week.
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what's been happening this week? Well, as you will be aware,
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this week we had the first round of the year 12
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mixed football competition.
- 00:56 - 01:00
Fantastic competition. Fantastic atmosphere.
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Absolutely brilliant
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Day lunch time out. We
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drew 11
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with Howson, which was an excellent result. We played from great football,
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we had a referee with impaired sight.
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I'm afraid Mr Hunter missed a clear goal that we scored. But hey,
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referees, like the rest of us, are humans. So we've got to roll with the punches
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that was 11 against Harrison.
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And thanks to all who played
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also that lunchtime, we had the year seven and eight
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chess first round. I'm sorry I couldn't be there. Obviously, I was out on the Astro
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running the football.
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we lost five nil for that,
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which is unfortunate. But hey, the important thing is we were there.
- 01:56 - 02:00
One of the things I'm most proud of about, ERM instead house
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is that we always turn up. We always have a team,
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I'm glad to hear that we had a full team.
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I'm sure those who played
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did their very, very best. But not to worry.
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There will be another chance to get some pride back in our next fixture.
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Our next picture for the year said make chest will be next Tuesday.
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Same time, same place
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in the math department
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to what was it, 12 45? I think it big begins
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also that Tuesday is the second round.
- 02:40 - 02:45
Well, actually, the 2nd and 3rd rounds of the year. 12 mixed football.
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We were supposed todo get two rounds in last Tuesday,
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but unfortunately, the year 12 for a little bit slow getting out to the Astro
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s so we didn't have time to play two games back to back.
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Hopefully they will be quicker out today. Sorry on Tuesday on bond,
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they will be.
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Then we will be able to fit in two games. That lunchtime.
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Good luck for that. Guys. I hope you've got a team ready.
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Excuse me.
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Regarding these competitions, there's not much going on for everybody.
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The moment got the year. 12 years have Neitz involved in something.
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But coming up after half term, of course, will be the house music competition.
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Now, to those of you who don't know house music who have never experienced
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the house music competition
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is the highlight of the house year.
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We have a choir competition which will involve as many as
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possible of you which will be taking place sometime in my
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- 03:59 - 04:01
I'm going to say march. Okay, I ought to know it should have
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come to me. But I don't forgive me.
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That would be taking place in February or March of next year,
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January, earthly and next term, I should say.
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But nevertheless,
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we need to start thinking about it now.
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from right across the house from year sevens,
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right up to year 13, all eligible to sing in the house choir
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that is a mass participation event. It's huge funds. Colossal fun
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takes a
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bit of time and commitment to put it together,
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but the actual performance tonight is usually an absolute blast.
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So do
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be prepared to sign up for that.
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It is going to be great.
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Fun would be wonderful to have the old House choir competition back.
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Also coming back next term will be the house on some ball competition.
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for those of you are not sure what an ensemble is
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along some ball is just a group of musicians producing music.
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Now. That group could be
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anything from a string quartet to a barbershop quartet to
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a rock band or a sow. Bangor in indie band What have you
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onder? There will be a House
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Islands competition if you like. As part of the overall music competition,
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s o. Start thinking about that. Be prepared to be involved with that.
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the different thing this year is
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this year we're going to incorporate the Individual House
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music competition with the Robert Temp
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Individual Music competition,
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which is something a competition for musicians across the
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school which is not based upon the house competition.
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However, this year
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those who enter the Robert Temp competition will be
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in a position to gain house points for the
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singing or playing a musical instrument.
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The only provides, Oh, is
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that if you enter the individual singing or music competitions
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the various grades, you do have to have a musical grade
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in order to enter the competition.
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Mrs. Mackenzie for music has already sent out
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some information about that to you. So if you're a musician,
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if you fancy yourself as a singer,
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do be prepared to get stuck in with that. All the dates and times are in there.
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However, if you are no,
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a musician, if you're not a chess player, if you're not a footballer,
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you can still contribute to the house.
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Remember the famous saying from John Milton, one of the nation's greatest poets?
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I'm an English teacher, of course. I refer to a poet. Wouldn't I
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on, he would said memorably. They also serve who only stand and wait.
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Now, the way I translate that into a house context
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even if you are not participating at the chessboard
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on the plate, in the theatre
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in the choir. What have you?
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You can contribute to the atmosphere of the house by going along and supporting
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by paying attention to the news of the various events coming up,
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making a note of the times and turning up on
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the sidelines of the Astro or in the debating chamber,
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or wherever to support to lend your support.
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And your voice for Ernest said House. How does that contribute?
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Well, eh, it keeps you involved.
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You're not peripheral to the house.
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But most importantly, it adds to the family atmosphere of the house.
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Hope One of the things you're beginning to realise
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is one of the great things about the house system
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it provides a family structure for you,
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which is vertical.
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Which means that you get to associate with the
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students from sixth form right down two years,
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Everything else you do in school
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is horizontal. You tend to do it with your own year group, don't you?
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But this
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ERM instead, house family
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incorporates students of all ages, then gives you the opportunity to interact
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on develop your own atmosphere. So please,
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even if you are not
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participating directly, be prepared
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to show up on support. It really, really appreciated on also,
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you'll enjoy it. I promise you.
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- 08:32 - 08:36
This is necessarily a short assembly because obviously you had
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to take time to get to your various sexual venues.
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But that means I'm going to have to wind up now. We've been told to keep
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to 10 minutes. So I'm going to finish as I always do in live assemblies with
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a few facts. First of all,
- 08:59 - 09:02
November the fifth in on this day in history.
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In 2013,
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- 09:07 - 09:09
launched its first
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into Stella
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- 09:13 - 09:15
It was the
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- 09:16 - 09:21
exploration probe. It was unmanned, of course, on did it set off to Mars.
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And he's currently orbiting Mars.
- 09:24 - 09:26
Second thing in 1940
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Franklin dead. Delano Roosevelt was elected to an unprecedented 4th 3rd term.
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- 09:33 - 09:39
As president of the United States, he actually got 1/4 term
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in a 1944 but died shortly afterwards.
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The Americans were so worried that a person could be so popular to get four
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terms as president that they actually changed
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the rules so that now president can only
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be elected for 24 year terms. After that, he no longer eligible for election.
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They were so afraid
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of somebody becoming
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and elected dictator
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on finally the elephant in the room about did you know is of course,
- 10:11 - 10:13
on this day in history
- 10:13 - 10:16
in 16 oh five. Robert Cates be
- 10:17 - 10:17
on Dhere.
- 10:17 - 10:21
His fellow Roman Catholic conspirators were foiled in
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their attempt to blow up the houses of Parliament
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in what we became known as the gunpowder plot,
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which, of course, today
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is celebrated by Bonfire night.
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I hope you have a great bonfire night.
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I have you hope you have a great weekend
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and I really look forward to seeing you
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either on
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or watching the footy or the chess next week.
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Take care.
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