Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:02 - 00:06
So we, um, had Wexler's intelligence scale for Children.
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The w i sc.
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Um, this is a performance assessment.
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Um, and you'll learn we're gonna talk a little bit
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about what it measures.
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So what is the w i S e.
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It is the obviously intelligence scale for Children.
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We're gonna be talking about what it is, um, who
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is given to the parts and the reliability and validity.
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It is actually an assessment of academic achievement typically given
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to Children between the ages of six and 16.
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It's used for an intelligence test.
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Um, and it's in its fifth edition, which is the
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most recent version.
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It typically takes 45 to 65 minutes.
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Um, and it's what we would know as tthe e
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full scale i Q or the intelligence quotient of a
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child's abilities.
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So some of the measures and constructs of this test
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the way it scored is it's made up of 10
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sub tests with five scores to use to calculate the
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full, like you were going to talk about that in
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a second.
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But the full version of this actually has 15 sub
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tests which, um, Onley 10 are considered the core of
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it, so they actually narrow it down to from 10
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to 5.
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But it actually the full version of this has 15.
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So, um, this actually it was constructed to look at
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reading, X reading, written expression, math, listening comprehension and Orel
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expression. Um, as well.
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So, like, this is kind of like the broken down
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terms from what you'll see in just a second eso
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It measures the intellectual functioning of verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning,
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working memory, processing speed.
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And then it goes in those categories, actually, go ahead
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and provide the scores for the Verbal Comprehension Index, the
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Perceptual Reasoning Index and the working memory indexed and PS
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I. So those obviously are taken, and then they're broken
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down further to give you those scores for the reliability
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for this test.
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It actually was quite good.
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Um, the scale reliability was examined.
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I'm using test retest and split half methods.
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Um, the reliability coefficients were really good.
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Adequate to very good, as we can see.
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And the test retest coefficients showed that they, um, that
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they were all like sub skills.
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Um, except picture concepts were adequate to very good, too.
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So all in all, it was quite reliable.
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It was determined that it was quite reliable by this
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particular journal in several journals.
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Actually, that we saw, um, after researching this, but this
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isn't was determined AIG AA an adequate to very good
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reliability method in regarding the validity.
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Um, in order to examine that they took the Ravens
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standard progress maitresse ease in the Wechsler The W S
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I s C in 1974.
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Um, and they kind of compared them.
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And they they had the results indicate that there were
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significant correlations.
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So the validity was determined by those two methods.
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Eso That's how we kind of came up with the
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most recent W I s C test.
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Um so in these are some of our sources.
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Oh, I guess one of those didn't say, But we
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will add that, um, it was actually a textbook, as
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we saw in the beginning of the slide.
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So that is our that's actually our classroom textbook and
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paid to 1 67 So that is our test.
- 04:51 - 04:58
Our assessment by Brittney Rough and Ashley the Cardi