Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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This is my audience analysis for my communications class.
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The problem that I will be focusing on my proposal
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is sexual assault.
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It's a conversation that not many are willing tohave or
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toe address.
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It's an issue that's been going on for years.
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Yet no one can seem to reduce the number of
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victims that this problem has affected.
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According to the Association of American Universities, the overall rate
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of non consensual sexual contact by physical force or inability
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to consent since a respondent enrolled as a student at
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their school was 13%.
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Sexual assault and harassment have been a significant problem on
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college campuses worldwide.
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It's a problem that if America doesn't find a solution
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to, could become detrimental to young men and women who
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attend college campuses every day.
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Now that we know what the problem is, we will
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look at the causes and effects of the problem.
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Some of the clauses include alcohol and drugs, peer pressure
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and lack of reporting with alcohol and drugs.
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College students often feel as though they've reached a new
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level of freedom when they get to campus, and though
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many are off legal age to drink, some are not
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and by consuming things such as alcohol and drugs.
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Um, it puts students in a mindset where they commit
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crimes such as sexual assault.
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Another cause of sexual assault is peer pressure, whether it's
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being pressured to go to a certain party or to
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be in a certain friend group.
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Peer pressure is one reason why sexual assault on college
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campuses has not been decreasing.
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One of the biggest issues, however, is the lack of
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reporting. Oftentimes the guilt and shame that a victim feels
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causes them not to speak out about the problem.
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Um, and in doing so, the prepper tater is given
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the opportunity to hurt another person or individual because the
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proper law enforcement or anyone, for that matter has not
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been notified of the crime.
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Some effects of this issue include mental health issues such
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as anxiety, depression and eating autumns, eating disorders and postpartum
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depression. Um, it can often lead to a heavy level
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of shame and guilt upon the victim who is my
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audience. My audience will include, but not won't be limited
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to parents, College administration potential college students and those who
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may feel is if sexual assault on college campuses is
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not a problem at all.
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The attitudes of my audience members will vary depending on
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who they are.
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Parents and college administrators will have the attitude of protection
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because their mindset will be What is it about this
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topic that I can learn to better protect my students
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and my child?
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Um, potential college students will want to know how big
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of an issue this may be.
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And if it's something they should look at before considering
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a certain college, those who do not have believed that
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the topic is an issue will have a attitude of
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disregard. Um, if they made up their mind that sexual
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assault on college campuses is not an issue, then they
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will look at this proposal as an exaggeration.
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But I think all of my readers will have a
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concerned and appreciative attitude, um, towards the topic and bringing
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awareness to the topic.
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The cultural and ethnic ethical beliefs in my audience should
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be shared in similar, but, um, they might vary culturally
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in America.
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Sexual assault is seen as a big crime on dhe.
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It's something that we don't wish upon other individuals.
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They many believe that it is something that should be
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punished on dhe.
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It shouldn't happen at all.
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However, there are some people in society who place the
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blame upon the victim.
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Um and do believe that the victim is to blame.
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The ethical beliefs of my audience, I think really depend
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on their political beliefs.
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Politics has become a major deciding factor for some people
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when, uh, in what they stand on for things like
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abortion, the death penalty and even sexual assault.
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Um, some people have even taken off their ethical lenses
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and are looking at these issues through a political lens.
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Um, in my opinion, ethically, it's wrong, because in America
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we are promised life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and
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being sexually assaulted takes away those things.
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It also takes away our human rights to be protected
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and safe again.
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Once someone has been sexually assaulted, they feel as though
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they've been stripped of that safety.
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And I think most of my audience members will have
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the same belief.
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Um, potential reactions that I might receive from my audience
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members is a positive reaction because my proposal is bringing
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about awareness and concern.
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Um, and I also think for those who don't believe
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no, this is an issue they will walk away from
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my proposal with the change, mindset and perspective.
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I also think many will be appreciative of the proposal,
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especially with the recent social awareness and conversations about sexual
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assault. Um, many people will be proud to see that
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someone is offering solutions to this ongoing problem.
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How will I get my readers?
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Attention, Um, I will grab my readers attention by using
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mostly statistics and antidotes.
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I think that with a topic such a sexual assault,
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one of the biggest things that can truly speak for
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itself is numbers.
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Um, statistics will be able to drive my point home
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with the audience, and I'm trying to get my audience
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understand the severity of the topic, and by using statistics,
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it will show them a quantitative manner just how big
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the problem is.
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Also, I believe antidotes are also going to help my
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audience be motivated and grabbing their attention with stories and
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just things that I've learned and heard as a college
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student on campus and also what researchers have seen on
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college campuses, it may grab their attention period.
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Like I said, many of my readers might be administrators
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and parents who don't spend their daily lives on campus.
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So seeing things through the eyes of a student may
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also change their perspective and grab their attention.
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Grabbing my readers.
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Attention may be easy, but they will need something to
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motivate them.
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Thio accept my proposal, and my proposal will offer solutions
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and give knowledge about the topic to anyone who reads
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it. Which is why I think, um, simply the way
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I'm going about writing my proposal is what will motivate
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my audience and to seeing that this is an issue.
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But it's not an issue that it's unsolvable.
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Um, this topic has been talked about multiple times, and
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my readers will want they'll be questioning.
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What makes this this proposal of mine so different from
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the other essays or books that are written about this
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topic? And there will be It will be different because
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my proposal offers actual solutions that everyone involved teachers, students,
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um, fraternities, sororities can use to help make college campuses
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a safer place for everyone and to lessen the number
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of sexual assault cases.
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My proposal isn't one that's going to be arguing whether
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or not sexual assault is an issue or pointing the
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blame at anyone But it's gonna offer solutions and knowledge
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so that everyone involved in this issue can come out
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better, stronger people, and we can hopefully get rid of
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this issue.
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And it will no longer have to be an issue
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that parents, college administrations or students face on college campuses.