Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:04 - 00:07
Okay, This is cow evolution by Britney and medals.
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The scientific name for cows is the boss Tourists.
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Now these animals have common ancestors that they descended from
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including Rx which were wild ox, that wrong in Europe.
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In Asia they're the most recent ancestor of cows.
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They were the first recorded animal to have gone extinct
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in 16 27 and they're larger than modern cattle.
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Next we have boss, which had hopes with an even
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number of toes.
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They were grazers, they had large teeth and they had
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a life span of about 18 to 25 years.
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Next we had the Unga Lotte, which were a transitional
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species. They had moved the large horns and they were
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grazers as well.
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Next we have the Miocene antelopes which led to the
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boat today.
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Species? They were Martin.
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They marked the appearance of over day and they may
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be a sister ancestor.
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Next are the boat today, which I found in all
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parts of the globe.
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Except for South America and Australia, they had cloven, they
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were cloven hooved and they were ruminant mammals.
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Finally, we have the serve a day which are part
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of the dear family.
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Their sister ancestor.
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They're related by the Rto deck, Tila and they have
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even tow hooks.
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Next, we have our fossil evidence.
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Uh, this picture shows a transitional fossil in the cow
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species. The 1st 1 was probably in for rock, and
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then the next one was an angle.
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Lotte on the final one was the transition to the
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modern cow.
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Um, this timeline shows when our cows first became domesticated,
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which was about 10,000 years ago, they were first domesticated
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in India in the Middle East.
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And this is when modern cows began to show their
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changes. Adaptations of these animals where their primary food were,
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Hey, silage and grass.
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The species lived in grasslands.
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Their predators were coyotes, Cougars, bobcats, lynx, dogs, wolves, vultures
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and bears.
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Usually they interact with the same species and grazing herds
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to protect from or avoid predation.
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Our file Odin a tree shows the transition in the
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modern cows.
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Um, and it also shows buffalo and Zebo being the
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most related species to cows.
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Our evidence of natural selection is in the angle of
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the cows.
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Horns being shifted upwards.
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The smell of the cow became shorter.
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Cows became much smaller compared to or ox, and longhorn
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cattle underwent natural selection when becoming domesticated.
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They became wild, the semi wild, and that's our presentation.