Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Welcome back to another episode of NFT 365
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and today we're going to talk about really,
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hopefully filtering some of the noise and
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I like to say, you know, translating the geek speak,
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but also really kind of breaking down and understanding some of the things that
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we kind of mentioned on the podcast and we talk a lot about,
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but really,
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what do they mean and kind of taking a deep
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diver because we're in a great area and like,
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this is something for me that has always worried me.
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It's, you know, one that I've said for a while that I was always bothered when
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people do something or say something as if it is all encompassing. Right?
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I think it's important for us
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to be very careful with the words we use and
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and especially those that are influential in this space,
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how we talk about certain things that are happening both
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inside of the N F T community and then also outside
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of the N F T community as far as education and,
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and kind of mass adoption.
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with that being said, we're gonna talk about, you know, rug pools
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versus fud
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versus well, really just projects that,
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that suck that aren't very good
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and it's very easy for us to kind of loop all of these things into one, but that it's,
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it's an important thing to kind of separate the two and kind of understand
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where they're all going
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with that being said,
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a project that is definitely not a rug pool or fund
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or a project I've been waiting for to come out.
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and we actually minted it today for mint 3 65.
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And I have no affiliation with this project.
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No project has ever given me the project for free
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or giving me money to talk about a project.
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I just talked about
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the great people that are doing great things and
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that the one that I wanted to mention today
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is women tribe and so women tribes doing a pre sale I believe for almost four days.
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And then they're gonna open it up for their public sale.
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And so we minted three of them today for the our our collection one for min 3 65.
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And then to that I minted personally. And so if you,
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I think a great resource for those that are
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new, but also those that want to see a variety of projects.
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Make sure you check out n f T 3 65 podcast dot com
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slash mint 3 65. You can actually
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look at all of the projects that we've bought every day of the year.
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We updated every single day as soon as we we we buy into a project for that day,
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it's updated on the website.
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So you can kind of take a sneak peek of everything that is going on in that project.
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Now with that being said,
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when I'm doing research and we're doing research, you know,
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with those that are in our discord those that
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are in our community on these different projects.
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We have like a massive list,
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I mean a massive list of the things that we are looking at everything
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from how much can we learn about the founders is the team doctor,
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you know, who are the advisors and partners with the project?
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What is the type of project that it's actually deploying? Right?
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Like what is the actual use case? What is what I like to say?
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The projected utility and real utility and road map and the
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energy and the hype and the vibes and all those things.
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But here's the thing,
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even after doing all of this research,
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we could still fall for a rug pool
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or we could still allow fud
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to influence our decision on a project,
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yep, that's right.
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No matter how much research you're doing and how much data you're doing,
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we are all human
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and we all
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react or interact or are influenced based on a series of different, you know,
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emotional things that can be be triggered um time of day understanding, you know,
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some of the nuances in this space and so
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this is really where I want to take this episode and most of you know,
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my mantra of we are greater than me and I'm a big believer that together
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we can really make an impact and take, you know, this N. F. T.
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Community the next level.
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It's also a place for us to really, you know,
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you know extend what is possible in technology and innovation
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but not everybody believes in we is greater than me.
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And I say this all the time. It's actually a sign that is right over my my my shoulder.
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Uh, you can't fix stupid,
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you can't stop bad people from doing bad things and no technology has ever
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prevented either one of them stupid or bad people from doing bad things.
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And so there are people
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that will, that will kind of set up these rug pools. And so I'm gonna, I'm gonna
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I'm gonna define the rug pull the fud and then there's just a crappy projects.
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And then I'm gonna give you kind of a little acronym that I like
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to play into that goes deeper inside of do your own damn research.
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But from the standpoint of a rug pool, right?
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A rug pull it all comes down to the a tent,
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a rug pool means that it is a money grab that these are scam artists
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that their entire mission from the start of the project.
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The whole reason that they're creating it
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is not to deliver on anything that they're promising,
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but it's really just to get your money.
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and sometimes that happens
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during the mints phrase,
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Sometimes that happens pre art reveal something happens even after the art reveal,
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because they want to, you know,
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can they get greedy and they really want to kind of like maximize
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what they can possibly get from us. Now.
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With that being said, a rug pool doesn't have to actually not all rug pulls,
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look the same, right?
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Some of them are very elaborate, right? I I I will say this like
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The road pool that happened this week, you know, we've been through some research,
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you know, they've spent over $2 million Dutch oxen.
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Which if they, if it's sold out on the docks to auction side,
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it would net them $32 million.
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So for them putting up $2 million $32 million.
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And so that of course is going to bring, you know, a lot of attention. Now,
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the opposite is also the case where some projects
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simply go on to Fiverr, they pay someone to do a piece of art,
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they put up a really crappy landing page, they put out some twitter followers,
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they buy some twitter followers,
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they hopefully kind of joined the conversation
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and then they dropped their mints because
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Even for them, if they steal $50,000,
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for them, it's worth it, right?
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And so like rug pools can kind of come in all shapes or sizes
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and what's important for us to realize is that
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it's about that intent, right? And it's a difference between
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a project that like loses its
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it's a moral compass or loses its its momentum and kind of gives up.
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That's not really the same rug pool conversation
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that we're having when it's a money grab.
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And and I'm not saying that one is better than the other. Now,
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the term fud
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F U D, which stands for fear uncertainty and doubt.
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So fudd can be delivered in many different forms and fashion
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it often can be delivered by simply sharing data about a
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project or about a creator or about a platform that is
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skewed in breaking them down of making them sound of,
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you know, of hopefully invoking the fear
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in the community. So they don't buy them. Now,
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the intent behind fud
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comes in a bunch of different formats, right?
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Because someone might be funding something because they want to misinform people,
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Because their goal is that they, the more confusion,
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maybe the less people to buy the project and then it gives
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them more opportunity to buy more of them at the lower price,
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Some people are spreading fud
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fear uncertainty and doubt because they they're actually
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miss maliciously trying to stop a project or,
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you know, they don't want this project to succeed.
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So they're gonna, you know, you know,
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share misinformation or manipulate what's out there.
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The other part of this, which is I think
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one of those areas we have to be very careful on
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is that there's also people that are spreading fud
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because they're like on a personal ego trip
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and in some cases there are people that are haters of web three haters of N. F. T. S.
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Haters of crypto
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and their goal admission for sharing
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misinformation or only a snapshot of information
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is to cause this you know disruption and dismay to make themselves look smarter.
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And I and we have to be very very careful with these
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different types of fun and like the way that they're spread.
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Now I will say
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one of the accounts that has got a lot of love recently is the N. F. T. Ethics account.
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Right? So N. F. T.
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Ethics account has been exposing some of the the
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rug pools and and they're doing a lot of
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research and they you know they for the squiggles
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one they provided like a 12 page research document.
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Now here's the beauty of that is I love
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that there are people looking out for others.
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I have a little bit of a problem with the fact that the N. F. T. Ethics account
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is not undocks themselves. So we don't even know who are the people behind
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that account like what is their intention for them You know on
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mint day for some of these projects putting out this information now me
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I would love to believe that their intention is to protect the community.
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I am one that like always defaults to
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believing in the good in humanity and the good in people.
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But I'm also one that would not be surprised that there are
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people that are doing research and exposing a lot of these other projects
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to make their projects higher or so that they can release the project, you know,
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very soon after to capitalize on that, like, you know,
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social credibility that they just kind of gained or manage.
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And then, of course,
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the third one that I said, I wanted to break down, we're just bad projects.
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And really, if you'll notice I'm talking about the intent
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of these three different elements, right?
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The intent of a rug pool, the intent of of fud and then the intent of bad N. F.
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T projects, Right? And so a lot of these N. F. T projects, let's just face it,
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they're outside of their depth, they're they're not startup founders,
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they've never run a team before, they've never been in this this type of arena
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and yet they're making claims,
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you know, that they're, you know, they're they're asked can't cash, right?
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They are, they're they're ultimately setting themselves up for failure,
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but they're getting the money up front.
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And then in many cases, they kind of just don't deliver,
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don't deliver and they try to, you know, disappear into, you know, whatever,
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they change their names, you know, undocks.
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And so
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this also comes in to account when there's a crisis or a problem, right? A lot of the N.
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F. T. Projects, in my opinion, they do, they forget the importance of education
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and they don't have any crisis management um you know, set up anything,
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how do we handle if our discord gets hacked?
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How do we handle if people um exposed the vulnerability in our contract,
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how do we handle if that we have to change something in our roadmap?
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And it really upsets our user base, and what happens is
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a lot of people feel that pressure
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and they're like, well I already got their money and they can't trace it down to me,
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I'm just gonna I'm gonna step away with that money, right?
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And so I look at all three of these as things that we have to be very aware of,
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and we have to kind of take into account when it comes to
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you know, understanding this arena,
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but this is also where it comes into
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understanding like white hats versus black hats,
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which is kind of a hacker term of like of those
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that are hacking and exposing vulnerabilities for the greater good,
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- 11:35 - 11:40
So that they can, you know expose them so people can can um patch that hole right?
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Versus those that are exposing it for their own agenda, right?
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It's it's the idea that like, you know, someone could be, you know,
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someone breaks into your house,
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they break into your house and then call you and say hey
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you should have security cameras because your back door is vulnerable.
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And I was able to break in versus someone that
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breaks into your house and steals all your crap,
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- 11:59 - 12:00
And so
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one of those things that we have to just recognizes that
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even in people, even me write like I would challenge everyone,
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do your research on me, on understanding what, you know,
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if I'm talking about something or I'm exposing something, What is my intent?
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What is the reason I'm sharing this? And I will tell you
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every single time I read a tweet or II a blog or even
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like a Tiktok video where someone is giving information or giving advice.
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The first thing that goes into my head is what is their intent for sharing this?
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If people are telling you, I'm gonna teach you how to take $300 into
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$100,000 and they're doing it in their spare bedroom of their parents house,
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more than likely they're full of crap,
- 12:46 - 12:46
- 12:46 - 12:48
Because they can, if they actually did that,
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they probably wouldn't be living in their parents basement.
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Right? And so we have to kind of like identify that.
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We also have to recognize that if it sounds too good, right?
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If people are giving you the magic recipe for all of these things,
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why aren't they doing it themselves?
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And if they have already done it themselves,
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shouldn't they be able to have the receipts to prove that right.
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- 13:06 - 13:08
and the beauty of the Blockchain. The beauty of
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of transparency in this entire arena
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is the idea that those receipts should be very easy for us to garner.
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I will tell everyone here, I I actually share my wallet directly into our discord.
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You can see everything we meant, everything we sell in our, you know,
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fully transparent.
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I want you to see every interaction in every interaction out. I want
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I want you to be able to do your own damn research Now
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with that in mind, doing your own damn research,
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which is our play on just do your own research
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because I'm press the damn button and I'm a big believer
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in those that are taking action,
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funny enough doing your own research
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and doing it in a way
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that is either
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not beneficial for you
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or in a way that is influenced by the fud or the haters or the media
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can actually be one of the biggest problems.
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And I know this sounds kind of
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funny, but here's here's something that I'm realizing right now
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with a lot of people that are reaching out to me,
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they're doing research,
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but the researching things
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not in the wrong way because it's not right or wrong,
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but they're not researching things
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to give them enough of an understanding of what's going on
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to actually make the right decision right.
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Doing research for research sake is ridiculous.
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Doing research without understanding your own definition of success
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or having your goals
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is also something that's not really beneficial.
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And the last thing is
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getting access to data
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without context
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can be very
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detrimental in this space. What I mean by that is I can
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anybody's wallet, anybody that buys an N. F. T.
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I can take their wallet,
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I can put it into a tool that I have and then I can see
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everything they buy from then on it'll pop up and say such and such.
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You know bought this N. F. T.
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If I'm gonna make my if I'm gonna make decisions based on
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this data point how do I know why they're buying that N.
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F. T. Right?
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Like maybe little do I know it could be their best friend um you know is launching
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this project that they plan on making no money on but they just want to support it.
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So someone bought that N. F. T.
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So if you're using that data
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to to actually make your decisions to to act on
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then you're going to make bad decisions because like bad input
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will equal bad output
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and input that has no real like direction equals you
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know the shotgun approach on the output as well.
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And so
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I'm gonna kind of walk down this like do your own
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damn research real quick to kind of give you like some of these things to think about.
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The one of the things that I always like to say is like I'm trying to
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determine like the number one thing I'm trying
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to determine when I'm researching an N.
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F. T. Project
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is how much do I trust
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the founders
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and the team and the community
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that they're going to deliver on what they're
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delivering and what they say is actually true.
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And so one of the questions I often ask myself is do they care?
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Do the founders truly care about all of the things that they
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have going on or are they checking a bunch of check boxes?
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- 16:14 - 16:18
And so it's a question you have to ask yourself even with the people
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that you're following on on twitter or the discords that you're jumping into.
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Do they care about me
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or do they only care about themselves?
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Do they care about the greater we or they care about only the we.
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Alright so we're gonna work our way down there.
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So from do they care to why do they care or why do you care about a project?
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What I mean by that is there are certain things we have to identify about N. F. T.
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Project that will determine
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the things that we should research right? Like if you love the art
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then you have to you have to to weigh the fact
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that you love the art over some of the other things.
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But you also have to recognize no matter how much I love the art.
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If these three things that I research are not up to my standard
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no matter how much I love the art, it's not worth me jumping in. Right?
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And so I like to ask myself even like, why do I care about this project?
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We, we minted two of steve Aoki's
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N F T S today.
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And for me, I did a little bit less research on that project,
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which is a little scary because a lot of these celebrity driven, um, you know,
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famous projects haven't been very successful,
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but I will tell you part of the reason I care is because Mac, who is a friend,
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is one of the advisors and one of the people supporting, um,
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that project and I know how much she values and,
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and does the due diligence on a project.
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So that for me it was like, hey, I care about the project because
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hey, I think steve Aoki has an amazing brand and he cares about his community
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and I care about it because
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the people that he has advising him are people that I trust.
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Therefore I don't have to really factor in some of the other research that I,
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I might normally have to factor in there.
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The third one.
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So we are,
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we went from the D to the Y to the O and
- 18:03 - 18:07
do your own damn research the O is own your actions.
- 18:08 - 18:11
I think in this space, it's very easy for us to blame
- 18:11 - 18:13
the fud and blame
- 18:13 - 18:14
the rug pools and yes,
- 18:15 - 18:15
it is,
- 18:15 - 18:18
it is very frustrating and very you feel
- 18:18 - 18:20
as though you're violated when you are scammed
- 18:20 - 18:24
out of something or someone steals your money and I'm not making an excuse for that.
- 18:24 - 18:26
But we also have to recognize
- 18:26 - 18:28
that if we didn't do the right research, if we didn't
- 18:29 - 18:31
check all the right boxes and we are looking for
- 18:31 - 18:34
a shortcut or we were looking for a quick win
- 18:34 - 18:38
and we were we were scammed. It's not the N. F. T. S fault.
- 18:38 - 18:41
It's not the block chains fault. It's your own fault.
- 18:41 - 18:43
And I think with owning your actions,
- 18:43 - 18:47
it also means owning the amount of time you're gonna commit to projects,
- 18:47 - 18:51
owning the amount of value that you're going to manufacture from the projects
- 18:51 - 18:52
that you are involved in.
- 18:53 - 18:55
All right. And then the last two here we have
- 18:55 - 18:57
defined success
- 18:57 - 18:59
and then remember we're all human
- 19:00 - 19:02
defining success to me is still
- 19:02 - 19:05
one of the things I think almost everyone probably listening to this podcast
- 19:06 - 19:07
still overlooks
- 19:08 - 19:11
what I mean by that is before you buy your next N. F. T.
- 19:11 - 19:13
I want you to write down
- 19:13 - 19:17
success for me with buying this N. F. T. Is
- 19:17 - 19:18
and then fill that out. Now.
- 19:18 - 19:23
It can be monetary, it could be um you know, the community,
- 19:23 - 19:24
it could be what you're going to learn.
- 19:24 - 19:26
It could be the network that you're going to get out of it.
- 19:26 - 19:30
But I want you to write down what success of each N. F. T.
- 19:30 - 19:34
Project is prior to you actually actually purchasing it.
- 19:34 - 19:37
And the reason that's important is that when we
- 19:37 - 19:40
have these like dips where the floor prices dip
- 19:40 - 19:46
or a project takes a long while for it to to deploy its utility or its roadmap.
- 19:46 - 19:49
It can be very frustrating. It can be very upsetting.
- 19:49 - 19:53
But if you look back at your success and if your success metric is I want to hold this
- 19:53 - 19:55
project for 12 months because I believe in the
- 19:55 - 19:58
founders and I believe they're going to create something amazing
- 19:59 - 20:02
when you get frustrated six months in that some things aren't happening.
- 20:02 - 20:04
It allows you to re center yourself and be like hey
- 20:05 - 20:07
I wasn't looking for six months,
- 20:07 - 20:10
six months into double triple my money.
- 20:10 - 20:12
I'm looking at this from a longer picture and so that's a big one
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and the last one here is remember that we're all human.
- 20:15 - 20:16
We have to give each other grace.
- 20:17 - 20:18
There are people that have,
- 20:19 - 20:22
there are influencers that have been manipulated
- 20:22 - 20:25
into supporting a project that ended up being a rug pool
- 20:26 - 20:27
and if they do that once
- 20:28 - 20:31
And they're transparent and they own it. I am 100% for giving them forgiveness
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if they do it twice.
- 20:33 - 20:37
Now I'm gonna question and have my guard up, they do it a third time.
- 20:37 - 20:40
You know, hey that's on them and I'm gonna mute unfollowed block
- 20:41 - 20:42
but we have to remember, I mean
- 20:42 - 20:45
no matter how much research you do, no matter
- 20:45 - 20:47
all the due diligence that is possible.
- 20:47 - 20:50
No matter all of the people that you surround yourself,
- 20:50 - 20:53
we still have the opportunity as humans to make mistakes to,
- 20:53 - 20:59
to maybe overlook a couple of things or let's face it, some of these rug pulls,
- 20:59 - 21:02
some of these people spreading fud are really,
- 21:02 - 21:05
really smart and really good at what they do.
- 21:05 - 21:08
And so what I want you to remember for everyone that's watching and listening to this
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is remember that
- 21:10 - 21:14
if you do fall for these or these things happen to you or you walk into these
- 21:14 - 21:16
scenarios just know
- 21:16 - 21:17
that you aren't alone
- 21:18 - 21:20
that it happens to almost all of us which I hope
- 21:20 - 21:23
we can prevent from having to say that in the future.
- 21:23 - 21:27
But also just make sure that you're learning from what you did
- 21:27 - 21:29
and not making that same exact mistake again.
- 21:29 - 21:31
And in some cases we're gonna make the same
- 21:31 - 21:33
mistake more than once I've said this before.
- 21:34 - 21:38
You know I sent uh $12,000 worth of of of a coin
- 21:38 - 21:42
to a wallet that wasn't a wallet that accepted that type of coin
- 21:43 - 21:48
and I lost that currency and I was really frustrated and you know what I did as I said,
- 21:48 - 21:51
you know what before I make any big transaction.
- 21:51 - 21:55
Now I'm gonna send a test amount before I send I send just to
- 21:55 - 21:57
make sure that I have the right wallet and things are sent out.
- 21:58 - 21:59
Well guess what happened this week?
- 21:59 - 22:04
I was in a rush, I was on my phone and I was like I'm not going to send the test amount out,
- 22:05 - 22:05
I'm just going to send,
- 22:06 - 22:09
I'm gonna screw send the test amount. I'm just gonna transfer this money over.
- 22:09 - 22:11
I need to make sure that mine is perfect purchase
- 22:12 - 22:13
what happened
- 22:13 - 22:15
I put in the wrong wallet
- 22:15 - 22:18
and it sent the crypto to the wrong wallet again.
- 22:18 - 22:18
- 22:19 - 22:20
I made the exact same mistake
- 22:21 - 22:22
and who is to blame me
- 22:22 - 22:27
Now the good news on this time was I sent it to another wallet that I currently own
- 22:27 - 22:30
But still it didn't go to the wallet that I needed and
- 22:30 - 22:33
it ended up costing me about $80 us because I had to transfer
- 22:33 - 22:36
it back and then I had to pay another fee to transfer
- 22:36 - 22:38
it into the wallet that um that it was supposed to go.
- 22:38 - 22:40
So we have to remember that we're all human.
- 22:41 - 22:42
and these things kind of happened
- 22:43 - 22:45
lastly, you know, the Blockchain doesn't lie
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and I'm a big believer in
- 22:48 - 22:51
the power here and like what is the research that I'm doing?
- 22:52 - 22:55
My research is to determine how trustworthy a project is.
- 22:56 - 22:58
The beauty of that is that transparency
- 22:59 - 23:02
is not only essential in the Blockchain,
- 23:02 - 23:06
but it is one of the critical value propositions of why the Blockchain is powerful,
- 23:06 - 23:07
- 23:08 - 23:09
as the great Dalai lama says,
- 23:10 - 23:11
a lack of transparency
- 23:12 - 23:13
results in distrust
- 23:14 - 23:16
and a deep sense of insecurity.
- 23:17 - 23:21
So what I mean by that is if you are not docks, if you are using an alias,
- 23:21 - 23:25
if you are not letting people know what your linkedin profile is or letting them
- 23:25 - 23:29
know what your real name is or using your real voice on twitter spaces,
- 23:30 - 23:33
that lack of transparency is going to result in
- 23:33 - 23:37
a distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.
- 23:37 - 23:41
Now you can overcome that in some cases but in other cases
- 23:41 - 23:44
it's gonna be something that is no longer accepted in this space.
- 23:44 - 23:48
Now lastly, I will say this is something that I've said for a long while,
- 23:48 - 23:50
it's like a soap box of mine
- 23:50 - 23:53
that when we think about transparency, people like O'brien,
- 23:54 - 23:57
you know what everyone should just be transparent. Here's the thing
- 23:58 - 24:00
I always say if you suck offline,
- 24:02 - 24:05
you're going to suck off online, I don't care how transparent you are,
- 24:05 - 24:08
if you're transparently exposing that you are a horrible human.
- 24:08 - 24:12
All that it does is it allows us to determine that you're a horrible human
- 24:12 - 24:13
- 24:13 - 24:16
So the question we have to ask is like what is the role of transparency?
- 24:16 - 24:21
And here's my definition of it is that transparency does not guarantee trust,
- 24:22 - 24:25
what it does is it simply gives others a window
- 24:26 - 24:29
into deciding if you are trustworthy.
- 24:29 - 24:31
So the more transparent you can be,
- 24:32 - 24:35
the greater that window is for some of them to determine
- 24:35 - 24:36
your trustworthiness
- 24:37 - 24:39
but just because you are transparent
- 24:39 - 24:40
does not mean people are going to trust you
- 24:41 - 24:45
and there is a massive difference between transparency
- 24:45 - 24:46
and over sharing
- 24:47 - 24:49
and one of the things that I like to say which kind of connects to this
- 24:49 - 24:53
quote is transparency is giving people a window
- 24:53 - 24:55
into seeing who you are and what you're about
- 24:56 - 25:00
over sharing is throwing in people's faces, what you ate for lunch.
- 25:00 - 25:03
You know the fact that you have to go to the bathroom, whatever that may be.
- 25:03 - 25:05
The fact you're you're tweeting from the toilet
- 25:05 - 25:07
that is over sharing and those two things,
- 25:07 - 25:10
there's sometimes a great line there but it's important for us to
- 25:10 - 25:13
kind of recognize that and own that in the greater good.
- 25:14 - 25:16
So with all that being said, you know,
- 25:16 - 25:18
I do believe it's important for us to recognize the
- 25:18 - 25:21
difference between a rug pool and a crappy project.
- 25:22 - 25:23
We also have to recognize that
- 25:24 - 25:26
that people could be spreading fud
- 25:26 - 25:29
by by exposing other projects
- 25:29 - 25:30
and then people could also be spreading
- 25:30 - 25:33
fud without even realizing what they're doing.
- 25:34 - 25:36
And I think more so than anything else,
- 25:36 - 25:40
I'm just such a bullish believer in transparency
- 25:41 - 25:42
and owning
- 25:42 - 25:44
the things that we're doing and owning the
- 25:44 - 25:46
environment that we're creating and so you know,
- 25:46 - 25:49
I just want to say thank everybody that supports the podcast, those that are,
- 25:49 - 25:51
you know, we are super powered by the A.
- 25:51 - 25:54
D. H. D. Coin over on rally. If you just go to A. D. H.
- 25:54 - 25:59
D coin dot com, you can get yourself some coin jump into our discord. You get access to
- 26:00 - 26:01
giveaways, white lists,
- 26:01 - 26:04
air drops, um lots of fun things going there.
- 26:04 - 26:08
Also some really great conversations happening in our community.
- 26:08 - 26:10
I just wanna say thank you for everyone supporting the show.
- 26:10 - 26:12
We have, we have a new sponsor coming on
- 26:13 - 26:15
in the next couple of days, there'll be a sponsor of the podcast.
- 26:15 - 26:17
Super excited for the upcoming
- 26:17 - 26:19
couple of guests episodes that we have.
- 26:19 - 26:22
We have some really cool guests in the work.
- 26:22 - 26:27
Um we have Brooke lacey who will be on tomorrow's episode and then upcoming episode.
- 26:27 - 26:33
We will sit down with Tai Lopez. Tai Lopez will be joining us on the podcast as well.
- 26:33 - 26:37
So some great breasts, some great great projects, some great, you know,
- 26:37 - 26:38
collaborations in the works.
- 26:38 - 26:41
But most of all I want to say all of you for thank you for being great.
- 26:41 - 26:43
Thank you for listening to the podcast.
- 26:43 - 26:47
Thank you for sharing it in your discord for amplifying it.
- 26:47 - 26:49
And if you have the opportunity and you're getting value from this,
- 26:49 - 26:54
please leave us a review over there on apple or five stars on Spotify.
- 26:54 - 26:56
We would greatly appreciate it
- 26:56 - 26:59
Until tomorrow. My friends. Make it a good one, cheers.
- 27:02 - 27:04
All right, so for those who are watching on video.
- 27:04 - 27:06
Thanks so much for tuning in.
- 27:07 - 27:11
Yeah, try to really break down rug pools versus fud versus you know, bad N. F. T.
- 27:11 - 27:12
- 27:13 - 27:14
and I will say
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it gets a little bit
- 27:16 - 27:18
sticky because there are some projects
- 27:19 - 27:21
that I don't believe we're rug pulls that launched
- 27:22 - 27:23
in the summer of last year
- 27:24 - 27:26
that have really just given up on their community on their roadmap
- 27:27 - 27:30
and I think that people are just hoping that they can disappear
- 27:30 - 27:33
and get away with it. And what I'm finding is
- 27:33 - 27:36
some of them are launching a second project or a third project
- 27:37 - 27:40
or being brought on as advisors and making additional money,
- 27:41 - 27:44
but yet they didn't deliver on what they first did in this space.
- 27:45 - 27:49
That's another thing that, you know, that keeps me up at night is um
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not only do I want to help educate and amplify the good people doing good things,
- 27:53 - 27:55
but we also have to hold people accountable,
- 27:55 - 27:59
hold people accountable not only for their actions, but they're in actions and
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you know,
- 27:59 - 28:01
that kind of goes into the idea that sometimes we
- 28:01 - 28:05
have to pay attention just as much to what isn't said
- 28:05 - 28:09
as to what is said. So I hope you guys enjoyed this episode,
- 28:09 - 28:13
Hit that subscribe button, Let me know what you thought of this in the comments,
- 28:13 - 28:15
what you thought about, you know,
- 28:15 - 28:20
my quote on transparency and giving you a window into
- 28:20 - 28:22
determining if someone is trustworthy
- 28:23 - 28:24
until tomorrow cheers