Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello. My name is Molly Phillips.
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Nickel. I would like to thank you for taking the
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time to meet with me today when they start Simply
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quote by Vincent Bangor Love many things.
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They're nice from strength.
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And who said that loves much for much?
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You can accomplish much, and now, which is done in
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love is done well.
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I've idealized, many Think is lost is an intellectual.
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During my studies, however, I felt this quote revealed the
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motifs of my life in the most precise manner.
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In the simplest of terms, I have not yet been
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able to define myself Black Korea, nor do I intend
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to. I have the expiration identified skills and fields in
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which I wish to engage.
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These exists around film, art, politics, people.
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I have a current objective that it's subject to change
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that is, to move to New York.
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Seeking employment is a gallery associate or what?
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Producing, directing and acting in my own shop.
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My fascination with exploration diversity is directly tied to my
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upbringing, which, as many people's unfortunately are, is defined by
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my parents.
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I was born in London and raised in New York
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in the age of 10 magnitude of the change was
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different, but change itself was no.
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By that point, I had already attended five different schools
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and associated home or with the people around me than
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anyplace. Specifically, each new place presented a new set of
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norms of people to please, and every time I thought
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I had mastered those, I was moved again.
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I was different.
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I was lonely a lot of time on these for
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the beginning, until I could finagle my way into the
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structure that was established and call the placed myself, which
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I did time and again it was.
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These experiences have continuously changing schools, houses and sports teams
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that created the individual that I am today and can
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be revealed in the observation of my university transcripts.
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My last four years at the American University, I have
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said, is my freshman class president, philosophy department representative, football
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captain, student advisor on a teaching system.
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I worked as a waiter in a pair of production
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assistant during Fashion week, a choreographer from photo shoots and
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acted in a French future film.
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I've traveled to Copenhagen for an internship in sustainable development,
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moved to Cape Town, South Africa, study abroad, and traveled
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to Orville India to volunteer, an NGO that fights transgender
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rights and other LGBT rights.
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Now sharing this information I do not intend.
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Isn't we list my accomplishments?
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I'm hoping than sharing this information.
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I can identify patterns for you because at the end
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of the day it is patterns of an individual that
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best illustrate the nature of a character.
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The patterns point towards a character who is ambitious, adventurous,
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assiduous. In a week It is true.
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I am my Penis.
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I let my mind and imagination wonder and dream what
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could be.
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But I'm not just a stargazing is those dreams often
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leave me to my realities.
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This is because I'm demanding, demanding of myself.
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I seek to create an attained that which I want,
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pushing myself further to succeed.
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When I find myself in these new environments, I threw
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myself in.
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I'm elastic.
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I'm all I doubt I learned, but I stayed true
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to myself on my principles.
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Do you want no, categorically that would like to create
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films. Works like out of associate?
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No, but I do know that I have identified film,
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art, politics and people as my passions and interdisciplinary ity
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is fundamental.
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I know that will approach these endeavours with the same
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two Masti and focus that I have with every other
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of my explorations.
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I've already begun cultivating a relationship with Gallery in New
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York for the Journal.
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I've also reached out to multiple acting associates to begin
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work on my project, having had one conference school earlier
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this week.
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Thank you for your time.
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I hope to see you in New York soon.