Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:02
Hello. My name is Mr Sure.
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Ah. Welcome to my classroom.
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Many of you have taught before, albeit in a little
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bit of a different circumstance and setting.
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Um, but let me introduce myself again.
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My name is Mr Sure a little bit about myself.
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I have been here at Lotus.
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This is will be now be my fifth year on
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at Lotus and in Colorado.
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I'm very excited to start this school year, albeit again
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in a different setting and a different circumstance.
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You will either be taking my ninth grade human geography
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class or my 10th grade US history class.
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Um, for the ninth grade class, human geography.
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Um, we think of jargon free.
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We think of maps.
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It's a lot to do with it.
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But this is also kind of studying the cultural geography,
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how humans migrate, how their populations change.
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Influx How, uh, where people live.
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Um, why they live in certain places.
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So we'll definitely be analyzing a lot of those things.
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This will be your first high school social studies class,
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so it's definitely a transition for middle school, but I'm
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confident that we can get into it together.
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I taught it last year um it was a very
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exciting class, and I think, definitely with these circumstances, what's
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going on patients is really important.
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So understanding that, um, we'll be learning a lot of
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different ways will be doing part of the live sessions
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as well as remote.
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I'm just kind of being patient and learning how to
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learn best and how to teach best.
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Um, for 10th grade, you'll be studying US history.
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Ah, a lot of you took the first half of
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us history in eighth grade, um, kind of up to
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the Civil War and this 10th grade classes kind of
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post civil war up to the present day.
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So it would be looking at changes over time how
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these changes maybe have affected the present day, Um, and
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looking a lot more skills like we did in ninth
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grade. So looking at researching skills, interpreting, analyzing secondary and
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primary sources and should be really exciting class also a
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class of top before last year's was previous years.
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And I'm really excited for this, um, over the classes
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in general.
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So, like you maybe know, um, we'll be having both
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live and remote sessions, so you expected to do something
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for my class every single day.
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Whether that's a live session for an hour, that will
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be having on zoom in a classroom setting like this,
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um, and will be participating in Texas a lot of
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the same kind of routines.
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So you might have a warm ups.
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You might have discussions.
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Uh, you might well have other Simon's.
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You'll have notes.
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So things like that will be significantly and primarily done
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in class, whereas the remote sessions every other day.
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Uh, these will be a time when you guys were
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working on something for the class.
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You are expected to also cited for attendants that will
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be explained a little bit further on the first day
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of class.
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But make sure you are checking school Aji.
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The most important thing you can do right now is
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check your class on school aji.
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There should be also a point of contact sheet that
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should have information about myself about my class.
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This will be a good way for you to find
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Zoom link schools.
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You can also do that and then also to find
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how to take attendance.
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Uh, which is gonna be on school edgy on the
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day you don't see me.
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Um, it will be a little bit easier once we're
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in a live session together.
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But I believe my 10th Bears I won't see you
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until Friday.
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So Thursday, make sure you are taking attendance.
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Go to school, Aji, take attendance.
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Make sure you mark yourself is here and you're, uh
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and do whatever is necessary for you to do it
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for that day.
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Um, some basic expectations for the classroom.
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Um, when we're doing these live sessions, I expect you
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to have your video on.
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It is really important for me to deal, to see
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your face, to be able see you interacting with people
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to make sure you are focused and pay attention and
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actually watching the screen and not just do something else.
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Eso definitely is really important that you were doing that.
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I know it is not something everybody's comfortable with.
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A me to to be honest is a whole new
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experience for me.
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So I don't understand the transition there trying to use
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respectful as possible towards it.
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We're gonna talk more about this, but it's really initially
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important to do that.
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Keep that standard also, please log on with your first
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and last name firstly, because I might not know you
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and want to take attendance and get to know you
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a little bit better, but also just because, um yes,
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it's easier calling people with their names there on President
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eso those air some basic expectations.
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We'll talk further in class about how we can operate
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most effectively on the zoom sessions again.
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It's really exciting.
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It's new, so it's kind of intimidating.
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I get that.
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But it's also excited to be able to do this.
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Um, from your home, I know that a lot of
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you it could be difficult to find the space.
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Find quiet areas to do the zoom sessions.
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Try as best as possible to find that area where
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you won't have these distractions.
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Um, I understand that might take a little bit of
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time to find that, and I will be respectful towards
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that. But it's also really important that you are present
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and that you are fully engaged during the times that
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we have in class, not just for my class, but
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for all classes.
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Um, communication wise, if you have questions, please send me
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an email.
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Please do not hesitate to do so.
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um, it's definitely the best way to contact me.
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Parents. Also, the cases Well, communications would be really important.
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A lot of time and class will be used to
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answer your questions and to get, um, more feedback from
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you. But if you have additional questions that can't wait,
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please go ahead, shoot me an email.
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I will try to answer as promptly as possible and
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with the best response it can give.
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I know you probably a lot of questions early on,
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which I'd explain a lot more in the first days
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we're looking at, the syllabus will be looking at, you
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know, the grading system, how classes will work.
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How frequently meaning all the colleges sticks that will make
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this class easier.
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We're using school Gee, for a lot of the class.
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So many of you are familiar with that already, which
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is great and shouldn't be too hard transition into, um
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I'm really excited again to get to see you, to
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get to know you If I have never met you,
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Um and yeah, I hope we have a fantastic year
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together. I look forward to seeing you live by