Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:02
Yeah. Hi my name's Crystal Martin.
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And this is my case study presentation on a patient
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that I saw in women's health mm.
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And this is for nursing 6 45 caring for women.
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And the due date is October 10- 2021.
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So my patient's name was cm.
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And she was an african american female who was 27
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years old.
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And at the time of the visit she weighed 100
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and £25.
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Her allergies included penicillin.
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And when she did take penicillin she developed a rash.
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Um The medications that she were on she was on
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was smarty pants, prenatal gummies, iron supplement 65 mg.
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Maio de charo which is a supplement for women with
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pcos that she found online.
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And then also mono mac 100 mg capsules um That
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she was currently taking prescribed to her by her O.
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B. G.
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Y. N.
- 01:02 - 01:04
So some subjective data about my patient.
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Her chief complaint was she was coming in due to
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dark brown to bright red spotting and bleeding for the
- 01:10 - 01:11
past two days.
- 01:13 - 01:16
History of presenting illness includes see him as a 27
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year old eight week pregnant patient G.
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Two P.
- 01:20 - 01:21
Zero T.
- 01:21 - 01:22
Zero A.
- 01:22 - 01:22
Zero L.
- 01:23 - 01:26
Zero presenting with dark brown to bright red vaginal bleeding
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for the past two days.
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She stated that she went to the er sunday morning
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when she first noticed a dark brown blood percy.
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Um She was told that they could not find the
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source of bleeding.
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Um And she was sent home after an ultrasound showed
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a viable pregnancy.
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She had been experiencing some mild cramping and she associated
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that with the pregnancy.
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And um no fevers, chills or recent trauma.
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She denies any recent sexual activities for the past week.
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Her family history included.
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Her father has a diagnosis of A.
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D. H.
- 01:59 - 02:02
D. Her mother deals with allergies and asthma.
- 02:03 - 02:04
No other family history was reported.
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Her family um unit includes her husband to dogs.
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And during the day she works as a nurse at
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a local pediatric office and there's no smoking in or
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outside of the home.
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Her immunizations were up to date and the rest of
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her medical history was um un remarkable.
- 02:25 - 02:27
And we already went through her current medication and her
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allergies. So some subject of data when it came to
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her review system, she denied feverish chills or anorexia.
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She denied anything with her ears, nose throat um eye
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redness, anything like that.
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She also said she did not have any headaches, dizziness,
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seizures or coordination issues.
- 02:47 - 02:51
Um But for gastro urinary she denied in contents this
- 02:52 - 02:52
area here materia.
- 02:53 - 02:55
But she did say that she's been having some urinary
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frequency. And she's on day seven of antibiotics treatment for
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a U.
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T. I.
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Um G.
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I. Y.
- 03:04 - 03:06
She denied any abdominal pains.
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Besides the cramping that she associated with pregnancy vomiting, diarrhea,
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constipation. Um And everything else.
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Her musculoskeletal dermatology in cardiovascular exam was grossly normal or
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for her review system in the Quran um was also
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normal uh for O.
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B. G.
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Y. N.
- 03:30 - 03:32
She was positive for bleeding and spotting for the past
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two days and she denied any odor or discharge odor
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to her discharge.
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Her vaginal discharge denies any bleeding disorders or lymph nodes
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that were in large.
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Um She was a little bit congested and had mentioned
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that she had a slight cough um and denied any
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wheezing and shortness of breath.
- 03:51 - 03:53
She denied anxiety, insomnia, mood changes.
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But she did say that she had some sleep change
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present that she associated with normal pregnancy.
- 04:01 - 04:05
So her object objective data and her vitals are as
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followed and they were all within normal limits upon physical
- 04:10 - 04:11
examination generally.
- 04:12 - 04:12
She was alert.
- 04:13 - 04:15
She was a little bit slowed, Her skin was dry
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and intact.
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Um There's no evidence of trauma to her head.
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Um And her ears, nose and throat, neck.
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All of that stuff came back within normal limits.
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Her lung exam was normal.
- 04:29 - 04:31
Her heart exam was normal as well as the chest,
- 04:32 - 04:33
her abdominal um exam.
- 04:34 - 04:35
Her abdomen was round and symmetric.
- 04:36 - 04:38
There was no tenderness even with light and hard.
- 04:39 - 04:41
How patient, excuse me.
- 04:42 - 04:44
Um And her bow sounds were within normal limits.
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There's no areas of pulsation or masses noted no swelling.
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She had full range of motion and no tenderness.
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Um And all of her pulses were pal potable and
- 04:56 - 04:59
present during her pelvic examination.
- 05:00 - 05:03
She did have moderate active bleeding um That was no
- 05:03 - 05:05
need from her vagina, but her cervical O.
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S. Was closed.
- 05:07 - 05:11
Um There was no tenderness to the area that was
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observed upon the public examination.
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There was no blood clots or tissues um in her
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perry pad.
- 05:18 - 05:22
Um And her the remainder of her physical exam was
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unremarkable. So we were able to do some labs just
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based off of her presentation.
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A urine test uh was done just to confirm the
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U. T.
- 05:34 - 05:37
I. Um So she was positive for Lucas sites but
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everything else was unremarkable.
- 05:39 - 05:42
Um We did a pregnancy test with urine and that
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came back positive for hcG quant levels were drawn and
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um during the time of the case they were continuing
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to increase when we got the results back.
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Her wet swab was in progress.
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Her blood type was o positive.
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We did blood work.
- 05:58 - 06:01
Um In her cervical gonorrhea and chlamydia culture.
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Once we received the web swab back were negative.
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Um The rest of her labs were pretty normal.
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Um She was negative for group B.
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Herpes hep C.
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Her pop singer was normal.
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Her PPd was not done.
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Um An HIV test was negative.
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The one procedure that we did do on this patient
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at the time um was an ultrasound and this was
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an ultrasound done before 14 weeks of pregnancy.
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So it's a trans vaginal ultrasound and that ultrasound showed
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what appeared to be a normal gestational chat sack within
- 06:37 - 06:38
the Uterus.
- 06:38 - 06:41
With a fetus that had a fetal heart rate of
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156 beats per minute.
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And the crown to rim length was consistent with the
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patient's gestational age.
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The first differential diagnosis was idiopathic bleeding in a viable
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pregnancy. So typically this can produce some cramping and bleeding.
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But how why it's idiopathic is because the cervical OS.
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Is remains closed.
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It's not uncommon for women to have this after sexual
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intercourse after pap exam or public examination if she was
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in the E.
- 07:14 - 07:18
D. On sunday and now is experienced for brown blood
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and now is experiencing the red bright red blood that
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could also be a cause of that.
- 07:23 - 07:26
Um And some woman who experienced this type of bleeding
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go on to deliver healthy babies.
- 07:29 - 07:33
So the speculum examination was performed and there was no
- 07:34 - 07:36
products of conception found in the cervical Os.
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Uh The ultrasound showed a viable uh pregnancy and the
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ultrasound that was done in the emergency room actually showed
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a fetal heart rate on of 1 71 on examination.
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Um And the baby was measuring correctly which is why
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this differential diagnosis is appropriate for this patient.
- 07:59 - 08:01
So the plan based off of this diagnosis is to
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continue to push patient to drink lots of fluids, patient
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was asked to be on pelvic rest for two weeks.
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Um We also looked at putting her on progesterone.
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Suppository um supplement if the bleeding continued at this time
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patient refused to supplement.
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Um But we did talk about the benefits of that.
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Since she did have some idiopathic bleeding.
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Um And she was willing to discuss that if the
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bleeding continued in the pregnancy continued to be viable um
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at the next recheck appointment.
- 08:33 - 08:35
So she we did make a recheck appointment for two
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weeks from now.
- 08:36 - 08:39
And she was instructed to report any heavy bleeding or
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cramping and to continue with her regular prenatal care visits.
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The next diagnosis was threatened miscarriage prior to 20 weeks
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of gestation.
- 08:49 - 08:52
So typically women are at risk of having a miscarriage
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before um are at the highest risk of miscarriage before
- 08:57 - 08:58
the 1st 12 weeks.
- 08:59 - 09:02
So in the first trimester but threatened vaginal bleeding is
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also vaginal bleeding during um pregnancy.
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That does not mean meat diagnosis criteria for spontaneous abortion
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because there was a viable pregnancy found.
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Um So any pregnancy related bloody vaginal discharge or frank
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bleeding during the first half of pregnancy without cervical dilation
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can um meets the criteria for this differential diagnosis and
- 09:29 - 09:33
this can be present in early pregnancy with laura abdominal
- 09:34 - 09:36
pain and vaginal bleeding for this patient.
- 09:37 - 09:41
This was evidenced by the fetal fetal fetal activity.
- 09:41 - 09:42
Excuse me.
- 09:42 - 09:43
Um The O.
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A. O.
- 09:44 - 09:47
S. That was closed and then the normal HCG levels
- 09:47 - 09:50
that were noted not only the 1 71 heart rate
- 09:50 - 09:53
in the emergency room but the fetal heart rate that
- 09:53 - 09:58
was found in the visit um that we did and
- 09:58 - 10:01
that was a little bit lower but still a viable
- 10:01 - 10:04
pregnancy and also the fact that the crown to rim
- 10:04 - 10:07
length was within gestational parameters.
- 10:09 - 10:13
Um So the plan of care for that was no
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different from the plan of care uh For the first
- 10:16 - 10:19
diagnosis which was still pelvic rest, looking into the progestin
- 10:19 - 10:21
and then pushing fluids as well.
- 10:21 - 10:25
Um And we instructed patient to call if the bleeding
- 10:26 - 10:28
became heavier or she started to feel like she was
- 10:28 - 10:29
passing blood clots or tissues.
- 10:31 - 10:33
Um And she was going to be on Um Pelvic
- 10:33 - 10:35
rest for two weeks until we did the recheck appointment
- 10:36 - 10:37
in the office.
- 10:41 - 10:44
So the next diagnosis was uncomplicated UTI.
- 10:44 - 10:47
I. And this is common during pregnancy and the most
- 10:47 - 10:51
common causative agent for this is equally um And pregnancy
- 10:52 - 10:54
increases women at risk for getting a U.
- 10:54 - 10:55
T. I.
- 10:55 - 10:58
And this typically begins around six weeks of gestation And
- 10:58 - 11:01
can peek around week 22- 24 of gestation.
- 11:02 - 11:06
Uh It's due to the increased bladder volume and decrease
- 11:06 - 11:07
bladder tone typically.
- 11:10 - 11:16
So this was evidenced by the positive um house urinary
- 11:16 - 11:20
analysis that had the Lucas sites and um the blood.
- 11:20 - 11:25
But the blood is more associated with the idiopathic bleeding
- 11:25 - 11:26
than it is to use a.
- 11:27 - 11:30
Uh And then the patient has been taking antibiotics and
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she's on day seven currently.
- 11:31 - 11:36
Um But her urinary track anatomy was normal in function
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based off of our assessment.
- 11:39 - 11:42
Um But because the patient appeared to be well during
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the physical examination but the to the um urine tests
- 11:47 - 11:48
showed a trace of illegal sites.
- 11:48 - 11:51
We wanted to go ahead and add this diagnosis in.
- 11:51 - 11:53
Because we're still treating the patient for it and she
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hasn't completely cleared the U.
- 11:57 - 11:57
T. I.
- 11:58 - 12:02
Which is evidenced by her being on day seven of
- 12:02 - 12:02
the antibiotics.
- 12:03 - 12:06
So the planet care for this was to have the
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patient continue to take the prescribed medication to drink lots
- 12:10 - 12:10
of water.
- 12:11 - 12:14
We educated her on how to empty her bladder completely.
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Um Wearing cotton underwear can help decrease the chances of
- 12:19 - 12:20
recurring U.
- 12:20 - 12:20
T. I.
- 12:20 - 12:22
S. Or even prolonging the current U.
- 12:22 - 12:22
T. I.
- 12:23 - 12:26
S. And um just because of pregnancy being a high
- 12:26 - 12:28
her being at higher risk of getting a U.
- 12:29 - 12:29
T. I.
- 12:29 - 12:32
We asked her to avoid wearing underwear at night if
- 12:32 - 12:35
possible and to avoid any harsh shope to the genital
- 12:35 - 12:37
area. She's going to come back in two weeks for
- 12:38 - 12:38
the recheck appointment.
- 12:39 - 12:43
Um And since the antibiotic therapy was not completed we
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are planning to recheck her urine during that uh examination
- 12:48 - 12:50
to assure that the U.
- 12:50 - 12:50
T. I.
- 12:50 - 12:51
Has cleared.
- 12:52 - 12:56
And the last differential diagnosis that I had for this
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patient is a sub chronic hemorrhage which is the most
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common cause of bleeding vaginal bleeding in pregnant patients.
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The bleeding um is typically under the crone membrane and
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which is what the Koran membrane which is what encloses
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the embryo into your uterus.
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And it's caused by a detachment of that membrane from
- 13:19 - 13:20
the uterus wall.
- 13:20 - 13:24
And this is evidenced by the light bleeding and the
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absence of abdominal pain.
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Sharp abdominal pain that would be uh cramp, like if
- 13:31 - 13:31
it was a miscarriage.
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And the ultrasound finding actually showed a crescent shaped area
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behind the fetal membrane that was elevated um and it
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actually elevated part of her placenta, which is how we
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got to this diagnosis.
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And we offered the progesterone supplement for that and pelvic
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rest. At this point there's really nothing as providers we
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could do besides continue to monitor it and make sure
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it's not getting any bigger pelvic rest and no lifting
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for the next two weeks.
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It's going to help with that.
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And we will do a follow up ultrasound and a
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few in that in two weeks to determine if it
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has gotten any bigger, um and if it's just still
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stable and we'll continue to watch your pregnancy closely.
- 14:18 - 14:21
And here are my references for my presentation today.
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Thank you for listening to my case to be presentation