Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:06
Hello. I have to record the part two of this. So they got cut off my last three slides.
- 00:06 - 00:09
So the last three slides, let's get into it.
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- 00:12 - 00:16
heels, Occam's razor may require a theory to provide further explanations,
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but the principle itself does not assert its own view
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about whether or not our universe is set accordingly.
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And he rejects the view that Occam's razor is
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the principle that can be applied to a tiebreaker.
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While Hill, smart and kim appeared to assert the use of Occam's razor,
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something that would grant a preference for one theory or another.
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He'll claims that organs razor is merely a burden shifter.
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- 00:43 - 00:45
Is Occam's razor warranted.
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Hill demonstrated the deficiency of logical simplicity and
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was forced to accept that an aesthetic intuition,
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justification of quality of parsimony, which basically means it looks prettier.
- 00:59 - 01:01
These are the two central problems with the application
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of Occam's razor in the philosophy of mind.
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One, it's variety
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to the weakness of the individual arguments.
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There are a wide range of implementations with multiple ad hoc conclusions
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and when the implementer has the freedom to decide simplicity,
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we see its deficiency as a legitimate principles.
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In conclusion
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as hell, showed the mere fact that one theory is simpler than another
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may only indicate a shift of burden to explain,
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but not an overall preference for the simpler theory
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because there are so many interpretations of simplicity
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It provides with many possibilities to which one
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of the theories can be simpler than the other.
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Why should we rest on the simpler theory.
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If the principle of simplicity clearly
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introduces more complications and questions?
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In fact,
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it seems that the further one tries to justify their draw towards simplicity,
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The harder it seems to concretely explain why one theory is better
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than the best,
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better than the other based on these parameters.
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The weakness of simplicity, arguments as a collective
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indicates that a single fundamental category of Occam's razor
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would be futile,
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as each argument of Occam's razor presented in
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this project has been foiled by its competitors.
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Perhaps my work cited,
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thank you so much for watching
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have a great day.