Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, My name is Tara Beth Hahnemann, and today I
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want to share about developmentally appropriate practice using technology with
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young Children.
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Um, and I've titled it beyond screen time, because in
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this research I have taken the approach that there are
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more factors to consider than just the screen time limits.
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I'm very interested in this topic because I direct the
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Marshall University Early education Steamed center programs, and we work
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with Children a just 3 to 6.
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We also do a lot of outreach in public schools,
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So it's just really important that we are sending the
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right message when it comes to technology on water.
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The best practices when we're using technology with young Children
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on the gold.
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This research is really to review the current literature, um,
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discuss practical implications for families and educators and then provide
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recommendations to parents, pediatricians and educators on what is best.
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You know, today's world is so technologically advanced, and every
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day there are new advances made in development and application,
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and it's very different from how maybe we experienced the
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technology as learners, but definitely far from what our parents
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and grandparents experience.
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Um, so the methods in which we communicate, change instantaneously
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and there's always some new way or some new method
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to learn.
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And so I just think it's really important to discuss,
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you know, how is this impacting Children?
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I want to share some research.
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It is a little dated 2013 within 2013 6 years
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ago, 96% families had at least at least one television.
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36% of Children ages, non or below had H A
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television in their bedroom.
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So that was just six years ago.
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However, think about all the devices that have been developed
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since, and what that might look like now again is
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just rapid.
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And so the big question is, are Children benefiting from
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this technology and advanced world?
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And if they are, what are the benefits?
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And then also maybe what are some of the challenges?
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So I want to share the research questions that I
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developed around this topic.
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The 1st 1 is what does the literature say?
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What's being said about developmentally appropriate practice with technology, especially
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with Children ages birthday Second question is where the recommendations
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for screen time limits because these are important and they're
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there are some great resource is out there for this
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third house technology integrated appropriately.
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And this is really important.
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Thio. What?
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How I worked ugly and how our classrooms are functioning.
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How do technology How do families use technology with their
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Children? How is that appropriate?
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What are we doing that supports, um, families in this?
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And so the first thing we want to look at
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is and, um, you know, again, I'll say, it's important
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to understand screen time.
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However, it's just one aspect of technology.
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Um, and it should be one piece of the conversation
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in developing this more comprehensive understanding of what is developmentally
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appropriate. So I want to share um, some things from
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the position statement from in a USC, um in a
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wa See is the National Association for the Education of
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Young Children.
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And in our programs are accreditation body um.
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They define interactive media as digital and analog materials, including
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software programs, applications or ABS um, broadcast and streaming media,
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some Children's television programs, e books, the Internet and other
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forms of content designed to facilitate active and creative use
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by young Children and encourage social engagement with other Children
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and adults.
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Another organization that is important to consider is the American
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Academy of Pediatrics and their policy statement, which is titled
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Media and Young Mums.
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And it discusses the literal television videos and mobile and
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interactive technology.
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Um, and specifically it examines technology as a potential education
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benefit and also discusses any related health concerns for Children
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ages birth to five.
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So the brief states Children younger than two years need
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hands on exploration and social interactions with trusted caregivers to
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develop their cognitive language, motor and social emotional skills.
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Because of their immature symbolic memory and attention skills, infants
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and toddlers cannot learn from traditional media digital media, as
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they do from interactions with caregivers, and they have difficulty
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transferring knowledge to their three D dimensional experience.
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So the AP goes on to say that for Children
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younger than two years, evidence for benefit of benefits of
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media are still limited so that that's still limitation.
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Adult interaction with AH child during media use is crucial,
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and there continues to be evidence of harm from excessive
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digital mediate use.
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Another organization that is providing some guidance to this topic
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is the World Health Organization, and the World Health Organization
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states that Children under five must been less time sitting
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and watching screens or in restraints like seats.
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Um, they need to get better quality sleep and have
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more time for active play if they are to grow
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up healthy.
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And that was from 2019.
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So after reviewing the literature, there are some recommendations that
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I want to share.
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And as we move forward this discussion on developmentally appropriate
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use of technology early childhood ex experts have suggested six
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factors that should be considered when defining developmentally appropriate use
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that the 1st 1 is technology is purse purposely integrated
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to support learning so again it can't be isolated.
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But it's actually utilized as a tool for helping Children
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understand the topic or the things that we're setting.
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Um, one example is in our program we use iPads
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as a research tool.
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So it's not something we consume where we do a
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lot of absalon.
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But we'll take it out on a nature walk and
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be able to utilize the picture application, too, to document
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our learning and what we're finding.
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Um, the 2nd 2nd factor is to consider technology isn't
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used solitary or with others, so Children play and learn
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through social interaction.
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So it's really important that they're doing this with others,
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not by themselves.
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Um, number three technology use is sedentary or mobile.
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So again, thinking about child just sitting in a location
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and maybe gaming or are they taking that technology out
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outdoors? Like I mentioned before, um, you know, an essential
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part of high quality of early childhood education is this
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active play.
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So if Children are just sitting, it's not appropriate.
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They should be moving different parts of their body as
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they're interacting with others.
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So sudden, very technology, um, is not appropriate.
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And it's also linked to childhood obesity.
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So it's another ah, hell factor.
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So Number four is the content and features of media.
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So not all contents appropriate.
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We know this.
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So when thinking about the software, the Internet, um, Children
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should never be exposed to anything inappropriate.
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And so it's something to consider Number five, the device
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features so some devices just aren't starting enough for Children.
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So that's something to consider.
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Um, are they appropriate for their fine motor skills?
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Um, are they gonna be able to withstand the Children
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dropping it, Um, just considering the device on then the
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final one on.
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It's kind of where AH lot of the conversation goes.
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Most of the time is the total screen Tom.
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So Children should not utilize technology excessively, Um, where it's
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sedentary, impassive.
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You know, when that happens, there's a lot of negative
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consequences to the physical, social and mental development of Children.
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So it's important to set limits.
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And I just want to share some of the recommended,
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um, screen time for various ages.
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So for Children younger than 19 months, we should avoid
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the use of screen media and other video chatting.
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Um, I mean, avoid use of screen media other than
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video chatting, so people have used it to stay connected
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to family members.
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You think about family members that are overseas or, you
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know, family members that are in the military.
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That interaction through, um, video chatting is is okay to
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do for Children younger months for ages 2 to 5.
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Um, you should limit screen used to an hour per
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day of high quality programs.
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That's really difficult, because we see a lot of Children
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ages 2 to 5, using technology all the time, and
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then for Children ages six and older.
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It's really important to place consistent limits on time spending.
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Um, time spent using media.
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Um, so you know, you want to make sure that
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they're getting an adequate amount of sleep, physical activity and
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any other behaviors that would be associated to positive health
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outcomes, so setting those limits are really important.
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So just to conclude that all technology is not created
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equal, it's essential to know what we to take.
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What we know foundational li about developmentally appropriate practice and
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foundation. Aly what we know about child development and apply
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those two technology.
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Um, I think that it's critical to understand there are
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some negative consequences to inappropriate use of technology.
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However, it's equally important to know how technology can be
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integrated effectively and appropriate, especially with young Children by development,
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about developing a more comprehensive definition of developmentally appropriate practice
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with technology, we can set this optimal learning environment that
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includes technology and interactive media that supports our youngest learners.
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Thank you