Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Welcome to my presentation on netflix border versus me fixed dressings.
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Both netflix and me fix are very common dressings
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that I'm sure all of you recognize using at least once in practice.
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Why dressings?
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I chose to talk about dressings today as I think it's very relevant to our practice.
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The amount of times I've seen nurses humming and
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hawing over which one to use is incredible.
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So I thought this would be so good for my own learning.
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Everything we do in the hospital requires supplies and
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resources which all costs a lot of money.
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As nurses, we truly see how much is actually needed or thrown out and wasted.
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This is an area we can help change because every dressing counts
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depending on the wound.
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It will require a specific type of dressing to help promote its healing.
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But even in this we can be strategic in which dressing we use for what wound
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this ultimately falls under clinical decision making something
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nurses do every minute of their day.
- 01:00 - 01:04
There are two types of maple X border that I will touch on today.
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Megaplex border and maple X border light
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on the manufacturer's website,
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It says that Megaplex border is a five layer
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self adherent dressing for chronic and acute wounds.
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It is a versatile all in one
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bordered foam dressing available in many shapes and sizes.
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It is mainly used for treating chronic and acute wounds
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and is clinically proven to help prevent pressure ulcers.
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The portion of the bandage that lies on the wound is made of a layer
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of silicone to mold softly to the skin without sticking to the moist wound.
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There are multiple layers that work together to wick away exit date from
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the wound while keeping a moist environment to help the wound heal.
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This dressing has excellent fluid holding capacity which helps with effective,
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excellent management and less risk of maceration.
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Mapple exporter. Light is a thin all in one film dressing for low exuding wounds.
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It can be used for chronic wounds and acute
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secondary healing wounds such as post operative incisions,
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traumatic wounds or featured wounds which have minimal amounts of exiting.
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This dressing is designed to be very low profile and comfortable for the patient
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because of this, it is recently
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being used
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for fingers and toes, which can be hard to dress.
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This later version also has the layer of silicone to prevent the wound
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sticking to the dressing and is easily removable without damaging the skin.
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Both of these dressings can be worn in the shower, which is ever so helpful.
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So there's two research articles that I want to go over for the Maple X. Dressings.
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Um There was a study conducted on the
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effectiveness of megaplex border on diabetic foot ulcers to
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see how the dressing held up not only for the promotion of healing to the wound,
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but also the comfort of the patient.
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This study was done in 10 people experiencing a diabetic foot
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ulcer and was held over the course of four weeks.
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The study determined and I quote that by
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helping to remove excessive amounts of exit date.
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Yet maintaining a moist wound environment and minimizing wound disturbance.
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Advanced dressings play a key role in
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facilitating the healing of diabetic foot ulcers
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by allowing the dressing to stay on for a longer period of time due to its comfort,
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adhesion and observance.
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there was the opportunity to not over disturb the wound, allowing it time to heal
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with these proactive wound healing methods.
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It enables a better opportunity to promote healing
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and help mitigate the chances of needing
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to amputate and completely alter someone's life
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as so often is the case of diabetic foot ulcers when they progress
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during the study,
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all of the participants commented on the comfort of the
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dressings and how painful it was when the dressing needed
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to be removed.
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Another study that was conducted in
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Germany was done retrospectively with 431 patients
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altogether, encompassing
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549 winds.
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Each wound was dressed with maple exporter and treated as needed.
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They discovered that these dressings did not pull on
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any area of the wound and evenly distributed pressure,
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nor did the dressing role causing
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pressure points underneath the dressing.
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It was easy to remove and patients reported great comfort with the dressing.
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It was also noted that the dressing can be
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worn for up to seven days on non infected wounds
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while the wear time of the dressing must be
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evaluated in a suitably designed study long wear time.
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Speak for cost benefit.
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The study concluded,
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observing that maple exporter is a great option for patients who have
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exuding wounds wounds in challenging anatomical
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locations and wounds with long duration
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skin integrity was maintained throughout the time the dressings were on
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and the patients really like the way that the dressings felt
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next. We're going to go into cost. So
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these are approximate costs. I did my best to find um
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them from a good source,
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but it was really hard to know exactly how much the hospital pays.
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So this is just an approximate, but it gives us a good understanding,
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at least a kind of the ballpark on how much they cost.
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So these are from amazon.
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If you were to buy them on your own, which would most likely be more expensive. But
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as we can see, they are pretty, pretty expensive.
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moving on to me Poor.
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So like with Maple X, there are two types of meat for that.
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I will address me poor and my poor probe,
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maple exporter and my partner are both made by the same company,
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which is this name that I can't pronounce, but I haven't referenced on these slides.
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Um once again from the company website,
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they have given us a nice snapshot of the product's features.
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My poor is a breathable absorbent dressing for low to moderately exuding wounds,
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it is a self adhesive dressing for a wide variety
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of wounds with low to moderate exit eight levels,
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such as surgical wounds, cuts and abrasions.
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The dressing is water based,
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which allows the adhesive products to provide
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gentle fixation without compromising skin integrity.
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It is air permeable to prevent maceration of the
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wound and help maintain a moist wound environment.
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It is also made with a flexible fabric to allow comfortable body movement.
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This dressing is not waterproof.
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My poor pro is an absorbent shower proof
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dressing for low to moderately exuding wounds.
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It is designed to have an outer film layer that protects the wound
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from both water and and contamination so it can be worn while showering.
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The absorbent wound pad has a low adherent wound contact layer
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so that it's comfortable to wear and stays in place.
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This dressing is also water based with a solvent
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free adhesive that is kind on the skin.
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The waterproof film is breathable to prevent
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maceration and promote a moist wound environment.
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Megaplex border is a much more commonly researched
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and written about dressing in contrast to my poor
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asthma plex. We can see
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or we can already see just how much more acuity
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it has and it seems that it's the wonder dressing.
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This research article in my Poor has given a beautiful representation on
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how a more basic dressing can be a better option in cases
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it was found that in many minor wounds
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there is the opportunity not only to use products
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that promote moist wound healing but also reduce treatment
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costs without having an effect on clinical outcomes.
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The aim of management
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of superficial non infected wounds is to provide a
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moist environment to allow epithelial ization to occur.
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This is a quote from the article when
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researching me poor in relation to another addressing
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a more expensive dressing.
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My poor allowed the same amount of protection while
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keeping moisture within the dressing promoting wound healing.
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One of the key points made within the study is that there is an
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importance for health care professionals to be
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concerned with both clinical and economical outcomes.
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When selecting a product.
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We can see here in the cost that my poor and many poor pro are much much um
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less expensive than Maple X.
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And so if they work just as well for you know the type of wound that you need.
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It seems like a really good economical option to have.
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So finally, how do we decide in all of these things
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um Making the decision on what address on what dressing to put on a
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wound is usually the job of the physician or the wound care nurse.
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But there are moments frequently in practice where it
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will be your decision to make that judgment call
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as you may not have been given a protocol or a clinical order set to guide your path.
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Does the one really need a metal exporter which clearly cost more in the long
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run or would I mean poor addressing do the same job just more economically.
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Each situation is different and there are a lot of resources
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in the hospital to help guide you into making a decision.
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You feel good about
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having the foundation and an understanding of the purpose of each dressing.
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However, just makes these small decisions we make all day long.
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Feel confident and easy.
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Thanks for listening.
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