Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, students.
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Welcome to lessen 17.
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Now we're going to pick up where we left off.
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We briefly touched on the zoo dynasty in the last
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lesson while discussing the Shang Shang Dynasty.
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Now this lesson will be discussing in greater depth the
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zoo dynasty as well a za religious beliefs in early
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China. So the zoo dynasty, as we've already discussed under
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the feudal system, the Lord's maintained their own armies and
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lands while going military service to zoo King.
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If we are to look at the cycle of life,
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so to speak as to how the Zoo dynasty came
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into being and how the Shang Dynasty phased out the
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cycle of life, if you will starts with after several
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generations, the new dynasty becoming an aging dynasty so few
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generations online becomes older, begins to neglect government duties.
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It may ignore corrupt officials.
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A may lose control of the provinces.
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The aging dynasty will impose heavy taxes to pay for
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luxuries. They've become a little too comfortable.
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They've become a little too complacent Now.
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They allow defensive walls to decay.
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With that aging, as we said, they become complacent.
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They've let things slip the aging dynasty with this loses
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the mandate of heaven.
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The problems have come about because off this among others
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are floods, famine, earthquakes, invasions, armed bandits in the provinces.
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And eventually the peasants will revolt.
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They've had enough.
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They cannot handle anymore.
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They're losing house and home and livelihood.
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After all of this occurs and all the problems have
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come about a new dynasty, then comes to claim the
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mandate of heaven.
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Now this new dynasty, in this case is a zoo
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dynasty. They've taken over the shame With the entrance of
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the zoo dynasty, there comes a restoration of peace.
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They will appoint loyal officials.
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They will redistribute land to the peasants.
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They will build canals, irrigation systems and roads, and they'll
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repair defensive walls.
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All of this comes about in their attempt to prove
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that they are the better.
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They are the worthy er dynasty on.
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They are there to serve.
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The people now bear in mind.
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This cycle will continue to revolve as the new dynasty
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starts toe age of a few generations down the line.
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That cycle will begin once again, and the neglect and
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ignoring of government officials, corrupt officials and so on will
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continue again.
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The problems will rise again.
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And there will be a new dynasty yet again.
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Cycle of life.
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The cycle of the dynasties Confusion is, um, and die.
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Oh, is, um we will discuss this in greater depth.
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But at the end of this particular discussion, I would
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like you to take time to reflect and describe the
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origins, central ideas and spread of Confucianism and Daoism.
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Let's see if you can find the answer to our
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discussions now in discussing confusion is, um and Dyan is,
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um I must say that complex religious beliefs had developed
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by the time of the Shang Dynasty.
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So the early Chinese religions were built around many gods
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and nature spirits, with shandy being most powerful off these
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and only reachable through the royal family and nobles.
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Although they did not worship ancestors, the Chinese would ask
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the ancestors for help or to bring good fortune.
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In turn, they honored their ancestors in special ways.
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The arrival of the zoo was initially disruptive because of
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war and social change.
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New belief systems arose through the different teachings of Confucius
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on lousy confusion is, um did hold great appeal because
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it provided practical answers to a multitude of social questions.
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Confusion is, um, also promoted the idea of maintaining a
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balance between yin and yang.
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So Yeon is essentially earth and darkness, with Yang being
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the light and heaven lousy.
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Who founded the philosophy of Dyan ism?
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Daoism took, um, or removed and spiritually approach.
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He promoted the importance of balance and harmony with nature.
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So while Confucius encouraged involvement in life, lousy discouraged it,
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believing that the ways of society were unnatural.
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Over time, people blended the two philosophies on often practiced
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both religious beliefs in early China.
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Now, as we've covered, we've discussed confusion.
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Is, um we've discussed Dia is, um we've previously touched
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on Buddhism and Hinduism.
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We are well aware the complex religious beliefs which many
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off them were practiced for thousands of years.
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So I would like you to take some time and
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reflect on the basic philosophies of Confucianism and Daoism.
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I would like you to describe the basic philosophies.
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What would you say is similar on what would be
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different between the two beliefs?
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What are some shared characteristics?
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What would you say to that question takes and time
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and reflect on this, and, uh, we will discuss it
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further as we progress