Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:03
Hi, I'm Madeleine, and I'm here to pitch to you.
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My product, the scratch 2020 has introduced us to new
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ways of life, one being the normalization of wearing mask
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when in public.
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This has been a challenge for myself and many other
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people with the constant forgetfulness and not having a place
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to keep the mask.
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This makes the simple task a challenge.
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What is the scrunch?
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The scrunches, a multi use product that doubles as a
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mask and a scrunchie.
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My product targets to popular and in demand items and
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create something very practical.
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This is the current model of the scratch.
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As you can see, the mask comes out of the
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scrunchie and we could be placed in.
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The scrunchie, will be slightly behind the ear and then
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could be placed back in the scrunchie for when you
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would like to take it off and have a safe
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place to store it.
- 01:03 - 01:08
The product, our target audience, is mostly females of any
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age or anyone who likes to wear scrunches.
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Our plan to get our product out there is to
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advertise across social media platforms and sell it at local
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boutiques. The scrunches, a unique one of a kind product
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that holds for text and keeps your mass clean.
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It functions as a mask and a regular scrunchy.
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Our cost structured is around the material equipment needed to
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make this crunch.
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The scrunch is made with a sewing machine, fabric, elastic
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and other sewing essentials like pins.
- 01:57 - 02:00
Ah, safety pins and scissors and all the basics.
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Yeah, Cova 19 has increased the demand for mask.
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This is likely to continue as the virus spreads.
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My product has introduced solutions to the common problem of
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forgetting a mask.
- 02:19 - 02:27
When in public, Yeah.