Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Had our Grade six and welcome to today's lesson unit
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to animal allies where we'll be focusing on planning and
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writing an explanatory essay the first and foremost you must
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have a clear idea of what it is that you've
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been asked to write about.
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You must respond to the prompt.
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So the assignment that you have been tasked with completing
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is to use your knowledge of the excerpt from my
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life with chimpanzees and Hachiko, the loyal dog to consider
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the qualities that human beings and animals seem to share.
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You have been asked specifically to write an explanatory essay
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that answers the question what qualities do God all and
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Turner believe people and animals share.
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So in order to respond to this prompt, you have
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to think about the experiences that God all has with
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chimpanzees and the way Turner described stock to know and
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her Chico you have to identify feelings and ways of
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behaving that the two authors suggest that any muslim people
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have in common.
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Okay, so before you begin writing you have to have
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a clear plan in mind of what it is that
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you want to say.
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So it's important that you mind map.
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So you can do this in a number of ways.
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Here's just one suggestion of how you might want to
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plan your ideas.
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The main body.
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The introduction, the conclusion.
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Mhm. So for the purpose of your essay, you'll be
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answering a question about how the authors of the two
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selected texts portray the animals as intelligence individuals.
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So and effective informative explanatory text such as reading buddies
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that we saw.
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But of this unit our launch text.
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They contain all the elements of an explanatory essay.
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So they contain.
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So if we look back at this text there's an
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introduction thesis statement reasons, evidence and conclusion.
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Yeah. So remind yourself of the structure and the elements
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that should be included in your essay by revising our
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launch text reading body.
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So an explanatory essay uses facts, examples and other information
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to explain.
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The subject are a text.
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A topic purpose of X country I say is to
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help the reader better understand the topic.
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So a successful essay contains these elements and introduction with
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a clear central idea of a thesis logical organization that
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helps the reader to follow the explanation concrete details, quotations
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and examples that support the explanation transitions that connect data
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and share the relationship amongst them precise language and vocabulary
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to explain the topic and a formal style.
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And of course we need a concluding sentence uh concluding
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paragraph. So it is important always to remember that when
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we are writing we use a structured approach to our
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paragraphs. So we write in organized paragraphs.
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Our paragraph should have a clear focus if you make
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a new point and you might start a new paragraph.
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So one paragraph for one point.
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The structure that we follow.
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First structure that we follow is the appeal structure.
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So this is here in the middle.
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So there are different structures depending on exactly what it
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is that you're writing.
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So we will be using the peel method and this
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is so there's the p method point, you make your
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point, you have a topic sentence, you explain your point
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and then you cite your evidence, you provide evidence to
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support your point.
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Now with the peel structure you need to make your
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point, explain your point provide evidence and then you link
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your paragraph to the next paragraph.
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So if you have a five paragraph essay, your main
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body paragraphs, your first paragraph will have a linking sentence
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that links to the second body paragraph That links to
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the 3rd body paragraph.
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Okay, so with the pestle structure point, you explain your
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point, you support the point using evidence, you evaluate and
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you link.
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So as I have stressed, we will be using the
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peel method.
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Okay, so it is important that your introduction is clear
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and precise.
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You indicate exactly what the essays about and the the
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introduction should answer the question and this will be your
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thesis statement.
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The main point of your essay.
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Your introduction should make it clear what it is that
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the reader should expect from reading your essay.
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It shall be brief saying only what's necessary and no
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more. The main body give background information, give evidence and
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examples, support your thesis statement, support the point that you're
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making and that you're arguing in your essay.
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Your concluding paragraph should summarize what's going on before.
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It should never contain any new information, anything that has
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not been said in the main body of the S.
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A good conclusion draws together the threads which the writer
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has woven to form a tight, coherent whole.
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So if we think of our essay in the form
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of a burger, the main body is the meat within
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the middle, the lettuce, the tomato cheese and the bread
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is the introduction and the conclusion holding the meat together.
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Yeah. So think carefully about the topic sentence.
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So what comes first sets the tone.
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So your paragraph will have a first sentence.
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The topic sentence.
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The first sentence of a paragraph should show what the
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paragraph is going to be about.
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If it doesn't do that, then there is a risk
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of your reader becoming confused and your writing will not
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be clear.
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So have a clear sentence that introduces the idea.
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Mind maps a useful to plan essays, you have a
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central topic and then your key ideas stem from that.
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The key ideas develop.
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And there were some points, they help you order your
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information visually.
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They're useful for ticking off information that's been dealt with
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that has made memoir as well as an organizational tool.
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So it's important to plan your essay structure carefully, make
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sure that you follow the peel structure and that you
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conclude and of course that you answered the question and
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the question that you will be answering for homework is
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what qualities too good all and turn.
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I believe people and animals share