Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi guys, I will be discussing about the radius and ulna
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different landmarks and structures on these bones. So let's get to it.
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So, right here we have a picture of the radius and ulna.
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Um is this is what forms the forearm of our upper limb?
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Um These two parallel long bones that articulate with the
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humerus proximately and the bones of the wrist distally,
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the radius and ulna articulate with each other.
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So we're gonna start off with the radius
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and I'm just going to zoom in. So you guys can kind of see a little bit.
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Um Let's just focus on my right on my left hand side, excuse me.
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Um And we will be discussing
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these certain landmarks, head of the radius,
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radial tuberosity and the styloid process. OK.
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- 01:00 - 01:02
if you see here,
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let me just zoom in real quick. OK.
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Right here.
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I wish I had a pointer thing or something that would point to that,
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but this is the best I can do.
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So here we have the head of the humerus. It has a concave
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or cupped proximal articular surface that articulates with the kum
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the humerus. OK.
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Pretty direct,
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pretty simple. OK.
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Um Also, as you can see if you see at the very, very top of the radius,
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you can also see that it's a very, it has a circular head.
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So that way you can always use that and distinguish that this is in fact, the bone,
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the radius bone because the ulna,
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the ulna looks a little different and I'll show
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you what I mean by how it looks different.
- 01:57 - 02:03
Um But this would definitely help you pinpoint like this is the the radius. OK.
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So moving on,
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we see
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um distal to the head of the radius on the on on the anterior surface,
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an anatomical position is the rough bump or the rump,
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rough rough spot for the radial tuberosity.
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- 02:24 - 02:25
Like again,
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this is pretty direct.
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So um
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this, I know that this is the
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the radial
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And then if we go down further,
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we will see
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the styloid process which is the distal end of our radius on the lateral
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So there you go, we have the three
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um landmarks
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Also just another helpful tip to know that this is the radius
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is this is the lateral bone of the forearm in anatomical position.
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Um And then also,
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I don't know if you guys have ever been to the doctors and they take your radial pulse
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that will also give you an idea of where your radius is at your radial pulse.
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And then also it's close to your thumb. So
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like I said, it's pretty direct, pretty set, you know, forward and whatnot.
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So now moving on,
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we will be going and talking about
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the owner.
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So here we're going to zoom in a little bit.
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We have the anterior view of the ona and the lateral view.
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I did a lateral view just because I want you to see
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the C shaped part of it once we get into those landmarks.
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So on my left hand side, we're going to talk about the
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- 04:08 - 04:09
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the coronoid process, radio
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- 04:13 - 04:14
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trochlear notch or semi
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lunar notch and then the styloid process or
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- 04:22 - 04:22
- 04:23 - 04:24
styloid process. OK.
- 04:25 - 04:27
So I'm gonna zoom in real quick
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and right here you can automatically tell this is the
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ulna only because of the top portion of the bone.
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You have this funky looking thing over here
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and it's just,
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you can just tell this is all
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I like to me. I like to think of it
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as like
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- 04:49 - 04:49
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don't know like a little bird if
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well, yeah, a little bird or if you get more into detail, if you, if right now,
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when I zoom in a little bit,
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you'll see it has like ac shape, so we'll get into that.
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So let me zoom in. So you can see the
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anterior view a little bit.
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- 05:11 - 05:16
So starting off, this is the medial bone
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or the medial. Uh
- 05:18 - 05:20
No, yeah, the medial bone of the form
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in anatomical position. Ok.
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You know how we have that, um,
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the, the little bump by your wrist,
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- 05:32 - 05:34
is your ulna
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right there.
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You know that little
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bone that, that little bone that sticks out.
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Yeah, that one that's, that's, that's how, you know, that's the ulna
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and then also
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it's closest to your pinky.
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that's how you always remember that. That's the old one too.
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Ok. So let's start off with the
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Ron process, which is the proximal end of the ulna,
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the elbow basically.
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And then um
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you can see it from the anterior view and then also this is the lateral view.
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But if you were to
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do it on the posterior view, you could see
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the back of it
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kind of looks like the back of a snake's head in a way.
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yeah, it's pretty, pretty easy, pretty easy to know.
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And then the coronoid
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is inferior
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to the troop.
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- 06:40 - 06:42
Uh So you can see
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that the coronoid
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process is right here by,
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I'm gonna use a lateral view more just because it's easier to show it.
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So right here
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it is inferior to the
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So it's below it.
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And then the tr
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the tr
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- 07:10 - 07:12
the C shaped depression
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in the front.
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So you see that,
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see how it has a little C shape there.
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So you'll see
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the difference there
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and how you could tell that that's, that's the the landmark there
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and then the radio
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noge is this little
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- 07:32 - 07:36
it's on the lateral side of the coronoid process.
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The head of the radius articulates right there.
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Hence the name radio notch, you know,
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and then
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if you go, let me zoom out.
- 07:51 - 07:53
So we're gonna see
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the styloid process
- 07:57 - 07:58
right there.
- 08:01 - 08:02
I'm zooming in.
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So right there,
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we have the styloid process at the distal end which is the wrist and of the bone,
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OK? Like I said, it is the bumpy feel on your wrist.
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That's another way of knowing that that's your,
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you're OK,
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let me zoom out
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and then I'll just show you guys a better picture
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with all of it together.
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So those are basically the terms that we need
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to remember the landmarks that we need to remember.
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And here is a full picture.
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This is the
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and interior post your review of the radius and the ulna together.
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So I know there's a lot of terms here,
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but you're only gonna need to know the ones that I had presented previously.
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But this is the idea of how the ulna and the radius
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are going to be connected.
- 08:58 - 09:00
OK. So we got,
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and if you look right here at the very top, at the very beginning,
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ICR process, the trochlear
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the coronoid process and then we have the head of the humerus,
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we got the radial tuberosity
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and then
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you can see the styloid process at the very bottom of the radius.
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And then we have here on the poster view
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we have
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on the opposite side, the
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styloid process of the radius,
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the styloid process of the ulna and then we have the
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neck of the radius and the head of the radius.
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So yeah, this is
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hold on, I'm trying to get it straight.
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This is in fact the radius and the
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ona and I hope you guys
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are able to learn something from this video.
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Like I honestly feel this, these are pretty direct.
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I feel like what helps the most is knowing the shape of the bone
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and that would help you distinguish which,
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which bone it is.
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And then after that,
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I would focus more on knowing if this is posterior or anterior or right or left
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me or lateral, depending on the landmarks of where you're trying to,
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where what you're trying to learn or what terms you need to know.
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So I feel like that's what really makes it easier to know
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and to kind of memorize and just,
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you know, go from there.
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OK. Thank you guys.