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Chapter 1
Current Time 0:00
Duration 2:35
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Audio Transcript Auto-generated

  • 00:01 - 00:02

    Hi my name is Jonathan.

  • 00:03 - 00:06

    I work for Coco's Pizza Pizza shop.

  • 00:07 - 00:11

    I started working that establishment as a delivery man.

  • 00:11 - 00:14

    But now I am able to work in the kitchen too.

  • 00:15 - 00:21

    So if it's necessary someone else to help and cook pizzas, I'm that person.

  • 00:22 - 00:25

    However I'm responsible of the motorcycle.

  • 00:25 - 00:28

    I drive all mechanic and stuff and of course

  • 00:28 - 00:32

    to deliver pizzas in time and place is required.

  • 00:33 - 00:38

    Sometimes I get worried because the time I start to work is too early

  • 00:38 - 00:43

    and when I finished the clean, maybe I have two hours just to be there.

  • 00:43 - 00:48

    But other times I have to assemble walks and stuff like that.

  • 00:48 - 00:54

    The worst I have to is that I have to throw when it's raining because it's dangerous.

  • 00:54 - 00:56

    And also you get wet

  • 00:57 - 01:03

    Um on Mondays and Wednesday I started work at 5:30 p. m.

  • 01:03 - 01:05

    and my parents must have done sauces,

  • 01:06 - 01:09

    a plastic bag that continues some ketchup and valentina sauce

  • 01:10 - 01:14

    and there's a plastic box that it has to be full of that.

  • 01:15 - 01:20

    So my responsibilities are most of the times just assemble boxes but

  • 01:21 - 01:24

    he sent them as easy as someone things.

  • 01:24 - 01:27

    I have to clean where the boxes are keeping,

  • 01:27 - 01:31

    then take the necessary box of the different sizes,

  • 01:31 - 01:35

    uh take a look and make an inventory of what size

  • 01:35 - 01:39

    of box is missing or is going to be finished.

  • 01:40 - 01:46

    Then I assemble all boxes uh are necessary. It takes a lot of time.

  • 01:46 - 01:51

    The rest of the time is just to deliver pizzas until we clean,

  • 01:51 - 01:54

    take the motorcycles in the pizza shop and close it

  • 01:55 - 02:00

    on Tuesdays I just relax because I don't work that day.

  • 02:00 - 02:07

    But from thursday to sunday, I start work since 1 30 PM those days,

  • 02:07 - 02:10

    the first thing I have to take

  • 02:11 - 02:18

    out the motorcycles, sweep and turn the turn on the ovens. Then I do something, the,

  • 02:19 - 02:26

    um, symptoms that are a symbol boxes and that isn't really hard work,

  • 02:26 - 02:29

    but the paint is few and now I can go out

  • 02:29 - 02:33

    with my friends or my girlfriend because I work at evenings.