Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Uh huh.
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Uh Spider. Yes. My name is Christina Jackson. This is my video vlog
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number six. About prototyping
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For my c. p. d. 414.
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Design leaders thinking
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so my thoughts on prototyping is that it can
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it can be beneficial but it's a hard thing to grasp because a lot of times you are
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prototyping something for people you don't know if they're gonna like it or not.
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You want it to be universal. So therefore sometimes it can be
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difficult. I know in my group
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we did a survey and then we took all those surveys and we put them together.
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But even with that we all had different ideas
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on what it is that we wanted to accomplish.
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Some people wanted a a small bag. Some people wanted a big bag.
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Some people wanted a bag with velcro some people wanted a bag with zippers
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something you know they're the
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the thoughts and the
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prototypes that we could have created was endless. So sometimes that can be
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a hindrance.
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But I will say that for the most part
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everybody sort of was in all the agreements about the bag.
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The issue came in when we came up about what the bag was supposed to be about.
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Um I do like the fact that
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we did this in a group setting because then therefore you want in a silo thinking just
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about yourself and what you like and what your
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likes are that other people gave their input.
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Um And so I do like that part of this assignment is for prototyping.
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Um For myself I I always try to keep my others
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and their thoughts and what they think. So I think that next time I think I want a,
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I would like to work on something where
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you create a prototype with other individuals.
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and the reason why I'm saying that is like
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we were prototyping because we needed a gray,
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we needed to complete an assignment.
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We thought that we were, we could make this for people. I mean that's for sure.
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I don't wanna brush it off.
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Like we really didn't put a lot of thought into our project.
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But I do think that sometimes when you're dealing direct,
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like if I prototype this was something my pastor
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who I interviewed for our,
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one of our subject minors. We were doing the divine
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defined part of the project.
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I think some working with someone like him and his uh personality.
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So he would have been able to draw from others and get them to participate in the
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uh, project and get the prototypes going. I think that
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that could be beneficial. I think making students think outside the box
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would have been beneficial.
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I know that many of the
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Youtube videos that we watch
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have shown people together in a think tank
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and working together and trying to create their
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ideas and there's nothing wrong with that.
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But sometimes you can have too many cooks in the kitchen
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and that's part of,
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I am so sorry, I apologize.
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That is the whole purpose of this
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of course.
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And these projects is to get people thinking to get
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people wondering what what it is that they need to do
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um to glean glean off of others and figure out
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what has worked best and what's been their experiences.
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Um So I I do like that part of it.
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I think that
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you know I'm a big personal collaboration. I'm a big person on
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making sure that you think of others.
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You know you're not being selfish when it comes time to
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um give back to something or put your all into something.
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I just think that
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what I would want to do differently is maybe
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creates a prototype about something that directly relates to
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something that I care about or not.
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Not that I don't want to say it like that because I really do.
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I really did put my effort in this project. I really don't want to say that
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because my dad has M. S. And I I had to go home and take care of him
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and I know that
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you know he had this like little bag of stuff that he had to take with him.
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And so yes I would have loved to have something where it was all central
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centrally located where I could easily get his stuff.
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You know one day he has to take one medicine the next day for his infusion,
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he had to take another piece of medicine.
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So I I can understand that and I think that if I
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was my dad's primary care provider,
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I think that the care pamper pack would matter more to me
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and caring about the design and how it should feel.
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I think that
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excuse me. I think that my passion and code enforcement,
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I think all the time about people who have disabilities and how we don't put um,
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the same services
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are the same type of instruments in the same place to be consistent in their needs.
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For instance, in the city of Newport News, our work,
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I noticed that the
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handicap door activator is on one side and not on the other,
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but if you come in on the east side of the building,
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the handicapped activation button is on both sides.
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So I questioned that because I said, you know, if I was a handicapped person,
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why I gotta walk all the way across to to
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get and push the button to activate the handicapped doors.
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I think that's not fair.
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And then you provide the service,
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you provide that service for other handicapped people that are coming in on the
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east side building versus me coming in on the west side of the building.
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So that's something that they're looking at to maybe try to change.
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Those are the kind of things that I think about. Um, so I think that
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I think that
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we were to go forward with this
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and do another prototype.
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I think that you have to get the same sort of like minded people in the room
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I'm not saying this right so I apologize dr Emerson
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um but I did appreciate the prototype.
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I do appreciate the fact that collab collaboration
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and creating a prototype is something that's needed.
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And I think that my group we did the best we could
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um with the people who did participate because we did
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have a lot of people that did not participate.
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And when we got those ideas together we came up with a great idea.
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We came up with a great prototype and something that
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we think that people would use in the future.
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I like the fact that we came up with a tagline for
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our prototype that is awesome and you don't get that a lot.
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overall I think prototyping
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beneficial to our group.
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Um I hope I didn't come off saying that I hope this vlog
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does not come off as me not caring about what we did.
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I'm pretty sure it might but that is not that is not it at all. I'm very empathetic.
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Have to be empathetic in my job every day.
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I think that I could have came up with something more of a prototype.
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If I was given if I was allowed to be given the choice
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Of the defined the empathy to define the i.
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d8 and the prototyping I think that I could have came up with that.
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Um even without the group project,
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I think that if I would have came up with something and
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then was able to present it to someone else within the class.
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And then they gave me their thoughts to help me change it and make it better.
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I think I might have participated.
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I don't even want to say that because I was very active in our group.
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Um I think I would have came up with a better prototype
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sort of what my group ended up with.
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Thank you professor and I appreciate this
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opportunity for learning and design thinking.
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This is my reflect, reflective vlog number six.