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Hello. This is Pam Holland, and I am here to
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present to the American Red Cross my proposal for technology
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and innovation.
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I'd like to start by saying that the American Red
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Cross has a very extensive and impressive Web Web presence.
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Um, I was most impressed with the amount of information
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and the user friendliness of its current website.
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However, with that said, I do believe that there are
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things that the American Red Cross can consider and improving.
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Um, it's content.
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And so as I move forward with my presentation, I'd
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like you to think about three components for which I'm
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going to discuss.
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And that is the Who, the who that will be
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responsible for this innovation and that is the Gen Z
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population. The what?
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What will they be responsible for?
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They will be responsible for delivering content and the equipment
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that you so readily have available on your website and
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for many individuals and citizens throughout the world.
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My proposal will hopefully allow that to be distributed through
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new technology and in a speedier fashion, and my last
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one will discuss the technology in which we will be
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doing that.
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So let's start with Gen.
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Z uh, in order to connect and expand Gen Z
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involvement, the American Red Cross will further develop the university
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partnership program across all university camp campuses by offering small
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grants and publicity's incentives to universities.
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Who there who use their current app?
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Um, the Red Cross has a variety of APS.
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Andi, I am proposing that we use those APS on
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dhe, get additional people thio, uh, integrate them into their
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daily lives.
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Eso incentives will be given to those universities who start
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a you know, a new university based Red Cross club.
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Um, incentives will be given to universities to expand their
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university club membership by 10% um, and participate in a
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blood drive campaign.
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Um, both of those things will be, uh, utilized on
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and expanded upon using a new campaign.
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I'd like to propose, which is called each one reach
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one. And this essentially means that each student who joins
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the Red Cross Club will bring one student to also,
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um, joined the Red Cross Club.
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And each student who participates in a blood donation drive
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will bring a student, um, to also participate, and just
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using this each one reach one campaign, uh, universities will
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assist the Red Cross and expanding not only blood donation
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but also membership.
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Um, and young people who have the Red Cross, uh,
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in their minds and their hearts and are willing to
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participate in volunteer.
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The last aspect of connecting universities with the Red Cross,
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um, really relates to the university partnerships that are already
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present, but expanding on them in just a fashion on.
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Bring that, bringing that into the classroom through community based
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learning courses.
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Um, so that we can integrate the needs of the
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Red Cross into the community and use the students.
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Thio do that.
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And so I'd like to highlight what I would like
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to call Gen Z and the people behind the 3
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to 5 year strategic plan.
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I know that the National Collegiate Assembly is already something
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the American Red Cross participates in and offers to student.
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But the's truly are going to be essential to, um,
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what you're going to be doing in the future.
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And that is how Gen Z is going to be
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involved in the mission.
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Uh, content and equipment, um, is really something that the
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Red Cross does very well.
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Well, right now we want to help you access and
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help citizens access content on Drea sources through a variety
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of technologies on DSO.
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The second overarching goal in my proposal, um, states that
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in an effort to distribute the comprehensive content and products
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presently contained on the website theme, Merican Red Cross will
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create a bi monthly podcast called Red Cast, which will
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highlight the stories of the people who have benefited from
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the Red Cross and of the work of the Red
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Cross volunteers.
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And in my first overarching goal, um, you might recall
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that I mentioned community based learning courses and I suggest
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using marketing courses, journalism courses, eso that students in Gen
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X or Gen Z can actually participate and create thes
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podcasts on dhe that more people are listening toe the
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good work that that the Red Cross is offering.
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Um, also, they can assist local chapters, create blog's for
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their community.
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In my investigation and research of the Red Cross, I
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found that several local Red Cross programs have websites and
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logs, but not all of them.
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And so we really want to get some of those
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local chapters in rural areas, um, with blog's and ways
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in which to create connect to the community.
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Um, I'd also like to suggest that we create a
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rental program for the equipment that can be purchased presently.
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Um, the equipment on the website is quite inclusive.
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However, it also comes with a great price.
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For example, Thean Structure Starter package with CPR Monitor and
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New A D, is sold for $1388.
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Um, it's really not financially feasible for a lot of
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programs and organizations to purchase that.
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So I'm going to suggest that our Gen Z students
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with their mentors at the university level create a new
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app, and the APP would allow them Thio request a
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rental of the same equipment that they could purchase.
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The rental program would be much cheaper on Dhe.
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Then it would also open the door for a new
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program called Reduced Product Line, and that would be the
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product lines that have been previously rented so that people
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could purchase them.
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But they've been gently used on dhe.
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This would improve access to the equipment for all agencies
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and individuals, um, at a feasible price.
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Um, that that that's financially feasible for them, um, on
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dhe, then really The most basic and simple aspect of
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the content is just to make sure that the website
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remains updated to include the most recent disaster relief.
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Um, one of the reasons that I suggest this is,
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um it allows, um, students participating in your programs and
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the Red Cross, the Red Cross university clubs to be
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aware of a little bit more of what you do
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both nationally and internationally.
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And again, we talked about the Red rental program on
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DSO. I think that this is something that will be
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new and innovative on dhe.
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Then, of course, um, the rental program will come with
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a new app that individuals can readily rent and access
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reduced product line.
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The last aspect of the my proposal is related to
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distribution. I'd like to bring us back to the main
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mission of the Red Cross, and that is to prevent
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and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by
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mobilizing the power of volunteers and the general generosity of
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their donors on dso through this mission, I have suggested
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the following, um, in connection with people bringing it back
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to the people connection.
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Um, the mission of the Red Cross coupled with the
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ideas present presented by Sutel, which focuses on the human
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touch, and the personal contact, which is central to the
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final goal proposed.
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And this is our final goal here.
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In an effort to improve immediate access to resource is
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following a disaster and expand on the current APS available,
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the Red Cross will create a red kit Request equipment
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directly on dhe.
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This is a kit, um, that families in need can
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obtain um and allow them to have immediate access to
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necessities and received them overnight.
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Um, via drone delivery.
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Gen Z and faculty across multiple universities will collaborate to
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develop the APP and drone delivery process.
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Ideally, citizens experiencing emergencies will have options to request seven
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different red kits based on their needs, and families can
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request up to four kits per disaster or event.
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Um, Red Kit APS would include first Aid Red kit
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ah food survival, red kit cleaning survival red kit, toiletry
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red kit clothing, red kit, gift card read kit and
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just a general water red kit.
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Andi. As I said before, in order to maintain that
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personal connection that's so important to the Red Cross, Ah,
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volunteer will immediately call the person who made the request
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via the red kit at APP to ensure additional assistance
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is not needed or to ensure that they have been
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connected with their local Red Cross.
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Um, ideally, the kids will be delivered via drone within
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24 to 78 hours pending location.
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Uh, in closing, I'd like to share a timeline, Um,
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for the proposal, Um, and the reason that this is
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an emerging and shared timeline and and doesn't have cleared
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beginning and ending is because I do believe that the
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people and the universities are connected.
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And without that connection, we can't have the improved technology
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on dhe.
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I do believe that, um, several of these things can
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be accomplished in year one.
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While I do believe community based learning courses might take
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two years to develop perhaps three years, um, to develop
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APS on, get them, um, effective and efficient.
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And then, of course, ultimately, my goal in 2024 through
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the 25 is toe have that the Red Cross be
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distributing its content and its material on its equipment to
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those in need via drones.
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And in closing, I would just like to suggest Ah,
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final campaign slogan and that would include the American Red
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Cross a better tomorrow using technology and a new generation
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of innovation.
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Thank you so much.