Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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What's our friends?
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Brian? Fans are social pants here.
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I wanna talk to a little bit about tools and
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equipment needed to create well, great virtual presentations and online
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learning. So we're gonna break down a little bit about
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the gear that I use, but we're not gonna overcomplicated.
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We're gonna try to keep it simple.
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Focus on kind of the couple key elements that we
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have to have here, but rather than me do it
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this way.
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I'm gonna flip it over to Prezi video and we're
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gonna We're gonna do it that way.
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So if you're cool with that, let's make that happen.
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Alright, so now we're over at my desk, We're going
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to talk a little bit about really those tools and
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equipment that we can use for our virtual presentations, online
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learning And for most, we start with that idea of,
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you know, the gear.
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And I even mentioned some of the gear that I
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have here, but I think before we think about the
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gear, the thing that's most important is actually something that's
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not even gear or equipment at all.
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And I think that's the presentation tools that we're using
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now. Of course, this is powered by Prezi video, and
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I'm excited to partner with them.
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And they are who I've used for all of my
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interactive presentations because I love that I can import slides.
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You can create custom graphics and overlays like this.
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But even cooler is that I can use them with
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any platform, no matter the solution.
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So I like to use them with Ring Central, one
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of my favorite partners for virtual presentations and virtual meetings.
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If I want to use it with live video Facebook,
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live those things I can use that using with a
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combination with my favorite tool, E can live.
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And then also we can kind of take a little
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bit stuff further.
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And we can even have a little fun with some
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things that well, as you can see that my good
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friend and Hanley is doing right here and that is
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using props.
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And so this is like a pillow phone.
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So if I'm talking on the phone is a prop,
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she has her dog.
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She even will hold up her own paper presentation.
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So I think getting creative with the world around us,
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understanding that you can use some interactive overlays which is
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what you see I'm using here.
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You can combine that with all the different tools.
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And so once you think about that, now we can
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talk equipment.
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And so the first place that will kind of go
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through, we're gonna just walk through this idea of lighting
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video, audio and then a little bit of work from
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home setup that I absolutely love.
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And so for me, this is kind of those key
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elements, and you don't have to overdo it.
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And we're gonna make sure that you guys have all
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that gear.
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It's all up there linked on my website over at
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Brian Fans, oh dot com slash Prezi.
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And so the first thing we're talking about here is
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lighting and you saw from that first clip.
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I use a ring light this thing that I really
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like because it allows me to throttle.
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I can use warm lighting or cool lighting, depending on
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what my mood is, what the current lighting is in
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my environment.
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So I really like having that ring light right behind
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my Web camera.
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Of course, Web camera is next, and the one that
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I'm using and the one that I use for most
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of my presentations is that brio Logitech camera.
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It's great because not only does it record in four
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K, but the auto zoom is really, really good because,
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let's face it, I move around a lot.
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I talk with my hands, and so that's a massive
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advantage. Third one here is audio.
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Now I do like this the blue Yeti audio, which
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is what I'm actually using for this presentation.
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I like it because it plugs in U.
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S. B and you don't need a board.
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Now I do have a board and I have a
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couple of other microphones that I use for different things.
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But I think you have to really balance that functionality
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and and really what you want to kind of work
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with, and the last one here is the desk.
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Now I am sitting, which is rare for me.
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Most of you.
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If you've watched any of these videos or any of
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my virtual presentations, I'm usually standing, but I'm using the
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same desk because what's really nice is I can use
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this standing desk made from autonomous, and I can move
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the desk up and down.
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I can move it to my standing height.
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I have a podcasting height.
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And so for me, creating an environment that allows you
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to move around allows you to truly kind of be
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in your element is essential for virtual presenting and really
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dynamic virtual learning.
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So I'm gonna challenge everyone to press the damn button,
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think about the presentation tools you're using, and then try
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to upgrade your equipment from the simple light camera microphone.
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And if you have the environment or the setup, I
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would definitely check out one of those standing desks.
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Now all of that gear is up on my website,
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Brian fans, oh dot com slash Prezi.
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But since this is powered by Prezi, Prezi is actually
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hooked you all up with a pretty cool offer.
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So if you actually go to Prezi dot com slash
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attendee upgrade, you can get a free six month upgrade
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for Prezi video so you can create some of these
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cool presentations like I'm doing.
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I love it because it works with all of my
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virtual meeting software.
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It works for my virtual presentations.
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I can use it overlap.
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I can bring in slides.
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I can create custom graphics, as you see here, because
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for me, when I think about virtual presentations and ultimately
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what our goal is is.
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It's not to be just interactive or not just to
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be dynamic.
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It's ultimately to maintain the audiences attention.
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And I believe if you listen to these tools and
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tips and buying, invest in some equipment, you'd be amazed
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at how dynamic and how valuable your next virtual presentation
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will be.
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My name is Brian fans.
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Cheers, my friends.
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Don't forget free upgrade.
- 04:53 - 04:53
Check this out.
- 04:54 - 04:55
You don't want to miss it.