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Welcome to our brief series on reform. This is a really short unit.
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So today we're gonna do just a brief overview of the second great awakening,
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The temperance movement and women's rights.
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Let's go
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religious reform.
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So we need to talk about how most of
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these reform movements actually come out of religion.
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In the early 18 hundreds,
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americans experienced strong religious feelings during
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what's called the second great awakening
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preachers would set up tents and invite people from all
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over to hear about how to achieve personal salvation.
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What can you do to get to have it?
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Women in the 1800s did not have a lot of status.
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They were not seen the same as men and they were treated differently.
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Women were supposed to stay at home and not
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work and we're not allowed to serve on juries.
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Women could also not vote
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in the event of divorce. Usually the husband got the Children and the property.
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The women's rights movement aims to change that
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cady Stanton and lucretia Mott organized the
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Seneca Falls convention in new york state.
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This was a huge meeting and it's the first big meeting for women's rights
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at the meeting.
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They write the declaration of sentiments which asked
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for women to be treated the same as men
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and to have the right to vote
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out of This came another movement to try to improve the lives of families and women.
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The temperance movement,
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temperance groups spread the word about how dangerous alcohol was.
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Many believe that consumption of alcohol led to addiction,
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poor health being poor and family problems.
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So again, those are our first three.
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The second great awakening is a religious movement.
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Women had really no status in the early 1800s,
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and so they formed the women's rights movement
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and held the Seneca Falls Convention,
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and then finally, the temperance movement aimed to ban alcohol.
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That is our very brief introduction to the reform.