Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:03 - 00:07
Well, this is really exciting to be able to join you today. Thank you.
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Parents, uh,
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for the privilege of being able to help educate your
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Children on the course coordinator here at the college.
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and this is just a snapshot of one of the units will be doing in geography this year.
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Cold water in the world.
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And I'm just going to take you to a bit of an overview, um,
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of the course and how will run throughout this term and also to
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be able to provide insight for you on what we'll be doing.
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But more importantly,
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how we're actually going to integrate some
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of the CT challenges that new students will
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likely encounter in their life and how it's going to be relevant for them today,
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Um, building onto
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future use in this world. So I'll get straight into it looking at water in the world.
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We're going to follow this bit of a pro former down the bottom there,
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looking firstly at the concept.
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So hopefully what I'm hoping to do with the students is
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to build on what is familiar and to take their knowledge,
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take their experience into the realm of the unfamiliar.
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So as they go through, each of the components of
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of the course will build from what is familiar to them. What is local?
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What is something tangible?
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They can see and feel and experience with their hands and then bridge that across
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into new areas where they are required
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to create and come up with innovative solutions
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themselves within the realm of within the sphere of geography.
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So let's have a look at some of the goals for for this course.
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So again, using examples locally and internationally, um,
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we'll be looking at how water how it flows through the environment.
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how significant it is in connecting people and places and obviously
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getting down to the nitty gritty of consequences and possible solutions.
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The mitigation processes
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that we can employ to be able to engage
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with and have your students start wrestling with,
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how they themselves
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can impact locally internationally, um,
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in bettering or ensuring that we have a
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safe and secure water resources in the future.
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So that's a bit of the few of the goals that we'll be looking at, um,
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and following like I said,
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being able to get them to go from the familiar to the unfamiliar, um,
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is part of Bloom's taxonomy.
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See that Here? A bit of a diagram here, Uh, so taking what?
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The students know what they can remember and understand already, Um,
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implying applying that to new situations, um, and principles into new situations.
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But then also, within this content,
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I'm actually looking to expand or take them beyond just that
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simplified understanding and applying and take them into the creativity.
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So where they are able to analyse, evaluate,
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critically analyse and evaluate situations and come up with some new
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ideas themselves to be able to create and embody what they do
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already understand and can recall and remember and have already fly to
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in their own life and come up and create some new,
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um, new concepts and especially within the I c t.
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I'm very excited about this.
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Um, so let's get going. Here we go
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moving back. So some of the activities
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that will be looking at doing so I've followed a performer through each of the week,
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um, following up the top right here.
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We've got the heart and then the head, and then the hands.
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So within each of the classes,
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each of the weeks I'm looking to engage
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your your Children's heart within the content within the
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subject and then taking when they captured their imagination
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of captured their imagination and being able to,
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um, have them engage with the material and the ideas to then engage their head.
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So what are they able to bring into this subject?
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What are they able to, um,
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the information they're able to handle and digest and
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then being able to present within within the class?
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But then also, there's the hand factor.
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So we've got the heart.
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They're committed. They understand what's going on
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the head.
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They are able to provide and bring their own knowledge and expertise.
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Um, each of us have had much four year old daughter before.
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Provide ideas upon that awesome,
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And I want to be able to see that in your Children as well,
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where their ideas and their understanding is being able to be brought to life.
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And so that's where the hand expect comes into it. So we've got a range of activities.
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A few experiments will be building water philtres
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and closed terrarium,
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um, open between comparing between open and closed systems,
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so terrarium within the class water philtres and understanding those,
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um, and also getting into Like I said before, some of the the I t I.
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C T components will be able to do some play
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around with a bit of that and how to incorporate geography
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online and in, um, using different technologies as well.
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I've got a fantastic field trip that we've organised,
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and I'm really excited about this being able to
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see the process flow of water from households,
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the environment outside to our households.
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We drink potable water, but then also there's the waste.
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So we're going to visit a sewage treatment plant.
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Um, they're gonna be actively involved in the education there at the plant.
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But then after that, we'll go onto a local.
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it's an internationally significant wetland here in the northeast of Tasmania who
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who knew that there is a wetland that is of international significance.
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Out at Little Waterhouse Lake comes under the Ramsar Convention for Wetland,
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and we'll be able to go out there as well and see the end,
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the final destination of this water. So we we capture the water from the rain.
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We use it in our households and businesses and factories wherever,
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and then it's got to be treated and then released back into the greater environment.
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And then we can see
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the down downstream,
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what the impacts and what has been in the past impacts downstream.
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And what our potential future impact if we are not managing the resources.
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So this is a local environment based on this field trip.
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We're also looking internationally at the River Ganges as well,
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where there's some significant and obvious issues that they're dealing with
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their with such a high population in such a diverse business
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community orientations that rely on that river system,
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um, and then finally got experiments.
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We've got this field trip,
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and then we've got a range of presentations
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that your your Children will be required to do
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so some of these will be loaded online to
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a programme or a platform called school tube.
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Like YouTube, it is a private one.
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So again, given permissions that your students, your Children,
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will be able to present record and present what they have learned.
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And we'll have that uploaded accessible for you yourself as well.
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So you'll be able to see what we are doing in class,
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which is again another really exciting opportunity for you,
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the parents to be engaged with what your Children are learning
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and understand where they're coming from When the having discussions.
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And what did you do at school today? Well, let's have a look.
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We can see what's been happening, and so that in itself is huge. That is exciting.
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And I'm really,
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really looking forward to the opportunities and the feedback that
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can bring both within the class but also from you,
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yourselves as parents being contributed to this education space.
- 07:59 - 08:01
So what is some of these techie?
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What are some of the text that will be trying to employ?
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Like I said, we've got the presentations online.
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Uh, so that's where the students your Children will become the teachers.
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They will
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capture what they have learned,
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Uh, and within their presentation, make the recording and we'll upload that.
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And they themselves will be able to then be able to
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be teachers to their peers into their brothers and sisters.
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Or to whomever, um, that this information you provide access to in the future.
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So that's really good. We'll be looking at virtual tool
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tour as well. Sorry. And, um
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so in collaboration within the class will look at that first, uh,
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so one of our goals is having group work.
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Obviously, kids being able to work together Well, um, like I said,
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there'll be student teachers will be building a stage progress
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the way they'll be looking at mum maps of the
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the lake that we go to the sewage treatment plant Photographic
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journal so the school will be able to use cameras.
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The students were able to use cameras to capture the significant
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aspects of the water movement through those landscapes through that business
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through that workplace.
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Um, and then they'll come back and create a mud map,
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create a photographic journal and then also using a 3 60 camera.
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This is where it becomes really exciting.
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As in a real estate, they take people through a house
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on a virtual tour.
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your Children will be creating a virtual tour of this wetland
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and of the serious treatment plant provided all the privacy.
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And, um, you know,
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security issues are catered for.
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Within that,
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we'll be able to have permission to create a three d tour of both of these sites again
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being available online. That's again amazing.
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Amazing opportunity for you again to engage and
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interact with the learning these kids are undertaking.
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There's a few other ideas down the bottom there, you know,
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with that I've been able to toy with using wikis,
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Wikipedia live documents,
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um, or possibly a game development looking at the water cycle and how your students,
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the Children, will be able to maybe develop a game.
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So these are some other ideas and that I've
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been tossing up in preparation for this unit.
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So the goal there is collaboration being able to see the
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kids work well together for a common goal and the goal.
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Like I said, using Bloom's taxonomy taxonomy is to be able to
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get them excelling into the sphere of innovation and creation.
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So with this virtual tour,
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they will be touching on and starting their
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understanding of how geospatial data is used.
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Uh, so this is a really modern concept that is being now worldwide used worldwide,
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um, and to great effect, to be able to understand systems, places,
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people's interactions, all that sort of thing, which is really exciting.
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Um, and so yeah, this will be employing their critical and creative
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the construction, um, skill,
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which are really excited about.
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And then, like I said, also being able to present all this through online systems.
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Uh, so first, at the beginning, of course, I will be also conducting a online survey.
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Um, like an entry and an exit.
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So the students themselves, they will be able to see where they are at the beginning
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over the course of the unit,
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and they'll be able to then reflect and review on where they are at the end.
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So the 10 weeks they'll be able to see
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where they come from and how they've engaged within and
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provide understanding directly to themselves clear a clear
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record of their progress will be obtained again.
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I mentioned school tube again.
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I'll be looking at a bit of peer reviews
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so the students will be able to review each other's
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experiments and their presentations there of, um,
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and be able to critically self and comparatively self evaluate themselves again.
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Another powerful method of feedback.
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Being able to see the kids
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get some positive feedback, being able to check themselves what they have learned,
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what they missed out.
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Maybe they could have done this better, But at the same time, um,
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in a very non confrontational manner, which is, uh,
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obviously hugely important with such young young
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minds and hearts going being dealt with.
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So that's that's the integration there with the technology
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and the bonus stuff at the end here.
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That is the fact that I am so excited about this, um,
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knowing that your kids won't be just bombarded with countless
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information on the whiteboard, they won't be having to wrestle with this,
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But they will be actively involved,
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and we'll be able to see their confidence grow as they invest themselves
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the core components of this course.
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So, yes, as as in kindergarten, they do the finger paintings.
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Um, and you may have Still, some still may have some of those,
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um, creations that they have up on your wall somewhere.
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Or an air folder, uh, to be able to look at in the future,
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so excited to be able to have,
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like school tube and the virtual tool available for you to access at home, Uh,
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so that the students,
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your Children but yourselves also have got a record going forward.
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And this is again an amazing and exciting opportunity.
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Bonuses all round for your Children.
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Um, and for us here at the school as well, to be able to have a record going forward,
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where we can see how each class each
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cohort has progressed throughout the years ahead.
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So this is exciting. Thank you.
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If you have any more information,
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I'll be providing a PdF of again of the overview or need some permissions as well,
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especially around the use of the online systems
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and obviously the field trip as well,
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ensuring that everyone understands their responsibilities and is fully
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fully catered for and protected as well in this modern age.
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So really thank you anytime. Don't hesitate. Give me a call and
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gratefully provide more information or answer any of your
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concerns or be able to discuss what's happening.
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Um, yeah. So that's really good. Thank you for your time. May God bless you.
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And you're looking forward to this term coming up.
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