Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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When boulevard arrived in Haiti, Boulevard arrived in Haiti, it's
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important to remember that Haiti was a country established in
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1791 by a successful slave rebellion against a white minority
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population. When bolivar went there with his huge for his
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money, he was able to cozy up to their president
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named Petro and managed to negotiate a deal with all
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with president that he would all that he would give
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boulevard guns, men and ships for a new reclaiming of
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Venezuela Anyway, on the condition that boulevard would help liberate
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all the slaves in south America that he could both
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of our, obviously with this huge opportunity, readily accepted and
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oh and wouldn't eventually commit to this And so oh
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with no, with a large force of fusion men, guns
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and ships all our landing in Venezuela again on two
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June 1816 With this large force, he managed to get
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a series of victories against surprised, oh against surprise Spanish
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forces and was and managed to take the coastal city
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of Angostura in August 1817 where he proclaimed the 3rd
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Republic of Venezuela for a very brief time.
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It wasn't it wasn't meant to last forever, but he
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didn't establish a congress there and taking the northern half
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of the country, but much of the south was still
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controlled by royalists.
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And he had heard that new Granada had also been
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unfairly overtaken by them.
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So he quickly diverted and without a with force swelling
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with more old Venezuelans now, Well, he turned, he turned
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his attention to liberating new Granada.
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1st they're trying to get to bogota and apparently and
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get apparently a huge store of money that in the
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capital to fund a further war with spain.
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Oh so the man so absolute chad crossed the freaking
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Andy's with a few 1000 men who worked, Who were
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confident but I have to but have to hike almost
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but had to hike hundreds of km, ft in the
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air and freezing temperatures with snow and cold.
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Nobody realistically expected him to do this.
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But of course boulevard defied expectations and he was able
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to get out on the Colombian side and and spanish
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didn't expect him at all and quickly moving in on
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a surprise spanish force during the border.
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He he smacked well, he drew out a lot of
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the spanish forces in Colombia and absolutely destroyed them.
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At the Battle of Boyaca On August 1719.
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From there, he was able to move on to bogota
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off, off take the capital.
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He's easily with with the risk or with the new
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with the help of the revolutionary new Zealand military and
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get a ton of the funds that he needed and
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to go back to Venezuela.
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Oh and get higher a much bigger army and finally
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end this.
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And he did on the 24th of june 18 21
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the Battle of Carabobo happened back in Venezuela where a
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force of 10,000 Venezuelans faced old 15,000 spanish, well trained
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spanish troops.
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But we managed to beat oh but managed to beat
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them with clever tactics and maneuvering and routing there air
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forces and with pure comfortable and with pure confidence and
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deadliness. They killed, they killed thousands of the enemy troops
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and resting them to run on a way to run
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away out of sheer fear.
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Thanks to Venezuelans, harsh conviction and finally freeing their country
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a hand.
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And then this was the decisive about all that forced
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from spanish portions out of Venezuela and starting the peace
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agreement that would, and independence for Venezuela and new Granada.
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Uh, this would lead to the creation of ground Colombia
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boulevard's new idea idea for an ideal latin american superstate
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On, September 31, that would stretch from the Venezuelan coast
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to Oh to Panama Uh to Ecuador in the South,
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which you would Ecuador would be incorporated in 1822 was
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a successful battle of Pink Cheetah outside and its capital
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of Kyoto, which would make it a part of this
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new mega country.
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Oh and and later boiled water would win when a
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waiter, bowling ball bar would move down into Peru and
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after a decisive attack on a fortress and in the
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mountains in the Andes and a few other large battles
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closer to the capital of lima.
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All right, Haru would become independent too.
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This would make boulevard that the fact they were printed
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a new president of Colombia and he made himself dictator
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of I mentioned later in ancient 23, northern what used
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to be the northern half of Peru when split off
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into its own country.
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That straight up name itself for the block.
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But when they saw that that was kind of dumb
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and you know like Rome was named Romeo.
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So they changed their name to Bolivia.
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It all his work seemed to be done.
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He just liberated half of South America or from the
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spanish control and was victorious in so many battles.
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But last, it would only go downhill from here.