Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, everyone.
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My name is Kim,
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and I'm actually here to present my
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criticism project for immigrants and international students.
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I am an immigrant myself, and the very first time I ask it in seen Snow
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was actually one of the most amazing things.
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But going to a new country, I would say It's definitely difficult, hard,
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and it can be depressing at times.
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And so that is one of the reasons why I actually come up with this cataclysm project.
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Because as a young man,
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as I am without the mentors that I had from
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before without the people who actually invested in me,
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I wouldn't be here where I am today.
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And so very quickly,
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two verses that actually inspired me to actually work on this project.
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Revelations 5 9 to encourage every tribe,
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and nation.
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First Peter 2 10
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to gather in worship
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because we who we were not a people.
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I now
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the people of God.
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So what we know so far with the immigration, uh, situation in Canada.
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Well, by 2030, immigration will account for all of Canada's net population growth.
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Immigrants face the challenges of belonging and identity.
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They face barriers such as financial and familiarity with the new country,
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the political and cultural transportation, lack of information, integration,
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time, commitment,
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language, communication perception
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and worst of them,
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And because of this
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struggles and barriers,
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how this immigrant population actually cope up was actually
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To have their own small ethnic churches,
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and you can see congregations that are actually 50 people or less.
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And so in this,
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the struggle is that they find it difficult to have a
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good mass of young people whom they can actually disciple,
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or whom I can minister together because they only have
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two U five U three young people into church.
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And so it's not
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much of a number.
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And so the solution that I am actually suggesting for the project
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is to create an environment where we can combine these churches together
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and train the next generation together
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to explain.
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A quick overview of the project is here.
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the church is the small churches will create a space for the population to belong
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and try.
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We're basically partnering with local immigrant
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churches with their leaders at all.
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You see small churches like the resources and master property discipline,
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new immigrants second generation Canadians and
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new international students in the churches.
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And so our goal is to grab leaders and volunteers from these churches.
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And so we're not establishing a new church.
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But we're basically establishing a discipleship
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We're in.
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The leader of the church is get an opportunity
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to minister towards different youths of different churches.
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Um, do main components, uh, for this project,
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basically four main events, uh, in which will, um,
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develop and provide an environment where we can get all the young people together
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And basically 12 sessions of intent.
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Intentional discipleship.
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This one will be done
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one on 1.
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I mean,
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one of my biggest takeaway from one of her
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courses was actually the except from Craig got in.
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He put an emphasis on context civilization.
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Um, for him,
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Canada, as a country actually is facing cross cultural society.
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Teachers and students around the world are facing the reality of globalization.
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Um, teachers travel abroad, uh,
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immigrants coming to a new countries and
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even international students saying studying in Canada.
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I mean, there's cultural gaps,
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conflicting expectations between the teacher and the student, uh,
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resistance to change language, barrier, physical emotional stress,
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and, uh, and enjoy when Darren Whitman actually said this about contacts.
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Illustration. Um,
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the importance of contacts realization is to
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communicate the gospel in word and deed
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and to establish the church in ways that make
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sense to people within the local cultural context.
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And so, in this project, what we definitely see is that our churches
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are actually going to the members to this, uh, population, uh,
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to the people who who actually is struggling with belonging and identity,
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and the churches are actually the one going to them
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instead of these people being invited towards the church.
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When you're eating an in vitamin
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we're in,
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we can have these people and minister towards them but also providing assistance to
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the smaller churches that does not have the capability to do it by themselves.
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Um, and so, by doing it, we're basically just like, hey would actually said, uh,
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we become advocates.
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And in this instance, we advocate for the youth, for the immigrants,
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to the international students.
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We look at what's best for them
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by first
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earning a relationship to minister and disciple them.
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I like it when I remember doing some of our projects about the, uh did, uh, uh,
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and what it says to be holy to be set apart.
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And I do strongly believe that with this project and this type of discipleship,
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we're actually being cold to be different,
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to be different than the walls of our churches.
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That has been for so many years.
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Uh, of course, there's the ministry, and there's reasons for those churches,
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and that's wonderful.
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But there is a need for our churches to actually reach out towards this group,
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towards the immigrants,
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towards the second generation Canadians and even international students.
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Just looking at the stories in the Bible with Abraham, the Israelites in Egypt,
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of how they become strangers, which are God given Dr God,
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calling them to actually go to a new country.
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Uh, and and it's basically just them
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being faithful to that calling
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and and basically also, um, it's a form of worship.
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Let's say that worship is pretty much everything that we
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do just to give praise and glory to God.
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Um, I see this project this discipleship program, uh,
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as a worship whenever we do things,
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not for our own benefit or not just for the benefit of our churches,
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but for the entirety of the Kingdom of God
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and so sample curriculum real quick.
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Like I mentioned, there's like,
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four main events to emphasize the theme of belonging.
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I will be a concert conference to come a sports league,
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and 12 intentional discipleship sessions that will focus on identity in Christ.
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Um, I strategically put it on this month. The Pro.
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The program basically starts on October,
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a month after when school starts in Canada from September
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one day in the churches concert where the
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presenters will be from all participating churches,
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which the hope is to break barriers.
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The second event will be February a confidence,
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a weekend to discuss Christianity and racism.
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Um, just to have, uh, 26 solution,
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but also to give voices towards the
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population and see what they're actually thinking.
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The next one is actually May we're hoping to have
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a camp or regret a weekend of funding games to belong
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and July August, when its during summertime,
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just to encourage them with some supports league during
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school break to encourage building friendship and relationship with
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other young adults.
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Uh, here are a couple of those projects. I call them Step up.
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I made this Lagos basically just to, uh, make it look a little bit nicer.
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And so
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we get the events and we get the people.
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But we strongly believe that discipleship is actually done in 1-1.
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And so that is one of the reasons why we asked leaders from different
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churches to actually be the leaders to be the ones who actually taking charge.
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the goal of the main events
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is not just to get together,
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but for opportunities for the leaders to
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have opportunities to disciple their young people.
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And we use a booklet 1 to 1 by every nation, church by Steve Merrill Um,
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and quickly we're just going to have a quick overlook here.
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Um, this is basically how it's outlined. Very simple, very easy to follow
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the topic.
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A brief definition of the topic,
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Um, the problem and then a bunch of Bible verses.
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And the good thing about it is that there's actually
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a personal application questions that helps internalize the questions.
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And so
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that's basically, uh, the project. Um, it's basically creating spaces
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with the intention of intentional discipleship,
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uh, as the end goal of reaching out towards the younger generation