Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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so don't use this as, um, something against me.
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But I've already deleted a lot of the stuff that
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was in my speech because you said that it was
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a 4 to 5 minute range.
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Um, so I'm not going to go back and add
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that back in.
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So this is it still cut down?
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Um, yeah, yeah.
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I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than
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to love people.
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One of the world's most talented and famous artists once
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said these words Vincent van Gogh.
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According to Maria Popova, cultural critic, writing in a 2014
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article on brain pickings, she states that he attained such
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mastery of art that he explained Major better than science.
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However, he was not only a brilliant painter, he was
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also a person who cared and loved the world around
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him, even if it was cruel.
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Today will be first looking at his life before becoming
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a painter, his life as a painter and why he
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was truly a good person who I aspire to be
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before we can look at just why I admire Van
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Gogh so much.
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We need to have an understanding of where he came
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from and how he rose to the public eye.
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Vincent Mango had a complicated childhood and adulthood.
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I'll buy productive in his art.
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He was played by frequent mental health episodes and eventually
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completed suicide at the age of 37.
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Vincent's Child, according to editors of Encyclopedia Britannica and a
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biography of Van Gogh published in 2019.
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Bengo was born March 30th 18 53 under Netherlands.
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He was the son of a poor pastor and, because
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of this was forced to leave school to go work,
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and he was the oldest of six Children.
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However, Vincent and his brother Theo had a lifelong connection
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where they supported each other relentlessly.
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Later on, I will discuss the importance of the relationship
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in the letters between exchange between the two.
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Clinton also had four other jobs that were incredibly important
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to his life before he became a painter, According to
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the museum made to commemorate van Gogh's life, the Van
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Gogh Museum describes the end of his life as him
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dying in utter, utter despair and loneliness after never having
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peace, and he shot himself on July 27 18 90.
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His brother Theo was with him the day he died.
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Three days later, on July 30th, the Encyclopedia Britannica describes
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van Gogh as always, desperately poor and lonely, but sustained
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by his faith in humanity and his faith and art.
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He suffered from multiple bouts of severe depression and severe
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anxiety. He was plagued by his mental health and the
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lack of understanding from those around him.
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With an understanding of how Van Gogh came to be
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the person that is known throughout the world, we can
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move on to understand just how much he impacted not
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only his fear, his field but society in general.
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Vincent is one of the most famous artists ever live.
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He was a very prolific artists, and some of his
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paintings rank among the most expensive in the world.
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He developed a painting style unique only to him.
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Van Gogh's Our Career and His Impact on the World
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was immense in biographical recount of van Gogh's Life in
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the 2020 article and biography dot com, the editor state
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that Vincent van Gogh completed more than 2100 works consisting
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of 860 oil paintings in more than 1300 water colors,
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drawings and sketches over the course of only 10 years.
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During his life, he only sold one painting and died
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in obscurity.
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But his paintings today now rank among the most expensive
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in the world.
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His portrait of Dr Gachet sold for $82.5 million.
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Van Gogh often worked with lots of speed and intensity,
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and in one of his many letters to his brother,
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as described an Encyclopedia Britannica, van Gogh wrote that when
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anyone says that such and such and such painting is
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done too quickly, you can reply that they have looked
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at it too fast.
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According to biography dot com, Van Gogh's Starry Night was
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painted in France in 18 89 at his time in
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the mental asylum only a year prior to his death.
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His self portraits were painted in the span of 10
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years, and there were 43 of them, both paintings and
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drawings. This series and the Starry Night are probably his
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most famous paintings.
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With an understanding of all that Vincent has contributed to
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his community and the world in general, we can move
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on to share why I personally connect with him and
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all that Mango did.
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He aimed to help a world that hated him both
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with his work in the church and his work as
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an artist.
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The jobs that van Gogh had were all in an
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effort to make the world a better place, according to
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the Encyclopedia Britannica at the Church of Belgium in 18
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78. During the winter, Bango actually volunteered to move to
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a coal mine that was extremely poor in southern Belgium.
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It was normally, preachers were normally sent here as punishment.
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He preached to the poor and gave some of his
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own belongings to the minersfamilies.
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He was henceforth called the Christ of the Coal Mines.
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The church did not approve of his literal, cheap approach
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to Christianity, so they terminated his contract.
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His whole life was dedicated to making people happy, and
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he now wanted to make art for people of all
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classes. After being exiled from the church, he told his
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brother in a letter.
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I want to give the wretched a brotherly message when
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I sign my paintings.
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Vincent, it is as one of them.
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From these multiple instances, it is abundantly clear that Vincent
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van Gogh cared for people he carried even when everyone
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turned him away, said he wasn't and would never be
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good enough.
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Bango painted for the world he painted to awake, make
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the world a little bit brighter, a little bit more
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beautiful. This is what I appreciate the most about him.
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Vincent Van Gogh has shown through his life before he
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was an artist and while he was artist, truly demonstrated
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that he was a good person who wanted nothing but
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the best for those around.
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Even as his life was manipulated by historians and society
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to fit their narrative, he still remains one of the
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most artistic people to ever live, not because of his
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talent as an artist, but because he loved the world
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and the people in it unconditionally.