Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi, everyone. It's Laura Beatty here.
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Um, today we're going to talk about Diana Boran.
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You might remember that name because she's come up
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in our classroom management textbooks a few times.
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And I'm quite excited to talk about her
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um, she's the one who talks about authoritative parenting styles.
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And when I was first telling friends and family that I was going to,
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um, pursue
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a wa a new career in teaching and go back to teachers college.
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I had a family friend say to me,
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um, oh, you'll be a good teacher because you're very authoritative
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and I kind of took it as an insult.
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I just kind of smiled and nodded at the time.
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But I thought authoritative, like, does she think that I'm demanding and bossy and,
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and all of that? But um authoritative is a good thing as we will find out. So
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let's get into it here.
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So, Diana Baumrind
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was born in New York City in 1927 as the eldest of two daughters
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and she was interested in psychology and philosophy from a young age.
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She was actually studying Marxism in her teens, which is kind of crazy.
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Um, and for her education.
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she completed her B A in psychology and philosophy
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right there in New York City at Hunter College.
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And then she moved to California
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and attended Berkeley to complete her ma and her phd in psychology
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in the 19 fifties.
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And she stayed at Berkeley
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to become a developmental psychologist and clinical
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psychologist at the Institute of Human Development.
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That's where her most famous research comes out
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of that we're going to talk about today.
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She was looking at parenting and group therapy in particular
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and she famously criticized Stanley Milgram's
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controversial experiments on obedience and authority.
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You might be familiar with these Milgram experiments.
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Basically, it was uh uh it was, there were three people in the experiment.
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Well, really two were actors.
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There was an authority figure who was the person conducting the research,
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there was the participant
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and there was a person on the other side of the wall who was answering questions
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and really they were looking at the participant and seeing
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if they would blindly follow orders from the authority figure
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to execute
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um shock treatment to the person on the other side of the wall.
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Um If they had answered a question incorrectly,
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and it was looking at will this participant
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blindly follow orders and obey an authority figure?
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Um regardless of what happens to this person on
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the other side of the wall with these increasing electric
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shock treatments.
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Um And Dr
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was really critical of this.
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She said you can't put participants in this situation because
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you're unwillingly putting them through high stress situations
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that's going to mess with them for
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potentially a very long time.
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Um And so because of her criticisms, we now have to give participants
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um clarity and more information if they're going
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to be included in studies such as this.
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She also pioneered this type of multidimensional parenting
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research that we're going to look at.
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Um prior to her work, uh research in the world of parenting was really,
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is the parent controlling or are they more nurturing?
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Um But there wasn't this sort of in between
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um option looking at multi
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um that Doctor Boer
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looked at and how did she do this?
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she had a lot of different studies um in her many years of research,
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but she was always looking at groups of preschool Children
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and their parents
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and the dispositions of, of these Children.
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So these are the three parenting styles that we're going to look at authoritarian,
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and authoritative.
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The authoritarian style of parenting is really focused on obedience, control,
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using forceful measures to get what you want
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out of the child and commanding respect.
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So as an example of the parent says, why are you making me do this?
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Parent says because I said so,
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um and the outcome that we've seen from this type of parenting style
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is that the child has moderate academic success,
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low self esteem,
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poor social skills
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and higher rates of depression.
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So really, the research is not in favor of that authoritarian style.
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On the other side of the spectrum, we have the permissive style.
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And I think this is important to look about, look at in this day and age because
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there's so much talk about gentle parenting
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and we have to be careful not to
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equate gentle parenting where you're nurturing and loving
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and really caring for the so
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social, emotional state of your child.
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We have to not equate that with being permissive.
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So this permissive style
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is non punitive, acceptant
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and affirmative of the child's needs
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and desires
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and allows the child to self regulate.
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So it's really like saying whatever you want, sweetie, you know,
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doing everything around the child's schedule, not setting a bed time,
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not having measures in place for discipline,
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that sort of thing.
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And the outcome that we see from this permissive style of parenting
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is problem behavior.
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Um students who perform less well in school,
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but higher self esteem, higher social skills
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and lower levels of depression. So interesting to think about.
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So, really
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what we're wanting to do is find a middle ground
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and really, I shouldn't have taken this family friends words as an insult.
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When she said I was authoritative, I should have taken it as a compliment as,
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as I'm sure she intended.
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So the authoritative style
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gives direction, uh rationality,
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there's a give and take between the parent and the child.
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And there's this balance between sharing your own
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perspective on a matter as the authority figure
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and um balancing that with the child's
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autonomy and their appreciating their individuality.
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So for an example,
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you could say, let's go to the park after you wash your hands and face.
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So there are some rules in order that we're gonna have fun,
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we're gonna do something you wanna do.
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And the research shows that this authoritative style of parenting
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produces well adjusted Children,
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warm, firm and fair parenting
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is related to healthy psychological adjustment.
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So that's the balance that we're looking for
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and how can we apply this to classroom management.
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Well, if you look back to chapter one of our textbooks,
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it goes through some of this that I'll be talking about.
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Um but it's really important that we think about how
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we're going to use this authoritative style as teachers.
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Doctor Bare
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the authoritative parent affirms the child's present qualities,
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but also sets standards for future conduct.
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we're addressing them,
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we're addressing our students as they are and we're accepting them
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as the individuals that they are um regardless of their background,
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regardless of their needs or abilities,
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we're accepting of that child and we want to support that child,
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but we also want rules and regulations and structure
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in our classrooms.
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And in fact,
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that provides a level of safety for our students if they come into the classroom,
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knowing what to expect,
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knowing that there's going to be some structure and routine
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in place that's really setting them up for success.
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Our textbook describes this as warm demanders
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and I really like that term.
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I like the idea that we are warm and we're nurturing and we're caring,
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but we also have demands and we're going to be firm about
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the rules and the structure that we have in place.
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So warm demanders
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are most likely to achieve positive teacher student relationships,
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respectful classroom climates
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and better academic and social emotional outcomes for students.
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So those are, those are all things that we want.
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And it's really about striking that balance between
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control in a classroom and nurturance of our students as individuals.
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So looking at some strengths and concerns um as we are using Doctor
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Bare's research as a framework for our teaching methods,
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the strengths as we've just looked at is that there's great evidence
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to show that the most positive effects are associated
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with authoritative teaching styles rather than permissive or authoritarian.
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We want that middle ground of authoritative,
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that it promotes positive teacher student relationships
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and the most well adjusted students.
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And then some concerns. These are just things I think we should look at and
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think about um when we're using this authoritative method,
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one is that
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our disposition in the classroom is not going to be the be all end all of
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what makes or breaks the social emotional well
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being of a child or their academic success.
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We have to look at
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the other culture around this child. So what's going on in their home life?
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Um What's going on in their development?
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Do they have a supportive community of friends and family?
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Are they active in um other activities outside of school?
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Do they have some other role models in that way? That sort of thing?
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I think, I think we have to think about that
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also striking this balance between firm and fair.
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When do you be strict and lay down the law in your classroom?
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And when can you allow yourself to relax and be more lenient and
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let students have some
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uh have some control over, over their individual learning.
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Um Another concern with um Doctor Bauman's
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research is that maybe it's a little bit generalized
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because the study only focused on three dimensions,
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warmth control and structure.
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Um And maybe there should be more dimensions incorporated
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into this type of research when we're looking at
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parents and Children
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uh in the future.
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So some closing thoughts first,
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I want you to think about the following questions,
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which rules would you make sure to have in every classroom?
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And which rules would you allow students to help design?
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So, we have addressed this in class before.
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But what are some things that you
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really think you're going to take through to all of your future classrooms?
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Um Maybe some rules that you have on the board or your transition plans.
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What are those things that are pretty much set
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in stone that you're going to be firm about.
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And then on the other hand,
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what are some things where you want your students to have a little bit of say
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over the rules?
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Um So one thing that this could be,
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would be working towards a class um benefit um if you meet a certain
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group learning goal um within your class.
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So maybe you're working towards a Games Day if um
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if the students are well behaved or certain criteria is met
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and they could help shape, you know, what's that? What's that goal going to be?
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What's that prize at the end going to be
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and then practice what type of body language projects, an authoritative style.
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I found a good youtube video about this which will be in my work cited.
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But really thinking about, OK, you're standing up at the front of the class.
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How do you want to present yourself to be authoritative
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um to be a good caring role model um for these Children. So
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I've immediately slumped over. She says, stand up straight
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square your body to your students,
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put your feet under your hips. Um She says,
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especially for women, we have a tendency to hold our legs and feet close together.
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She says,
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take a little bit more of a power stance and take up a little more room physically
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in the space,
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make some eye contact
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and practice relaxing the tension in your body, breathing,
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slowing down when you need to.
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And lastly, what I'll say about authoritative style is to be decisive and be calm.
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I think that's really gonna come through experience
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in the classroom
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and the more and more comfortable that we get with the content that we're covering.
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I think
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that really helps us to
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be decisive in what we're saying
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and also to slow down relax, be calm
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and be that
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um that figure in the classroom who's going to provide structure
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and also going to provide care.
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And these are my work cited
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if you want to pause and have a look. There, there is that youtube video.
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the fourth one down there, how teachers can get better at authoritative presence?
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Thank you all so much for listening.
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I can't wait to see everybody else's presentation.
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I hope you have a great day. Take care.