Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Good morning Las Palmas celebrities and Happy Monday, Welcome to
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another full week of practicing mindfulness.
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Now mindfulness is not only done in schools.
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Mindfulness can be something that you do in your personal
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life when you are at home at the park at
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the store wherever you may be.
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You can practice mindfulness because mindfulness means being fully in
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the present moment.
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So if you're at the park you are focusing just
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being at the park.
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If you're at the store with grandma then you are
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only focusing of being at the store with grandma.
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So for today's mindfulness activity, I am bringing back our
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Hoberman sphere and this is an item that helps us
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practice our breathing.
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Some of us learn by watching instead of just listening.
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So this is a perfect example of when we need
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a small break when we need to practice a bit
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of mindfulness when we need to get in touch with
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our body either because we may be too excited about
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something or we are too angry about something or even
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to upset about something if it stops us from focusing,
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we can practice this mindfulness activity.
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So I believe you all know how this works.
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But if you do not and you listen along, we
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breathe in as big as we can as the ball
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gets bigger, we breathe in and as it gets smaller
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we breathe out that's a good start it And let's
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do three big breaths with this ready deep breath in,
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hold it deep breath out deep breath in, hold it
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deep breath out one more time, deep breath in and
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deep breath out.
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Many of your teachers have these fears so that you
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can practice some mindfulness breathing boys address and next online.
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Full mornings are affirmations.
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We remind ourselves just how powerful we are in creating
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our own reality.
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So I love these affirmations because it's all about choice.
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We can choose how our day will go because we
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have the power to choose how it will affect us.
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Boys and girls.
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So repeat after me.
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I am in control of my choices.
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I am in control of my choices.
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I am my best self.
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I am my best self.
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I am relaxed.
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I am relaxed and finally I am enough.
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I am enough.
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The more you repeat them, the more they become true
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boys and girls.
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So thank you for joining me on Mondays.
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Mindful mornings and I will see you for tomorrow.