Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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I'm to Caro and I'm going to be doing chapter
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four. 4.12.
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So chapter four is the organization and regulation of body
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systems And 4.1 we discussed tissues, tissues is a collection
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of cells that perform the same body function.
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We have four primary connective tissues.
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That is the connective four types of tissues.
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That is the connective tissue, the epithelial tissue, muscle tissue
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and nervous tissue.
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The connective tissue it connects and supports our body parts.
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The epithelial, it covers our body surface, the muscle tissue,
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the muscle tissue moves the body in its parts and
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the nervous tissue conducts nerves.
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Um And the connective tissue example of that would be
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like bones and cartilage.
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A pathological tissue would be like our sweat glands.
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Um The muscle tissue would be like your skeletal muscle
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and the cardiac muscle.
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And you're nervous tissue would be as such, the brain
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and the spinal cord Going into 4.2.
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Um We talk more about the connective tissue in the
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connective tissue.
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There are three main components which is the ground substance
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um Special fibers and sales the connective tissue as special
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fibers called protein fibers.
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Um Those main three are the collagen fibers which are
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strong and flexible.
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The particular fibers which are really thin fibers and the
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elastic fibers which contain a lesson um allowing it to
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stretch almost twice its length and returning back to its
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original form.
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Okay, we have three primary types of connective tissues.
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Number one is the vibe roles connective tissue.
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The second is supportive connective and the third is fluid
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connective tissue.
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Uh huh.
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Of the fibrous connective tissue has two main types that
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is going to be your loose in your dense the
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loose my brows includes the particular connective and also um
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The added post connective tissue dense fibrosis is found in
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our tendons and ligaments for your supportive you have cartilage
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and bone.
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Um This one is a little bit more complex.
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The cartilage has a solid but flexible matrix um While
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the bone has a solid and rigid matrix for your
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cartilage. There are three types you have the A line
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which is to find college and fiber that is found
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in the tip of your nose or at the end
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of long bones.
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You have the elastic which has a lot of elastic
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fibers. Uh It is found on the outer ear.
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We have and we have the fire broke cartilage which
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are strong collagen fibers found in disks between harvard arrays.
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Um The support of tissue bone is solid and is
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the most rigid connective tissue.
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It also has two types which is compact.
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Uh It makes up the shaft in our long bones
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and spongy which is found inside of the ends of
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the long bones.
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It's very light.
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It's much lighter that compact bone.
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But it's still strong and lastly in this chapter we
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have the fluid connective tissue which has two forms blood
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and lymph blood is made up of plasma and formed
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elements those formed elements are red blood, red blood cells,
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white blood cells and platelets which are pieces of sales
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that clot the blood.
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Um limp is lymphatic blood vessels that absorb access fluid
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and then return the length to the cardiac system, Going
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into 4.3.
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The muscular tissue moved the body.
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Um The muscular tissue is specialized to contract sales um
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cells that are called muscle fibers.
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There are three types which is the skeletal, the cardiac
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and the smooth muscle cell.
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The the skeletal muscle is attached to the skeleton by
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attendance. The muscle fibers are very long, sometimes even the
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full length of the muscle.
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Um The skeletal muscle has multiple nuclei and is voluntary,
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voluntarily controlled.
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The smooth muscle has no striations.
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Um It only has one nucleus and it is on
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in voluntarily controlled, also found in the walls of the
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vice area.
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And lastly we have the cardiac muscle.
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Um The cardiac muscle is found only in the walls
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of the heart.
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Um It has one single nucleus and the cells are
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connected by the inter clay did discs.
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