Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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for my presentation,
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I explored the negative representations
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of people of color within the media and the education system
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through the lens of hegemonic theory.
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In lecture, we talked about how the concepts of ideology and power
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intercept with each other
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and we looked at
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the framework of
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we looked at society through the framework of hegemonic theory.
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Now the main thesis of hegemonic theory,
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it's a suggestion that ideology of the dominant groups of society
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is pervasive throughout every aspect
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of society, including culture and can be obvious or hidden.
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these ideologies work to empower the dominant groups, allowing them to stay
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in their positions of power
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while repressing and constricting the group's
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lower on the social hierarchy
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so that they can't
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advance upwards and status
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economically politically or socially.
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My hypothesis is that the popular
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narrative of victimhood characterizing marginalized groups
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coupled with their portrayal as perpetrators,
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violent crime
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may have negative outcomes for their self image and progress in society.
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These outcomes are a result of the
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predominantly negative media coverage that portrays these groups
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as victims or criminals.
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And more notably
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a significant lack of coverage on the success.
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The success stories within these groups
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that would otherwise portray them as capable,
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resilient strong,
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where the
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et cetera,
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the media is heavy focus of people
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of color
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in a negative lens is the consequence
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of hegemonic forces aiming to spread and uphold
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the sentiment that people of color are failures and incapable of success,
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criminals and altogether weak
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and inferior.
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Now let's take a look at how these