Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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today, I'm gonna be talking about elephant cognition.
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Elephants are aware what they look like by seeing other
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members of the herd and counting cautioning cognitively happiness themselves
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to better understand their appearances, overflows such a high, a
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cognitive ability there about the pain themselves, other elephants and
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activities they like to do like walking with a friend.
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The three man it is I'm gonna be talking about
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is up until about 30 years ago, people thought these
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animals and all animals were mindless Bush robots and a
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way of thinking without the first studies of and that's
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our mirrors, Joe, reckon ization.
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We would probably still stink this.
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We moved through what was closely related to us, which
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were apes and then dolphins and then on to elephants.
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Do you understand the carnage of behavior?
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That and their ability to paint themselves activities?
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Many people still dispute whether the elephants are painting it
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in a meaningful way, air good.
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That is only in a physical sense, and that is
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not actually using emotion while painting and said they're being
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told what to do and how to paint.
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Other side is how elephant awful networks or heard help
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evolve their comedy thought so with greater heard.
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More evolution is in with the right.
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What. First, a successful MSR studies on the three agent
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elephants, which is one of them in this picture, off
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to the right Here, I use my right.
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There are four stages of Emma's are the first being
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social responses.
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Physical inspection like looking behind the mirror, repetitive mirror testing
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behavior and finally realizing the reflection is itself.
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In an experiment done on age agent elephants, three elephants
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had a visible marker marks and invisible shame.
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Marks applied to each side of elephants.
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Head marks replaced there to see if elephant could pass
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the litmus or mark test.
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This was done by the Oakland's, using the mirror to
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touch and otherwise imperceptible mark on the elephant's body.
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All three elephants were successful in the test taking.
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A similar progression of responses were among apes and dolphins.
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These were to just a carnet converted convergent cognitive illusion
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most likely were related to conflicts, sociology and cooperation always
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always heard or groups.
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In general, elephants have the largest brain size of any
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land mammal to date are your brains provide more information
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processing power, however, with high Melo bolic cost of brain
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tissue. The elephants Onley invest in energy to fully activate.
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It's a large rain if they need overcome serious challenges.
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The elephants are size limits, the number of predators it
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has therefore, it only it's true.
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Cartons of challenge is having social networks or hers.
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No street used.
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No matter if it's an elephant from Africa or Asia
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or other countries, they always create some sort of large
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network or heard with a hierarchal Excuse me from his
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pro pronouncing that and multi level organization.
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This is elephants congeal with a certain degree of social
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complexity, which in turn flexes the problem solving part of
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the elephants brain, which involved makes it evolve.
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Elephants. You have more complex social networks or herds have
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a greater chance of evolving of their cognitive side of
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their brain.
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Your point where they can express themselves reworked their awareness
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of themselves, gives them the ability to paint themselves and
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what they like to do, like walking with a friend
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or eating.
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Yeah, the more carnage of a thoughts that possess more,
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they're able to form activities like painting or MSR testing.
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However, there are always those who always discredit and criticize
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animals being ableto create something so human.
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Many people still think that these animals are not actually
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painting in a meaningful way from their own mind, but
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instead coming from their training.
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Her handler.
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And in many ways, this is true anyways that these
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like Thailand, they trained elephants to go by hand signals
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and pressure along their face to paint what they want.
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But in other countries, they just the handler just rule,
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teach them how to wield the brush.
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And after that, the elephant has free range.
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Whatever the likes to do here in my inside of
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right side of my face, I guess this is a
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painting done by and it was not called poop arm.
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It wasn't exactly, almost not really recognizable.
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Why people is just in elephant having fun.
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This piece of art was sold and it was put
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right back into the herd to protect it and present
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for president of the species from people like poachers.
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As I'm sure you have gathered, there are many different
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opinions in the animal painting world, specifically elephants on how
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they are trained to paint on one side that there
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people that do think that it should be banned and
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in many cases, there right a lot of cases than
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elephant is abused into painting at the art.
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It is a ancient tradition in Thailand, specifically, but in
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some cases the elephant and handler are friends, and the
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annular just gives him a paintbrush in listen, have fun.
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And when they're sold, it's just putting my back into
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the herd itself in the person version of the species.
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So depending on what you decide, it is up to
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you, obviously, on whether it should be banned worldwide or
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in some cases helped along to help preserve elephants, a
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species I included, or we're excited websites or articles.
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If you do not believe me for yourself, his different
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ones pull Nick ones especially, especially, especially good the end.