Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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the Southern Baptist Convention through History, a documentary, An Audiobook
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presented by Matthew Escape in 16 08 John Smith and
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Thomas Hellis organized the first English speaking Baptist church within
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England. As history progresses, we arrive in 16 38 when
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London Baptists organized the first particular Baptist Church and from
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it the London Baptist Confession of Faith.
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Just a mere year later, in North America, Providence Baptist
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Church organizes the First Baptist Church within the North American
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lend. Charleston First Baptist Church is men named the First
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Baptist Church with in the Southern United States in 16
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96. And from that a very, very important figure within
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the Southern Baptist and Baptist lineage emerges.
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Schubel Stearns.
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Born in Boston in Massachusetts in 17 06 from Puritan
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lineage, Schubel Stearns was one of the premier Baptist preachers
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in the 18th century American South.
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Credited with furthering the efforts of the Southern Baptist Movement,
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many believe that he was converted under the preaching of
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George Whitfield.
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He pursued and revivalist stick approach to church and evangelism,
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which led many Baptists to be planted.
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Though he established Mush Baptist influence in the South, his
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revival is improved to be a blight on solid theological
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ground for Southern Baptist churches in 17 07 The Philadelphia
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Baptist Association is named the First Baptist Association within the
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United States and is recognised as such.
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Throughout the world, 17 40 brings us to George Whitfield,
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a very well known evangelist and preacher from this era.
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He preaches in a Baptist church in Charleston, Charleston, South
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Carolina. In the first Great Awakening 17 51 to 17
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50 to Charleston Baptist Association becomes the First Baptist Association
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within the Southern United States.
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John Leland, an important figure of this time, was born
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on May 14th, 17 54.
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And Massachusetts, beginning a long life of exemplary service, is
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a believer, gospel minister, statesman and pastor.
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Despite rockets childhood years of indulgence in that would haunt
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him throughout the rest of his life, God brought him
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to saving faith in Christ.
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At age 18 his life was an immense output, enforced
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for sermon writing, evangelism, staunch abolitionism and furthering the cause
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of religious liberty in the newly formed United States of
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America. Through his relationships with James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and
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other politicians, is drive to establish Religious liberty in the
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Americas has enabled a massive spread of the gospel through
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the SBC as we progress forward in 17 58 especially
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under the leadership of After mentions Schubel Stearns, Sandy Creek
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Baptist Association becomes a bit of a epicenter for the
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separate Baptist movement, far more revivalist IQ approach and a
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farm or a outreach minded approach.
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In this way, it stems from a single church, the
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Sandy Creek Baptist Church, and becomes a driving force in
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establishing churches all throughout the South.
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In 17 96 John Taylor's preaching begins the second Great
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awakening and with it, and awakening a revivalism within the
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United States as a whole that would continue for many
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years. This brings us to an important figure within the
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SBC and within the South and large.
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Basil Manly Sr served as one of the founders of
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the SBC and is one of the foremost education leaders
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in the South.
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As pastor in Baptist and I Excuse Me.
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As a pastor and president of the University of Alabama,
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Manly Sr was highly influential in his ability to bring
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chaos and structure by institutions.
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His organizational skills were meticulous, and many remained to this
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day. Tragically, he was also a massive proponent of slavery,
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owning over 40 slaves themselves and never rectifying this injustice
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in his own life or in the lives of other
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Southern Baptists, get in a different vein.
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Sarah Johnson or Sarah Hall.
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Johnson was born in New Hampshire in 18 03 This
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young woman possessed a particularly powerful gift for linguistic work
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in translation, which led her to join her husband, who
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is who she would later work with, leading her with
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her husband to serve the Burmese people.
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Though she was widowed, she persisted in her ministry and
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later married the esteemed added Iram Johnson.
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Her efforts of missionary work for Baptists give a powerful
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example for Baptists and women the like.
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In 18 14 to try an aerial convention, the first
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of the Baptist conventions in the United States was formed
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and, as the name suggests, would meet every three years.
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In 18 21 we come to a very provable moment
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where Baptists appoint lot Kerry as thief first African American
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missionary for the Baptist Association, though others had been sent
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before him.
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In this way, he is distinctly known for all of
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his efforts in pastoral ministry for the establishment of the
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First Baptist Church with in Liberia, as well as for
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numerous other efforts that were very, very positive in 18
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27 A very pivotal figure for the SPC that would
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carry through most of the 19th century is James P.
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Boy's Voice was born in 8 January of 18 27
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and left an indelible imprint to this day for his
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expert administration in leadership of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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Educated at Princeton under the tutelage of Charles Hodge, Voice
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became a formidable academic and administrative force in the SPC
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by serving seven consecutive terms as the president of the
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convention. He also taught courses at the seminary, and he
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wrote a landmark systematic theology textbook.
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Those contributions to the SBC are momentous.
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His legacy also bears out a man who advocated slavery
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and white supremacy.
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We advanced now to 18 30 where a particular group
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of individuals who came to be known as the Campbell
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Lights were disowned in Dispel ship by the Baptists for
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poor theology and for a distortion of doctrine.
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And it became no longer tenable for the Campbell ICTs
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to continue with the Southern Baptist Convention.
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Charlotte Digs Moon or Lottie Moon was born in Virginia
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in 18 40.
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An intelligent and spirited child lot improved her abilities in
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academics as well as an indomitable spirit.
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Being one of the first women in the South to
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earn a master's degree, she committed her life to Christ
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in 18 58 and later with set sail for China
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in the Shang Tu province, where she's set an example
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for missions and women everywhere.
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A lot of gave almost 40 years of her life
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to the Chinese people, sharing and championing causes for the
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Chinese women and Children.
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She also helped establish the women's Mission union to help
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fund missionary work for the SPC.
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Her namesake offering still brings in over half of the
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International Missions board budget every single year.
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Advancing forward In this, we come to 18 45 where
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we do have at last the formation of the Southern
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Baptist Convention, which also includes the foreign and home mission
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boards. This meeting was held in Augusta, Georgia, in May
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and is the beginnings off what we now know today
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as the SBC moving into another pivotal figure for this
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time was any Armstrong.
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She was born into a well established Baptist family In
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pre Civil War Baltimore, she began to live a life
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of diligent work and particularly worked hard in raising funds
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for missions, work and humanitarian efforts.
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She's also one of the founders of the Women's Missionary
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Union. Known for strong determination, she never took a sour
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from the organization but spent her income to further the
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mission of missionaries in the SPC.
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She also champion the cause for black women to service
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missionaries. Her contribution to the SBC and I'd be is
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immense. And modern Missions owes much to her persistent efforts.
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Each year the SPC collects in Easter offering that is
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named after her in 18 59 the founding of the
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Southern Baptist Theological Seminary establishes the first training ground for
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Southern Baptist pastors to be trained.
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E. Y Mullins, a key figure in this transformation, was
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one of the most influential leaders in the 20th century,
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rescuing Southern 70 for for Thief excuse me rescuing Southern
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Seminary from a theological shift that it had happened underneath.
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President Whitson models assume control in 19 night or in
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18 99.
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He managed to double the Roman of the seminary, more
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than double the endowments and relocate the seminary to its
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present location in Louisville, Kentucky, as the president of the
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SBC, leaving a lasting impression, an effort that is still
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in effect today.
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His doctrine of soul competency did advance liberalism, particularly in
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the Baptist faith and message update, which was very difficult
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to overcome until some clarification in the mid 19 nineties.
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And in the 2000 revision, we have courts in the
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middle of all of 18 61 18 65 the American
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Civil War progresses and in 18 79 a most unusual
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event of Crawford Toy, a professor at Southern Seminary is
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dismissed from the seminary for poor doctrinal stances and for
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anti biblical views.
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Toy was also a former suitor but never married Lottie
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Moon. In 18 88 the first Lottie Moon Christmas offering
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was collected for missions.
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In 18 90 we see a Hispanic man, Alberto Diaz
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is sent to Cuba as an SBC missionary, advancing ahead
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of years to 1925 the back.
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This is about the cooperative program, which was a collective
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funding effort of missions and other efforts, including the seminaries
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and other institutions by Southern Baptist churches.
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It also presented a New Baptist faith in message that
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sought to bring a middle ground to a very divided
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convention. Though it was very helpful and provided some excellent
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stances. It also did provide some areas where clarity was
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needed. An 8th, 1949 Billy Graham holds a massive crusade
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in Los Angeles and establishes a strong name for Southern
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Baptists. Dr.
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Bill Wallace is martyred in China in 1952.
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And bring into this a man that will become very,
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very significant and later, 19 hundreds.
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R. Albert Mohler Jr is born.
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He becomes the ninth president of Southern Seminary as he
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serves with a vast amount of experience in SBC life.
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He has served as a editor for the SPC newspaper.
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Out of Georgia is commitment to the conservative resurgence, and
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the conservative correction of the seminary is a landmark achievement.
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He has brought a significant amount of theological weight in
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practice within the SBC and is credited for a shifting
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of thought.
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Ralph Elliot releases at Southern Seminary.
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The message of Genesis, which is completely thwarted and is
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viewed as heretical.
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Elia is dismissed and shame for this effort.
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The Baptist Faith and Messages revised in 1963.
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Unfortunately, this provided a lot of issues and provided a
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lot of lack of clarity on the issue of inerrancy,
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which would come under fire in later years, as we
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see in 1969 in 1971 where there's growing controversy over
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the infallibility of Scripture.
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In 1979 Adrian Rogers, a well known man in the
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conservative echelon of the Southern Baptist, is elected president and
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begins what is known as the conservative resurgence in 85.
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The largest SPC convention is ever held, with over 45,000
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in attendance.
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1991 brings us to the first meeting of the Cooperative
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Baptist Fellowship in 1993.
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R. Albert Mohler Jr is elected as the president of
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Southern Seminary and begins a shifting back to a traditional
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route is significant.
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Repeal occurs in 1995 where a racial reconciliation statement is
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issued and the SPC or issues a formal apology for
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its former stances and for its origins in slavery in
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2000. A significant milestone has made where the Baptist faith
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and message is re visioned and sought to bring clarity
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and strength, and it stands on the inerrancy of Scripture.
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It becomes clear as this all goes, that the SBC
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is a marvel of God's grace to the American people
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and that the SBC has a rich heritage and a
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rich future to look forward to, should the word of
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God be prioritized.