Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello everyone.
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Some words about news.
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This is National Early Warning score.
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This is for assessing the patient and the patient's patient's
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vital science.
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We are getting knowledge about patients, risk factors and we're
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recognizing a critical ill patient.
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All this gives information and helps us about the decision
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making. What place is the best place to take care
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of the patient.
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And when we are scoring the patient we are counting
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the respiration rate checking oxygen saturation, checking if the patients
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are using air or oxygen measuring systolic blood pressure, counting
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pulse per minute, checking patient's consciousness and also temperature.
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All of these gives us knowledge about the patient's risk
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class. If the patient gets zero points there is class
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is great and we can score the patient if it's
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needed or the next day.
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If the patient gets Points from 1 to 4, the
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risk class is green.
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It means that we are scoring the patient once again
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after 4-6 hours or when it's needed.
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If the patient gets 5-8 points, the risk class is
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yellow and this means that we nurses are alarming the
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physician and the medical emergency team and they are making
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their assessments.
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If the patient gets nine points, it's red risk class
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and it means always alarm.
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Then we are alarming the physician and the medical emergency
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team and then it's needed to assessment the need of
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intensive care unit care for the patient here.
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We can see the scoring system and then it's just
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to use it