Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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six major areas of Inland Lakes.
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The 1st 1 is Hugh Tin Lake.
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Um it's Michigan's largest and then like covering 22,000 acres.
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The second one is Torch Lake at 19 miles long.
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Torch lake is michigan's longest and the on lake lake
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Charles loon, but I don't know how to say that
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Is the third largest inland lake in the state, with
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the surface area of over 17,000 200 acres.
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Burt Lake is a 17,120 acre lake in Sheboygan County.
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In the state of Michigan, mullet lake is a lake
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in Sheboygan County, also in michigan and it's right next
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to Burt Lake.
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Um And Lake Go Get Vic is the largest natural
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inland lake of the U.
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P. Of michigan.
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It is located within the one million acre Ottawa National
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Forest Lake.
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Go Get Vic State Park is located along its western
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shore. Um nutrient classifications of lakes.
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Oh, only Go Traffic means relatively low and plant nutrients
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and containing abundant oxygen in the deeper parts.
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Mr Trophic means having a moderate amount of dissolved nutrients,
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and new trophic means rich in nutrients and supporting a
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dense plant population.
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How would lakes and ponds be different from each other?
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Lakes are much deeper than ponds and have a larger
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service area, ponds or shallow enough for sunlight to reach
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the bottom, whereas lakes are too deep for sun to
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reach the bottom.
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How does cycling of materials change seasonally mixing of the
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lake increases oxygen by exposing a greater volume of water
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to the atmosphere.
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Lake Erie is the fourth largest lake Of the five
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Great Lakes in North America, in the 11th largest globally.
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What lies yellow perch, smallmouth bass, and steelhead fish are
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the most commonly seen fish in lake Erie.
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During the late summer, Lake Erie can form a dead
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zone. The dead zone is a large area of low
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oxygen water located in Lake Erie's Essential basin.
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The types of river areas are riffles, pools and cascades.
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The types of channels are straight channels, meandering channels and
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braided channels.
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five Ways Currents Impact A River.
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Um They can form different types of channels, distribute substrates.
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Water infiltrates into the soil.
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It affects how the river flows and it determines how
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deep a river is.
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The types of areas found within any zone are the
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source zone transition zone and the floodplain zone.
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The stroller method for a stream order numbering If two
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streams with the same order number emerged, the next downstream
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segment is assigned that order number plus one.
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If two streams with different order numbers merge, the downstream
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segment is assigned the higher number of the two adaptations
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that can help creatures that live in a high lost
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the current more resistant to the cold Kimbrough and sediment.
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They have flattened heads and larger fins.
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Um, Would it repairing zones can reduce stream temperatures, particularly
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in terms of maximum temperatures.
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Streams with trees in the riparian zone have a lower
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average water temperature and reach lower maximum temperatures than streams
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without trees and the repairing zone, ways in which light
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is important for river systems.
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White provides energy for photosynthesis, which produces the primary food
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source for the river.