Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, Professor and fellow students.
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I would like to present to you some information
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on the effectiveness of social media in employee training
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or strategic human resource management.
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That that
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a little bit of introduction on what we're talking about.
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So check your human resource management has a focus,
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and it should be aligned with the company
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aligned with the future and supported by the leaderships and its employees
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in this regard.
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Social media has been developed in recent years, and it's not well researched.
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We do not have a standard, best practice
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for use by any company.
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So any company who is trying to apply
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social media towards their human resource management,
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we'll need to charge their own way.
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efficacy. We do know that the social media is a useful tools.
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However, your mileage may vary from one business to the next.
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It is wholly dependent on the context,
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and as
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we see here, this is untested territory.
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Many companies will be struggling to figure out how to make this work for them,
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but we do know that there are many companies that have
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successfully used social media in various parts of the campaign.
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Starbucks is a prime example of how they have managed to
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to capitalize on the social media.
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challenges that a company will face when trying to apply social media
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toward any process specifically with the strategic human resource management.
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We're dealing with cultural differences.
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This not only apply to multinational corporation,
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it also applied to a small company which is local in scope.
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But the employee will have various backgrounds
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and this bring in different culture,
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and how they apply and how they view the social media practice will be different.
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An example would be the difference between the French and American
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in America. It is, um, acceptable to advertise what good you do for the community,
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such as the corporate responsibility of a company may be published on its website,
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whereas in the French culture it might be regarded as bragging.
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And that looked well upon.
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So those are some differences that we can see, uh,
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making us implement various or different strategy
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depending on who we're working with.
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We're also dealing with the traditional community.
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This is in regard to help you interact with each other.
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Social media involved interaction of
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different people, um, potentially peers in the same level, but also between
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people of different level in the hierarchies. Within the companies,
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The traditional community already has
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a set attitude and how they communicate and through what medium.
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But with social media, we're looking at a new type of attitude.
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The quick response, the quick interaction,
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the near real time exchange of information and how the
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information can be validated pretty quickly across this medium.
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And the pressure on the accuracy of our information that we present is, uh
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it's very challenging, you know, um,
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in the old day, a subject matter expert can get away with saying things that are,
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let's say, off the cuff or not well thought out.
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But with social media, community and attitude,
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the credibility is kind of diffused. Um,
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No one is more credible than anyone else,
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and anyone else can
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almost challenged a subject matter expert on the
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subject that they are supposed expert at.
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Because the information is so readily available.
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The other challenges that with any new adoption of process or technology,
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the support by leadership, management and
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the employee is necessary for the success.
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Uh, without the proper support, any changes would fall flat on his face.
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There will always be resistance, no matter how small, because everyone
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naturally refuses changes because it required them to learn something new.
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It required them to change how they do things.
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So we can always anticipate their resistance to these changes.
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So it is necessary to have proper support in order to proceed with any changes.
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What possible solution
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can we apply to
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to obtain more success with social media and SHRM?
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So I wanted to go with SHRM is to align with
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the company as well as the line of the future.
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Incidentally, social media is the solution for its own problem.
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employee training should align everyone to
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work the company's emissions and policy,
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and in training
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it will involve some form of communication. And this is social media.
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By definition, you are interacting with the students or train me,
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and social media is the best solution. Internal training. We can use this to
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align new employees or all employees with the new direction of the company,
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introduce it to the company's history as well as strategy in school.
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We can also show
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and give the trainee the experiences that is needed for some of the
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the issues that we face as a company.
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For example, Uh,
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harassment has been a long time issue for many companies,
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and then just telling someone what harassment is,
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it's not quite the same as having someone
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experiences what harassment is specifically sexual harassment.
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Now it is hard to really say, Put everyone through harassment.
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So that way they know what it feels like.
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But it's more reasonable that they can watch a video.
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They could watch something that's act out. So that way they have
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the experience of being harassed.
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So that way it has a contact on which they could base their training on.
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And they should provide exceptional values
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in terms of training purposes and getting
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the employee ready to operate within the new environment that they should be,
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and then cultural awareness.
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The solution with applying social media
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is to be socially aware of what we're dealing with. If the culture is open
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and direct,
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then it's easier to have this direct exchanges between the boss and employee,
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and then what type of information can be shared on this medium?
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It changes between culture. So, like, for example, we mentioned the U. S. And French
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different on what should be shared and what should be kept
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or not advertised,
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then the support by all level organization.
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You have leadership at the top and you have your management,
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and then you have your employees.
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All of these people need to support the
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implementation of social media to gain effectiveness.
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any shortage of support,
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my cost issues and rejected because Social Media is relying
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reliance or dependent on the voluntary engagement by the user.
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So if you force social media on a group of people,
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it doesn't quite work as well as the traditional, um,
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because social media is only effective when people engage voluntarily
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and how they engage and what level of engagement they have dependent interests,
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and usually they reciprocate this, uh,
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toward the organization organization.
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So then everyone needs to have a standard, Um, I guess,
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code of conduct where the respect is given to all of the participants.
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So that way it can be reciprocated.
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And then the sharing of information is usually a two way street.
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So if management would like the interaction with the employee to be more valuable
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and have information come back
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ideally, the management and leadership will have to give up
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uh, information as well. So that way the trust can be developed.
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And these are some of the simple solutions on gaining
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success with using social media in training and SHRM.