Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, everyone. My name is Eva Perez
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and my final presentation is going to be on the Russian mafia as it pertains to Brava.
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So, um
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to begin with the first point is Russia.
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So Russia is the largest country in the world
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by area. Um
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It expands over a vast area of Europe and part of northern Asia.
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Um Their capital is Moscow and which is also the largest city in that whole country.
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Russia was formerly part of the Soviet
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Union before it became independent in 1991.
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In the second point as it pertains to organized crime,
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organized crime is defined as a group of individuals
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engaging in illegal activity for some kind of profit in return.
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Uh Most organizations are created due to a demand
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of illegal goods and services such as drugs,
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fraud, prostitution.
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The way these organizations make a profit is um by providing such
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goods and services that are illegal and getting paid for that service.
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Um Some of these organized crimes
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um such as terrorist organizations are more politically motivated
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than just um
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for making a profit.
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Um in our next point.
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Um Just a little bit of background
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on the Russian mafia.
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So um
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the Russian mafia brava
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is composed of various organized crime organizations itself.
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Um And it's part of the former Soviet Union, which is not Russia.
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Um There are various groups
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and members involved
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in this mafia
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um such as corrupt officials, former prisoners of the country
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and um
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people that have had other criminal experience and such.
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So for our next point, we're going to talk about the gang itself.
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So, um
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the game was founded in the 19 eighties.
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Um It was based in Moscow
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and recruited uh local unemployed individuals.
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Um The gang was formed by a former writer
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named uh Sergei
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who was in prison for fraud.
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Um The, the group itself has around 5000 members
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making them the largest Russian criminal organization.
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Um The district where the group was located
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was near, is near a highway which leads to Ukraine.
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Um This facilitated
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um the gang to control the import of automobiles.
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Um In the 19 nineties, there was a gang war which claimed a lot of lives
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and sometime after it
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happened, the collapse of the Soviet Union
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and the gang was able to establish a relationship with various politicians
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um with this new relationship um in politics,
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the gang was able to influence the government to their benefit.
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So a little more um on the gang specifically what they do, um
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they have after the, the end of the eighties, um they
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were located more
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um, of their services and uh
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money laundering into the banking sector.
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Um, not only did they do this through,
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through the banking system itself but through casinos, airports, um, hotels.
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Um, besides laundering money,
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some of their main operations included drugs smuggling, arms,
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uh car smuggling,
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more specifically extortion investments and running hotels which they used
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to launder money.
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Um, they have also been known
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um for nar
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narcotics trafficking and just gambling in, in general.
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Um In our next point, we have um violence and law enforcement.
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So as it pertains to violence,
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it's a threat that defines the Russian organized crime in, in general.
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Um It is used to gain control of the criminal markets.
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Um Some Russian criminal activity
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um related to violence includes extortion,
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um which can lead to murdering kidnapping and arson
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among other
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um in the part of law enforcement.
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There have been cases of arrests
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um made throughout different countries just not in,
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not, not, not only in Russia.
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Um for instance, there was a case where 11 Russians um were arrested in, in Spain
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um that were part of the, of the brat
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gang among the arrested. There was um
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was the leader of the gang itself,
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the president and a vice president
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um of a Spanish football club.
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It was that the group had a system for laundering money in Spain,
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specifically in Malaga
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and they were doing this through various organizations such as a golf club.
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Uh a water bottle company and the football team of um the city of Malaga
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and um
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in Spain, they laundered around €30
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Um So to conclude,
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um overall,
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um the gang is
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the biggest criminal organization.
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Um like we mentioned, um
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are still active, they are involved in a series of new activities,
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as we mentioned before.
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So they're smuggling drugs, extortion fraud among others.
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Um The game uses the banking system to launder money
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and has ties to the government itself through their politicians.
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Um Like I mentioned before, they are currently active
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and um
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are doing so in
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the district of
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so and um some areas of Moscow.
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Thank you.