Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi. Thanks so much for watching.
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I am happy to quickly share with you today a
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few strategies that I have found really helpful for optimizing
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efficiency at work.
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So this would be about move managing your task list,
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but also ensuring that the task on your list that
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need attention get the attention that they deserve.
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So a little bit about me mining this lose?
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Lockwood. I am a digital project manager, and I live
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in New York City.
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As you can see there, I have a French bulldog.
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He's amazing.
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His name is Bo Marie, and in case you're interested,
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I'm currently watching Madman for the very first time, which
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is also amazing.
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Okay, so task list work strategy is working efficiencies.
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These are all things that kind of actually love discussing
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and thinking and strategizing around.
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Um, but it can also feel like a full time
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job to simply manage the work that you need to
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get done.
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Um, so for starters, one thing that I would recommend
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is creating a strategy around your work so much like
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you, and strategize maybe for an issue that a client's
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trying to solve, or perhaps a scope of work that
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you're writing bring the same level of strategy for answering
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the question.
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Okay. How am I efficiently and completely gonna get the
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work done than any to today or this week or
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this month?
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It is a really good use of time to take
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five or 10 minutes every day or whatever.
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It might require you to just map out that strategy
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and ensure that it's a plane you're comfortable with.
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I like this kind of like when you lay out
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your clothes the night before, maybe a big meeting.
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If you've already chosen what you're gonna wear the next
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morning, you can wake up and have one less thing
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to be worried about.
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And that is very much for me.
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How this operates that Wake up.
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I know what's on my to do list and that
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allows me to dive into work with a greater sense
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of focus inefficiency.
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Secondly, and this one is really important for me.
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Um, approach.
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The task that you dread the most first or earliest
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in your day is possible.
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I find that if I just let a task that
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is hanging over my head that I just don't love
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doing which we all have those.
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If it just kind of sits there and simmers, it
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wants up taking my focus off other things and doing
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or need to do so maybe it's an expense report,
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or it could be something that simply takes five minutes.
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But you just dread it so much of every week
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or every month.
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Um, go ahead and not get out.
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Just get it done.
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Now I know that in all cases, this isn't possible.
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So perhaps Thistle is your most dreaded thing is a
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meeting at 4 p.m. That you just have no control
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over that, and you can't not work until 4 p.m.
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Totally understand that.
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But as much as the work is within your control,
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go ahead and kind of start with the dreaded things
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first. Because what I find is that really frees me
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up to kind of work with a creativity and focus
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on the things that actually want to dio without the
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weight of that dread hanging over me like a clown.
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All right, 3rd 1 task at a time.
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So when I started in the workforce, I really, like
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prided myself on how my check and juggle on how
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great. I wasn't multitasking.
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And while that might be true in some areas, I
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have found over the years that multitasking when I'm trying
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to get something done is not actually helpful.
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And so weather in his face again, a small task
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that takes five or six minutes.
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Or of Archer, you know, check of time that maybe
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it's three or four hours to write up an estimation
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or a scope of work or something.
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Um, being able to focus on that one thing on
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Give it your full attention, I find, allows me to
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actually get more done in a day than if I'm
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trying to kind of touch this and touch that and
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then come over here and do this thing, because what
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once up happening, if I don't focus on one thing
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at a time is out.
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One might wind up at the end of the day
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with six task better 40% then, and I would rather
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have four task better.
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100% done so as much as possible, focusing on one
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thing at a time.
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I will often focus on the task thing kind of
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break to check email and then focus on the task
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and then break and come back and catch up on
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slack. Whatever that looks like for you, just one thing
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at a time is something that I have found really
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beneficial fourth quality over quantity.
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Eso I am very guilty of creating very aspirational task
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list. They might be, you know, maybe it's 20 or
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25 things in a day.
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I want to get done.
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And sometimes I can let my focus beyond just getting
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through all that word can like.
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Great at the Amadeu checked off 25 boxes, But I
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think what's most important to remember is that it's not
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so much how many things you get done but what
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you're getting done.
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Well, so don't, you know, kept catch yourself like I
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do often into this pattern of just check, check, check.
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I just want to get through my list with some
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things that might be fine, but I find that with
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most work, its most critical to make sure I'm doing
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it well.
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Um, and I'm actually much more proud of my work
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if I accomplished maybe a little bit less than I
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had set out to do.
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But I know that I did those things you know,
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with a greater amount of focus and maybe not perfection,
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but ah, higher degree of excellence.
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Finally re prioritize your list very often.
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Uh, this is really critical.
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And it's actually challenging for me because I'm not always
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the most flexible in terms of if I begin the
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day and I want to get all my things done
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like I just mentioned, um, sometimes it's hard for me
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to flex and go, You know, that can wait till
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tomorrow or next week.
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But, you know, the flexibility that you're able to put
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into your schedule and your kind of, you know, strategy
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around your work is really going to serve you and
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your team.
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Well, so maybe what you thought was a priority in
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the beginning of the day.
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11 a.m. He realizes no longer a priority.
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And that's fine.
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A tw that point re strategize.
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Take five minutes to go.
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Okay, let me recalibrate and see.
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Actually, what I need to get done now.
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Um, task close air.
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Definitely not static.
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Set it up into the best possible plan with the
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information that you currently have when you set it up.
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But it is kind of always shifting and moving and
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evolving. It's just, you know, don't beat yourself up if
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you have to move something into the next day or
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the next week.
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Always keeping in mind what's going to serve me, my
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clients, my team, my company best.
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And let that be the motivating factor behind you know,
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the plan that you're setting up.
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So that's pretty quick.
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Five basic things thes are strategies that I use on
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a daily basis, and I hope that for you, they
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have been hopeful on that they in some small fashion,
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allowing you to approach their work on your list with
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increased efficiency in a heightened sense of productivity.
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So thanks so much for watching.
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I really appreciate it, and I hope that you have
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a great day.