Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello and welcome to the Health and Wellness Plan overview.
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In this presentation, we will review the requirements and expectations
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for creating your term project in H C 105 Health
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and Wellness Plan For the duration of this presentation, we
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will refer to this project as your plan.
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So let's dive in and take a look at the
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following elements in units 136 You will create individual components
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of your plan.
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Each assignment will build upon the one before it.
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Don't worry, we'll review that content in just a moment.
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By Unit seven, you will have all the components of
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your plan created and then assemble those components into a
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formal plan.
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Your plan will be research based, meaning you will need
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to conduct scholarly research from the very first step in
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Unit one, where you will define your topic.
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There are two primary sources for conducting this research.
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The hurting library is a central hub for all kinds
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of scholarly journals and even helpful editorial pieces.
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Additionally, her sing has a librarian specifically dedicated to health
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programs who can help you research your topic of choice
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Outside of the library, you may find other sources of
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information to support your creative thought process.
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These may include industry experts such as colleagues or even
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mentors. Now let's talk briefly about formatting.
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All of the work in this plan should be done
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in a p a style seventh edition.
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If you need assistance with a P A, please see
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guidance from the tutoring and writing center.
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Each unit assignment will state the requirements for the number
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of references.
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Pay close attention to ensure that you gather adequate sources
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for your final plan.
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Now, perhaps the most important element of this project is
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applying feedback.
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Each week, your instructor will grade and provide feedback on
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your work.
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It's imperative that you apply this feedback as you move
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forward with your project in Unit seven, you will be
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putting all the pieces together.
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If you make editors, you go, meaning as feedback is
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provided each week, your final preparations in Unit seven will
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be much easier.
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Let's take a look at the requirements for Units one
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and two.
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Unit one is about topic selection.
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Beginning with this Unit one assignment, you will select a
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public health threat, disease, illness or prevention strategy that interests
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you. The important part about this topic.
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Selection is understanding how your topic can be a health
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and wellness plan.
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For example, you may be interested in diabetes.
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That's great.
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Now how are you going to make a health and
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wellness plan about that?
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What is your target population?
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Are you wanting to focus on intervention or prevention?
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What is the connection between diabetes and public or community
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health? These are just a few questions that you want
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to ask yourself when you're developing your topic.
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Um, example of an effective plan topic would be Type
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two diabetes prevention in Hispanic women.
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This topic focuses on a health condition, specifically prevention of
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that condition, and it also specifies the target population.
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The next step in the unit one assignment is to
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outline your plan.
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Now this is a rough draft.
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Think of it as a way to get your ideas
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on paper and allow your instructor to provide feedback and
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ensure that you're going in the right direction.
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Now here's a hint.
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Take notes on the components required to complete the final
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plan. These are gonna be explained throughout the rest of
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this presentation.
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Include those elements in your plan outline and last but
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not least provide five scholarly sources that support your topic
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choice unit to establish a timeline.
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The purpose of this unit to assignment is to visually
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illustrate the timeline of your plan.
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This includes preparation, implementation and assessment faces.
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You may use a Gant chart or similar visual element
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to illustrate your timeline.
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It's important to understand this is not an essay.
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This is an illustration of time, periods and tasks which
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are relevant to your plan.
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After you create your timeline in about one paragraph, summarize
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significant steps in the plans process.
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This may include notated steps that you're unsure, how long
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will take or other pertinent details you want to remember
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after completing additional research and components of your plan.
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Units three and four.
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Let's take a look here at Unit three.
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SWAT Analysis.
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For the Unit three assignment, you will be conducting a
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SWAT analysis on to health education models.
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A template is provided in the assignment details for you
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to use for each model, you will have four boxes.
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Those air representing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of that
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model. You'll list four key points for each of these
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sections, so that's a total of 16 key points for
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each swat.
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And remember, you are doing two of these, so include
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them in the same document.
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But to SWAT analysis one for each model.
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Lastly, you will summarize which model you are choosing to
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use in your plan.
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Be sure to include rationale for your decision and lastly
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include three scholarly sources as references.
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On a separate page, The unit for assignment is about
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data collection methods.
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For this assignment, you will outline how data will be
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collected and used for your plan.
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First, you'll explain the method you'll use to collect the
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data for your plan.
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Examples of this include quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods.
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Next, briefly explain your data sources.
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Some examples of data sources can include the C D.
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C database, Global Health Observatory, et cetera.
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Now keep in mind these sources may and probably will
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change as you further refine your plan.
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So this is really just a starting point.
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Lastly, you'll need to summarize how eHealth or a needs
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assessment is part of your plan.
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Think about what is its relevance to your plan.
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How and when will it be conducted, et cetera.
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For this assignment, you are required to include a minimum
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of three references to support your work.
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Units five and six Unit five Logic Model Illustration.
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For the Unit five assignment, you will create a logic
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model illustrating your plan.
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This involves using a combination of colors, design elements and
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other aspects to provide visual appeal to your plans.
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Audience. You can use any program to create this but
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a few popular choices or Microsoft PowerPoint publisher or word.
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Just be sure you save the documents so you can
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edit it later.
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And so you can add the model to your final
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plan. As you create your model, build in some extra
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space for additional information that you may want to add
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later. This will come in handy, especially in Unit seven.
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As you're applying your instructors feedback and prepare for your
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final submission.
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Now, there are specific elements that are required to be
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included in your logic model.
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Those are listed in the assignment instructions, but they are
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inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, impacts, assumptions and contextual factors.
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Lastly, you'll need to include three scholarly references on a
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separate reference page.
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Unit six is about the communication strategy for your plan.
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You will be creating a communication strategy or, in essence,
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an outline of that communication strategy.
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First of all, you're going to summarize in approximately 500
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words the communication methods you will use in both the
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implementation and evaluation of your plan.
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For example, you may consider how you would reach your
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target population if your research will be published in a
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scholarly journal, et cetera.
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Next concisely, describe your plans communication strategy.
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This portion of the assignment should include a minimum of
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three sections and focus on both internal and external communication.
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Remember to use EPA format here.
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An example of this is provided in the incitement details.
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Lastly, you need to include three scholarly references on a
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separate reference page.
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So here we are.
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Unit seven is where you're going to be putting all
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the pieces together.
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Yeah, all the work you've done in units one through
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six is going to be compiled into a beautiful professional
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plan. Think of this as a portfolio piece, something you
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could use for an employment application or even a graduate
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school application.
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This should be a document you are proud off.
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Instructions for preparing your final plan are provided in the
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assignment details, so please review those very carefully and ensure
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your plan meets the content and formatting criteria provided here,
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as well as in the incitement instructions, is the outline
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of items to be included in your final plan.
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But again, as always, if you have questions or concerns,
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contact your instructor for guidance.