Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hi my name is Alfreda Hall and I will be
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talking about john Holland and his occupational themes.
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John Holland was an american psychologist and professor emeritus of
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sociology at john Hopkins University.
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He was the creator of the career development model.
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The Holland occupational themes.
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The Holland occupational themes is the theory of personality that
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focuses on career and vocational choice.
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It groups people on the basis of their suitability for
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six different categories of occupations, the six types yield the
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riots acronym or cold John Howland developed his theory in
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the 1950s.
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Riot sex stands for realistic investigative, artistic, social enterprising and
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conventional realistic personalities are the doers.
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They prefer active jobs that produce tangible results.
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They enjoy fixing, building and repairing things.
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Careers include mechanics, carpenters, engineers and electricians.
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The investigative personalities or the thinkers enjoy work that involves
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gathering information, developing theories in analyzing data careers include physicians
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and computer programmers, artistic personalities.
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The creators have a great need for self expression and
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they enjoy creative work.
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Artistic careers include graphic designers, journalists, writers and editors and
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actors and actresses.
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The social personality type or the helpers like to work
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with people they enjoy teamwork, intend to be nurturing and
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caring careers of interest for this personality type include teachers,
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nurses, social workers, counselors and ministers.
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Enterprising or the persuaders that personality type likes selling, managing
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and persuading others, careers include real estate agents, financial planners,
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stockbrokers and politicians, conventional personality types or the organizers prefer
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activities that require attention to detail, organization and accuracy careers
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in this area include bookkeepers in actuaries.
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There are five concepts centered around the hexagonal model consistency
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relates to personality as well as to the environment.
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It is a measure of the commonality between types adjacent
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categories on the hexagon are war like for example, realistic
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and investigative personality types are adjacent categories and they are
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more alike.
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Opposite categories are less alike, such as artistic and conventional
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because they are on opposite ends of the hexagon concludes
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is the degree of fit between an individual's personality type
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in the work environment type.
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Congruence is related to job satisfaction, stability and performance.
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So when you hear people say that they love their
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job and they enjoy waking up in the morning to
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go to their job.
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That means they are in confront differentiation whether degree to
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which a person or environment clearly resembles some riots types
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and not others reflects greater clarity.
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With respect to making vocational choices.
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Identity refers to the degree to which an individual has
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a clear picture of lungs, goals, interests and talents or
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among environments.
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It reflects the degree to which they work, setting has
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clear goals, tasks and rewards that remain stable over time.
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Minute. Dawson is a 36 year old African American male
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who has been employed at safeway trucking.
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He has been employed at this trucking company in Chicago
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for 11 years.
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He has been employee of the month several times and
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has been praised for doing a good job.
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However, even with all the awards and praises.
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Leonard is still dissatisfied with his job in the working
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conditions prices.
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Employment at Safeway Lennon was awarded a full scholarship to
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a local community college because he loved to draw letter
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majored in architectural design.
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However, after a few semesters Leonard dropped out, Leonard's dissatisfaction
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with his job has caused him to experience anxiety, tension,
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and irritability, irritability.
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He is always frustrated, angry and resentful.
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He often feels withdrawn, isolated and depressed.
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He is born with the lack of spontaneity and creativity.
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His job demands are sometimes unclear because of the lack
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of feedback from his supervisors.
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This has caused him to have a poor interpersonal relationship
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with them.
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Since he doesn't have a college degree, he likes the
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education necessary to gain a higher position with the company.
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He has expressed an interest in entrepreneurship, but he is
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afraid of the instability.
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He also does not want to return to school to
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continue his education.
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Leonard's personality type can be described as the following.
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He seems to be realistic, artistic and enterprising R.
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E. He prefers concrete work as opposed to abstract work.
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He has mechanical abilities in his very task oriented.
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His interest in the arts makes him imagine imaginative and
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creative. His poor relationship with his supervisors may indicate that
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he would probably prefer a leadership role.
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Leonard's personality style matches him with occupations such as skilled
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tradesmen, a designer or a manager.
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His riots, that code of R.
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E. Indicates that he is not the most consistent person
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because his personality types are less in common and they
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are opposite each other on the hexagon Leonard also has
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a poorly defined personality because his personality fits several types.
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This is an indication that has low identity and that
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his personality type does not match his work environment.
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Thus there is no evidence of congruence.
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Hollande's theory has made an impact on the field of
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counseling psychology through his instruments for assessing persons and environments
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with respect to the riots.
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That types.
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These include the vocational preference inventory and the self directed
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search, both of which assess riots act personality types.
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The position classification inventory classifies work environments using the riots.
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It types in the environmental assessment technique classifies educational environment,
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the vocational decision making difficulty scale and its successor, my
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vocational situation, as well as the vocational vocational identity scale,
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permit researchers and practitioners to assess the clarity of a
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client's vocational identity.
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Finally, the career attitudes and strategies inventory, assesses clients beliefs
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and factors that influence their career choices.
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Here, I have listed several career assessments, one in particular.
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My next move dot org.
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I have a personal understanding of this website because I
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have used it before.
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My next move dot org test this test aims to
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help people find out what their interests are and how
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they relate to the world of work.
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My next move dot org is a part of the
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o net online, which is an online occupation search.
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Have a question for you based on what you have
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learned so far, Which career assessment inventory or inventories would
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you use to help Leonard find a career that matches
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his personality in order to gain job satisfaction?
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And finally, here are some references.
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Once again, my name is Alfreda Hall.
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Thank you for listening to my presentation and enjoy the
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rest of your of the semester, as well as your
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edge educational journey at National Louis University.