Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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we are here today to propose a social media campaign that
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aims to stop the unnecessary chopping down of trees in Sheffield.
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The campaign has been planned by Masayo jane jude and laura.
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To begin with, Why is this issue important?
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Why should people care about our campaign?
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Sheffield is a bustling city located in South Yorkshire,
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although it is known as the Steel City due to
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its history in steel production during the Industrial Revolution.
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Sheffield also holds an affectionate name by locals as the green city.
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Due to it being the UK's greenest city, having 61% of green space,
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There are more than 250 parks, Woodlands and Gardens in the city.
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However, Sheffield has also seen an increase in tree felling and from 2011 to 2020,
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Sheffield lost 541.
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A here's a tree cover,
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99% of this occurred within its natural forests.
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The total loss within natural forest was equivalent
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to 101 knots of co two emissions.
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A report published in 2019 by City Burns shows that over 5400 street
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trees in Sheffield were felled as a part of Council Highway Project.
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It says that the Sheffield City Council avoided
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prosecution over the controversial tree felling work.
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The Forestry Commission tried to look into the matter
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and protests were also held, but however, the situation still persisted
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When forests are cut down,
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much of that storage carbon is released into the atmosphere again, s.
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c. 0 2
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before station affects climate change in several ways.
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Number one,
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we lose a crucial ally in keeping excess carbon out
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of the atmosphere and in slow and global warming.
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Number two, even more emissions are created when fell trees release
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the carbon they have been storing
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and rot or burn on the forest floor and finally,
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most often replaced
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replaces the now vanished forest,
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livestock and crops, generates massive amounts of even more greenhouse gasses
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taken together. These emissions account for
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or a quarter of all emissions worldwide.
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there is a need for policy making in
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order to create greater protections from our vital
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urban trees and make sure residents have a
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say on the management of these important assets.
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More pragmatic effort has to be taken to curb
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the menace deforestation brings to the nation at large.
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Hence the reason for this campaign is to reinforce awareness for
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the effects of deforestation and ensure
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the local council takes responsibilities.