Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:07
let me take this opportunity and welcome every one of you for today's training.
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Today's topic. It's about the d eff a repayment chateau.
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Remember, this is a video training.
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Make sure that you pay much attention to details.
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In case you have questions, you can write them down.
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So at the end of the training,
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you can ask myself or anyone from the training department.
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My name is Victor Molowa, senior training officer,
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here are my contact details.
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You can reach me on my mobile phone or
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email at the rice,
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so the agenda for today it's about the repayment schedule area
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repayment schedule as well as the bad dad recovery payment.
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The after disclosure.
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So before we can start, let me refresh you about
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getting started on using the D F. A.
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So make sure that the Keto it's on
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when you want to access the d eff.
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So after the cattle, it's only you can rock
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in using your credentials. After logging in,
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you can go to my areas
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from my areas. You open the centres, you go to the groups in order to get
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the repayment icon
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so you can find the repayment icon after clicking the floating button.
- 01:57 - 02:00
This is the floating button.
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Once you click on the floating button,
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the five icons of buttons will appear.
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So for the repayment icon is the second from the top.
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This is the repayment icon,
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so you click on the repayment icon, and a page like this will appear.
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The centre repayment request process. Remember, always
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you must request a centre meeting a day or two days before the actual centre meeting,
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so we'll talk about the approach you because once you request the process,
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the centre repayment
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will be
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uploaded or will be added to to the upload. Q.
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So we'll talk about this after two or three slides
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so before that will go to to the cheque in because
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always as a d f.
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When you are at the centre meeting,
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you must make sure that you cheque in first before
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you can proceed with the processes of the repayment.
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So the centre cheque in icon. To find it, you can go back again to the 14 menu button,
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so after that,
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you click a floating menu button.
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The five icons or buttons will appear,
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so the centre cheque in Icon
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is the first from the top.
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Once you click on the centre cheque in icon, a page like this will appear
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So you are about to cheque in at Centre 71 beach.
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Please confirm that you are at the centre.
- 03:53 - 03:58
Then if you are at the centre meeting, you can clip Yes button.
- 03:59 - 04:04
Yes. Cheque in so once a week he has checked in a page like this will appear
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you have successfully checked in
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date and time
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as well as the centre code.
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Sometimes because of the network problems,
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you might encounter problems when checking in but
- 04:20 - 04:23
retry again. So remember,
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working on a d. F a. You can also work in
- 04:28 - 04:29
work offline.
- 04:31 - 04:33
So once you checked in,
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we can go back again to
- 04:37 - 04:38
to the upload cure.
- 04:39 - 04:43
So once at this centre is a request touch.
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So you were found.
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Find it
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here on
- 04:49 - 04:50
my current
- 04:50 - 04:51
- 04:52 - 04:54
So if you don't find it here,
- 04:54 - 04:59
there is a refresh button you can refresh or synchronise so that the
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centre repayment that you requested a day or two days before can appear
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on my current task.
- 05:08 - 05:13
So once you click on the centre repayment request that a page like this will appear.
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So this page, it's a repayment time. That's where you can select.
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Remember, we have cash box or
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prepared. You can just select in this case, they selected the compared.
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So once you select the compared,
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it will continue
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And a page
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containing the savings and attendance appears like this. So
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yeah, it's a group
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and the group members.
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So there is, uh, attendance that is the down arrow.
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So in order for you to complete the attendance of the register,
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you click on the downhill.
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So on the right side,
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there are descriptions the P 4% to the A for absent without apology.
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The AP absent with apology they are representative the A N for net cameras.
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Once you click on the down arrow, it will show all the
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five. Then you choose
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the 11th one, for instance here, the first remember was
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present the second AP the 3rd, 4th and 5th was present. So you can also do that
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when you capture the savings. Once
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the centre confirmed the individual savings.
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When you write the individual savings here,
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so once you are done, you press save and a page like this will
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- 06:52 - 06:57
So this is the page where, after you are done with
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attendance register as well as savings. So it tick like this appear to show that
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all attendants
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for the groups
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forward lines
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are captured.
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Once you're done, your price continue and the page like this will appear.
- 07:16 - 07:21
So these pages for you to complete the repayment information of your God.
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So this is the repayment. You can click on the repayment
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for each and every group.
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Once you click on this page like this will appear. So this is the group information,
- 07:34 - 07:36
our group of payment information.
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You can just look, for example, here the instalment is 3150
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no extra a mom. There's an opening balance there
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so forth. So let's say the group paid
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the exact amount You will write the 3150. Here you click on add deposits.
- 07:58 - 08:02
Once you click on a deposit, sleep a page like this will appear,
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so if you can look here, the deposits me
- 08:06 - 08:07
is captured,
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so now you can be able to view as well as to delete.
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If the deposits name is not clear enough, you can delete and retake another.
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So the same will apply to the payment receipts. What?
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Once you completed the payment receipt of the clients,
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you need to take a photo of them or to capture it.
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Once you capture, eat the same information like above will appear.
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You will have the view button as well as
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the delete button.
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So it deposits the original.
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Yes, The date of receipt Click here than the dates will appear. Them in select
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same dates that appears on the deposits there.
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Serve bank account to come here. All the banking details of self will appear.
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Then you click the relevant one.
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So the same applies
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to the institutions. The
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tasks reference.
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Remember, you can hear you right? The group number a deposit slip
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among the 3150. So once you are done,
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a message like this will appear to say data saved,
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saved successfully. Then you press Okay.
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Once person Okay,
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a page like this will appear. So this page
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shows the fully completed attendance
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savings as well as a payment of a certain time.
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So you will see by the six year to say okay, Attendance, tick, tick, tick
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The payment. More arctic. Which means you are done, they are all captured.
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Then you press continue
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when you press continue Summary page of centre repayment will appear like this.
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So the centre total for attendance repayment and savings the total amount due
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to the total amount paid the balanced savings as well as percentage attendance.
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Remember the percentage attendance will
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or populated. You don't need to calculate it.
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So once you are done your price
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- 10:21 - 10:24
So this is all about the centre repayment.
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Now let's say maybe you have an area or the
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bad debts recovery that you need to make a payment.
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- 10:33 - 10:36
So you will go to
- 10:36 - 10:38
- 10:39 - 10:41
centre the groups.
- 10:42 - 10:47
Then you will come to this page area repayment, bad death, recovery as well as memos.
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So, in case it's an area repayment
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than a page.
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- 10:57 - 11:02
Once you press on the areas repayment a message like this.
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Are you sure you want to start? The areas repayment process will appear.
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Then you click. Yes, once you click.
- 11:10 - 11:11
- 11:11 - 11:16
A message to say the group areas repayment was requested and added to the upload Cube
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will appear then your progress. Okay, Once you press okay, you go back to
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my current task then you refresh,
- 11:28 - 11:32
refresh until the areas repayment appears.
- 11:33 - 11:36
So once. Once it appears
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a page like this will appear to say
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areas and payment wants to click on that one page like this will appear.
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So this is for the areas.
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So in order for you to proceed or to capture an area
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- 11:56 - 11:58
and then you click on
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add deposit sleep. Once you click on a deposit, sleep
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- 12:04 - 12:04
- 12:05 - 12:06
You must
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take the picture or the photo of the deposit slip as well as the payment received.
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So once you are done with those and they are visible now
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the same information like what we did,
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What you did when you capture the normal repayment will appear.
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Is the deposits not original? You say Yes. Then you go to the date of deposit.
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You select the self bank account the institution you write
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the depositors reference as well as the deposit slip amount.
- 12:38 - 12:40
So the same.
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- 12:41 - 12:41
- 12:41 - 12:43
flies. The same
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process applies to the bad deaths recovery.
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So when you come here, you at the deposit.
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So all the information, like the deposit slip, is original.
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The date of deposit sleep.
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The surf banking account as well as capturing the deposit slips,
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and the payment receipts will appear so
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that will mark the end of the areas as well as the bad deaths,
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recovery and payment. So, in summary,
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want to uh,
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digital now? Manual applications are expected unless the admin manager approved.
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All DF issues must be logged via the consent, either via phone or email not to i t.
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So the d eff a user's must report issues or problems immediately to the call centre as
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assistant cannot be provided unless I t call
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Centre are unaware of the problems all longer.
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Payments must be submitted by the D EFF immediately after the meeting.
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For prepared and for the cashbox. Submit. Once you have caused a 50% street,
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all pictures taken by D F to be visible when requesting other repayment.
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The normal repayment should have been processed by
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ensure repayment and extras are allocated. According
- 14:03 - 14:08
T have to continuously cheque email for responses once they have logged a ticket.
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In terms of the bad dads recovering element,
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you'll find right off in the domain groups.
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So this marks the end of our days training.
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So remember
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to fill for him
- 14:23 - 14:24
to ask
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anything regarding the d eff a payment schedule?
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If you did not understand, you can ask myself or anyone from electronica.
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