Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:01
Hey, guys.
- 00:02 - 00:04
So I just wanted to show you guys what you
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guys will have to do when you guys read about
- 00:07 - 00:08
so you guys will answer questions.
- 00:09 - 00:11
1234 Yeah, I don't know.
- 00:11 - 00:16
But let's go to the next slide for your introduction.
- 00:17 - 00:19
You're going tohave to type next year.
- 00:19 - 00:25
What is your preventive off that for your introduction slide,
- 00:27 - 00:30
you need to open your other book or just the
- 00:30 - 00:31
same book.
- 00:33 - 00:34
For your next topic.
- 00:35 - 00:38
You're gonna have to change of what it says right
- 00:38 - 00:40
there, Adam or contact here.
- 00:41 - 00:43
So you guys wanna have the type of talk I
- 00:43 - 00:50
have to type your guys is top open the book
- 00:51 - 00:53
or the same book, but turned to the next page?
- 00:55 - 00:55
I will be typing.
- 00:58 - 01:00
I wouldn't be typing that, I don't know.
- 01:02 - 01:07
Okay, so life is an open book, so you guys
- 01:07 - 01:08
will be finishing that sentence.
- 01:09 - 01:10
That's why there's two dots there.
- 01:12 - 01:13
Life is an open book.
- 01:14 - 01:17
You already did that really to turn the next page
- 01:17 - 01:20
and then you just have the type after now and
- 01:21 - 01:24
then turn the next page like this, open the book
- 01:25 - 01:25
or turn the page.
- 01:26 - 01:27
If you finish that book.
- 01:28 - 01:32
Then turn a new but and then keep turning out
- 01:32 - 01:40
page whenever you see these a perfect template for you
- 01:40 - 01:45
guys. Know, Um And then you guys, what will you
- 01:45 - 01:45
guys need?
- 01:47 - 01:50
A paper, a pencil, a book and something to type
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with on the computer.
- 01:52 - 01:52
Those air.
- 01:53 - 01:58
What you guys will need Open or turn the same
- 01:59 - 02:04
page. There is no friend as loyal as a book
- 02:07 - 02:11
finish and tell us why that's there.
- 02:13 - 02:14
Type what you've read.
- 02:16 - 02:22
Okay, So if I typed about, I'm gonna instead of
- 02:22 - 02:23
I'm just gonna type about a movie.
- 02:24 - 02:27
It's e bet there is a how to turn their
- 02:27 - 02:35
dragon three to flush the Dragon meets the light fury
- 02:38 - 02:38
the other dragons.
- 02:41 - 02:41
Okay, Like that.
- 02:42 - 02:47
But add more detail, not Do not do it.
- 02:47 - 02:48
I just did one sentence.
- 02:49 - 02:53
You need to write a paragraph or a few paragraphs
- 02:54 - 02:54
like a whole book.
- 02:59 - 03:00
And then this is just a blank page.
- 03:01 - 03:02
You guys conscripting on or what?
- 03:03 - 03:04
So many books.
- 03:04 - 03:06
So little time now.
- 03:08 - 03:09
Why do you You have the type.
- 03:11 - 03:12
Do you like the books?
- 03:12 - 03:15
That's why or on the other side do not like
- 03:15 - 03:19
the books don't read books.
- 03:20 - 03:20
Make presence.
- 03:24 - 03:31
So turn the page for yeah, And then it says,
- 03:32 - 03:32
Thank you.
- 03:37 - 03:39
Same thing and then a blank page.
- 03:41 - 03:42
And then so thanks for watching.
- 03:43 - 03:46
It's only three minutes or four, Uh