Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hey, guys, how's it going?
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This is a short clip to let you know what
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you need to be studying for your quiz on Thursday
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and Friday about European and scores.
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Let's get started.
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First thing you need to understand is that there were
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four European nations that were fully invested in the age
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of exploration.
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Those four nations were England, France, Spain and Portugal.
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You need to be able to locate those four countries
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on a map.
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You're also gonna want to know what motivated these three
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nations. There were three big motivators for each country.
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We can classify these as the three G's, the first
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G being God.
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These guys were interested in spreading the religion.
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In this case, it was Christianity.
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The second G would be gold.
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They were very interested in becoming wealthy and rich, and
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the third G would be glory.
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This fierce competition between these European nations is an old
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rivalry, and they wanted to be the first and the
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best to do wth the exploration of this new part
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of the world.
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They also need to know that there were four main
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obstacles, even though there were a lot of big obstacles
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that these countries had to overcome in order to get
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here. There were four big ones that really in affected
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all of them.
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The 1st 1 was the lack of good maps and
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navigational tools.
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They were very limited in the technology that was available
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to them at the time.
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The second thing being that there was a lot of
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disease and people struggled with starvation, lack of food and
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water while making their voyages.
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And even when they got here, they struggled with this
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Number three, the fear of the unknown.
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A lot of these guys did not know where they
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were going.
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They didn't know how long it was gonna take them
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to get there, and they weren't sure what they 100%
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what they were gonna do once they had arrived.
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So the fear of the unknown was a big, legitimate
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fear. And then the fourth big top score was packing
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adequately enough.
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They sometimes they would end up packing for a month
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when the voyage actually took two or even longer so
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they would buy this big obstacle, are preparing themselves for
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this long journey.
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What you also need to know are the three accomplishments
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that we're gonna give these Europeans credit for.
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There was a lot of accomplishments and need, needless to
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say, but the three that you need to know is
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that number one, they were able to establish new trading
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partners with the people that lived in this part of
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the world.
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The second thing was they were able to improve their
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navigational tools.
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After several attempts, they were able to improve their maps
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and make use of new tools.
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And then the third thing, and probably one of the
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most importantly, was that they were able to claim new
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land for not just themselves, but for their nation.
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So study up, guys.