Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Okay, welcome back to volume two. hopefully I have
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gotten past
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the screen issues
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probably because I have too many windows open as I start to
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christmas shot for myself. Yeah. So
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we talked about rewards and punishments,
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the next one is a little bit controversial. Actually commit to others, right?
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Make a commitment to other people,
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meaning tell other people that you're going to get this task done on time.
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Now. Typically in the workplace, right?
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That's a commitment to your boss saying like, Hey boss, okay, I'm gonna,
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you got this project for me.
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Let's talk about a due date and that's committing to them to get it done by them.
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There's a lot of stuff actually, there's a Youtube video of a ted talk out there.
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That's really good about how,
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um, when you set your own goals, sometimes you should keep those goals to yourself.
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And I don't remember if I showed that one in this class, um,
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or not remember I have in the past
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where it's just like, um,
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so let's just say you, you've been putting off, you want to start a yoga program,
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You want to start doing yoga every day because it's good for you
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And you've been putting it off and putting it off and then you finally say,
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you know what,
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I'm gonna do it right? I'm gonna do it as a New Year's resolution. And then,
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So like the day before December,, you post on social media and all your friends,
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like hey, everybody I'm starting.
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um, a yoga program tomorrow every day.
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What we find is that by even by just telling everybody about it,
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you end up actually releasing some of those
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endorphins that make you feel better about it.
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And so you actually become less committed to doing it.
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So sometimes it's good to keep those goals to yourself
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and be intrinsically motivated and then like, maybe you're telling yourself,
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okay, when I get done, I'm going to make a post on january 31st to tell everybody, Hey,
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I guess what I did yoga everyday for 31 days, I'm amazing.
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That would be a lot better way to keep yourself
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committed to that goal.
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So there is some controversy there
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express a more positive attitude
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about your intentions. Okay, so
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when you, when you're,
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when you're talking about completing an activity,
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what we're talking about saying, like,
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sounding serious about it, okay?
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Like sounding serious to yourself and other people about
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completing an activity and completing it on time,
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Like, okay, it's time to go. I'm going to do this. Here we go.
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Like instead of like, yeah, yeah, I get it. I want to get it done.
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That you always procrastinate, You never get something done on time
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if that's your attitude
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from the very beginning and trust me,
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there's a lot of students that I come across who,
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like if I'm asking them for something
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that's the attitude and guess what they typically
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do poorly in the class because they're procrastinating things
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too far and by the way,
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I am
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definitely a procrastinator in case you haven't found it out,
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but there's there's it's like you can be a functioning procrastinator.
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What we're talking about is the differences between
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what happens when it turns really bad for you.
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proper attitudes and values to develop for productivity, right?
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You want to be productive, you want to have good work habits and good work habits.
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Mean you're going to be more productive than your counterparts at work, right?
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It's going to make you look really good.
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The first thing you should do is develop a mission and goals, right?
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And we talk about this in business one on one all the time.
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Like companies, missions and company's goals,
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figure out what your mission is and what your
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goals are that will propel you toward being productive.
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Okay, um now some people might just say, well I have this bonus and that's my goal,
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is to make sure I get that bonus.
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And that money motivates me and that's what's going to propel me
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to go forward and do this stuff that sometimes works for people.
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We normally find that money is not the number one motivator. Okay,
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so um you got to look at other things as well, like maybe my, you know,
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so a mission a good way to think about a mission
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is like what gets you out of bed in the morning,
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So I want to help as many people as possible. Um
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I want to be an important cog in the wheel of this business.
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Um My goal is to do this and that and
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that helps you be productive because it stays the same,
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you can stay the course and you keep going.
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I think what we have to do is take a quick
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step back and remember that with Sean acre in week one,
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a lot of times when we set up these goals
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we think once we get there we're going to be happy, right? And so
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I think this,
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this particular slide still plays to Sean Akers side is saying like you've got to
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change your attitude and you gotta change your values and you've got to be happy
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doing, you have to have a good attitude and being happy, we'll help you
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um set good mission statement and set good goals and help you achieve it
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rather than thinking you're going to be happy once you
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get there because all you do is just change the goal
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once you get there.
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The 2nd 1 is super important.
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establish the right value, so value things like good attendance,
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like I'm never going to miss work, even if I'm well not during covid,
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but like even if I'm sick, I'm going to come in for a little while, like I'm gonna,
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you know what are some things that I can value in my life to say
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this is what it's going to take
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for me to be productive,
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So valuing good attendance,
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valuing productivity saying this is who I am going to be,
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I'm going to be a super productive employee, I'm going to have great attendance,
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You can't contribute to the team effort unless you're present, right?
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And so you can't just skip out on things
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when you establish those kind of values, they tend to,
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you know, kind of go into all aspects of your life, like you know,
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I definitely developed
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this like value of good attendance and value of being on time early,
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like in in high school or even earlier than that and you know,
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that carried through into college and into the
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work life and it's been very beneficial.
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So you have to make sure
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that you set that value as soon as you can, right? Um
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work smarter,
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not harder. So speaking of value, value your time.
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again, productivity means more quality work in less time.
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If you value your time, you're less likely to waste time.
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Okay, so you're going to say like, hey man, I know that I can do great things
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with with the
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14 hours a day that I'm awake,
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And I want to maximize every minute of every hour in there
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and so I'm not going to waste any time because the more I can get done, the quicker,
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the greater things that I can do with the rest of my day, okay,
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the podcast that you guys have this week is
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phenomenal in this area where it's like this guy,
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this dutch guy is saying, you know what?
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We find that when we cut down the work week 23 or four days instead of five,
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um people value their weekends and their time off more and so they want to
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work harder and do actually their productivity actually goes up
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because they value their time a little bit more and they like having
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that extra time off and they don't want to lose that privilege.
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Okay, that's really interesting.
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Um Another value. Um
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what, sorry?
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This is kind of going back up to the last one establishing the right value.
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I guess that would also fit in there as far as value, your time.
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Um Value things.
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This is where I need to work valuing neatness, valuing orderliness,
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and valuing speed. That one's good too. Right? But so
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being orderly, being neat, that's going to produce,
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that's going to boost your productivity for sure.
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It's going to allow you to find things when you need to find them. Um
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There's no doubt that it helps to be organized and
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orderly um in need like that kind of stuff.
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Those are the people who end up being more productive because they're
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not wasting time always looking for things if you can do that,
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you can work faster and then that gives you and your company
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a competitive advantage compared to the other companies that you're dealing with
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um let's see,
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appreciate rest and relaxation a little R. And R. Right?
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We've talked about this in previous chapters where
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insufficient sleep starts to create productivity problems.
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We listen to the wu podcast uh handful weeks back and talked about how
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the more sleep sleep debt that people went into the less
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productive and the less good decisions that they were making right.
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If you neglect rest and relaxation, you become a workaholic.
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And man,
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it's uh it actually hurts you then all of a sudden
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to not work and now all your values are screwed up and
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um you're not going to be
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as productive.
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We know people like this right?
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Like we know I'm thinking of my uncle used to be the CFO,
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the treasurer of the stanford University Medical Center.
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Big job.
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Really important job moving millions if not billions of
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dollars around into different areas to finance the hospital.
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Um well paying job. But he worked insane amount of hours.
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He was a workaholic and if I called him
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to wish him a happy birthday or to talk to him about something else. It was just like
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We couldn't get 90 seconds into the conversation
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without it turning to his work life,
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He's a word that's a workaholic.
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Now do you think he worked 60 or 70 hours
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A week and was productive during those 60 or 70 hours? There's no way right?
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So what happens is you just you like working because you become a workaholic,
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you don't want to go home and you end up being at work.
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People don't like you as much and because because they want to go home
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and you don't have these other good values,
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you just value work for the sake of work and you're not very productive.
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Okay, so you've got to be careful that,
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Okay, let's talk about time management.
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Then I have 10 steps to effective time management techniques.
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Uh, your video quiz this week is from Matt D.
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Avella, who's a pretty awesome videographer,
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he filmed the movie of the documentary on Netflix, minimalism.
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Fantastic. If you wanna check that out.
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Um, many of these techniques are really habits, right?
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We're talking about the power of habit earlier,
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so they have to be programmed into the brain and that happens through repetition.
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These are not light switches that you can just turn on and then all of a sudden europe,
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Oh wow, look,
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I'm going to change this,
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starting tomorrow and now I'm more effective with my time management.
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It doesn't work that way. Unfortunately they have to become habits.
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So like I said earlier,
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this is one that I would like to work on is cleaning up and getting organized.
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In fact, I just recently switched a couple months ago,
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I switched to a paper calendar because I was realizing
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that I was bouncing back through too many digital calendars.
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I was missing things and
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I didn't like having calendars everywhere and checking schedules everywhere,
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and I just needed to get it all in one place.
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Okay, um
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one of the keys to this is creating to do lists.
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In fact,
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in your podcast this week, he also talks about to don't list,
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I'll talk about that a little bit more in a minute, but so it's doing this.
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Mind sweep is really helpful.
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So mind sweep is where you just write down all the tasks that you have coming up.
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I was talking with Adam Diaz, one of my colleagues this week,
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and we were talking about using a paper calendar and to making to do lists and like,
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like yeah, so just instead of waking up and checking emails or social media,
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instead just sitting down with your paper to do list,
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looking at what you did and didn't do yesterday carrying over to today.
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The things that you didn't do,
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add a few other things that came come to your mind at that point.
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And then, like,
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so you're doing maybe you sit down every morning and do a little mind sweep.
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I also would do like,
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a bigger mind sweep maybe on sunday evenings when you're
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trying to plan out the rest of your week,
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So it just
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it really helps human,
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the human mind is not really meant to and not even
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very good at keeping lists in your mind all the time.
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So if you can write them down,
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it takes that burden off of your brain and lets you kind of be
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more creative and think about other things that you need to be doing right?
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So um yeah just de clutter throw away like be a minimalist,
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throw away things that are unnecessary.
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Get rid of
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computer files and pictures that you don't need.
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An apps that have been sitting on your phone.
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They do say that some people,
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I feel like a messy desk can enhance
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their creativity and even sometimes their productivity,
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it's pretty rare though,
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like I used to try to say that like oh yeah this is my masterpiece,
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my office is messy but I know where I've got a system and I know
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where everything is and I'm super productive
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and creative with this environment and it's just
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not right like it's just not, it doesn't end up being true most of the time.
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Second here in the time management, I gotta speed this up a little bit,
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plan your activities, what needs to be done and how am I going to accomplish it?
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Right so
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where should I put my to do list?
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Am I gonna put it on a sticky note and I'm gonna put it in a planner.
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Am I gonna put it on my refrigerator? Am I going to tattoo it on my forehead? Right?
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Gosh I was trying to make it through this.
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Let me pause it here,
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come back and volume three we'll talk a little
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bit more about how to plan your activities.