Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Welcome back to another episode of N. F. T. 3 65.
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As most of you have learned over this journey. I'm a very
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positive optimistic person. I I really do believe in seeing the good in people
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but I'm also one that has you know, my guard up.
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Oftentimes when it comes to you know something sounding
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too good to be true or you know,
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some of the things that I keep hearing uh you know, being repeated
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and so on this episode I really just wanted to get into it on
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really. For me it's a little bit less
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about the three examples of bad advice that I'm gonna use,
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but more about
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understanding this current environment and
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some of the things that we have to think about especially and this isn't just N. F. T.
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S. But this is really the web three world as a whole and I'm gonna break down kind of the
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the creator economy and a lot of the other things that are also
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things that we need to be aware of here um in this N.
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F. T. Space especially.
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But really for me it comes down to
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transparency and in many cases
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the person that we're listening to his track record now when
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I say track record and I when I say trust and transparency
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for me it's not about finding or listening to someone that has like amazing N. F. T.
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S in their bag, right?
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Because just because I mean it's the first episode of this podcast right?
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Just because someone has a board,
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a Pora crypto punk doesn't mean that way they can
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teach you or be that their strategy works for you
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but much like we spend a lot of time researching N. F. T. Projects.
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We also have to research those that were listening to
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and we also have to be willing to mute or unfollowed
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or not listen to those that have done us wrong.
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And this is actually probably one of my my biggest pet peeves right now.
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Is there are there are people in the space that
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people are like I would never listen to them.
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I couldn't trust them worth worth. Worth anything
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yet. They follow them on twitter, they jump into all of their twitter spaces
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and they're kind of building them up right?
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And I think we have to spend more time celebrating
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and talking about those you know influence or thought leaders,
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whatever authorities in this space that we believe that we can trust that we
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believe that are transparent and in many cases and I've said this a lot.
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Like I also want to know like what mistakes
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uh you know certain N. F. T. Influencers or creators or investors have made.
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And if an N. F. T.
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Investor isn't willing to like they're like oh I made plenty of mistakes but none
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of them jump off the top of my head off my uh you know,
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off the top of my head.
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I think there that's a that's a red flag right?
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Because I think you should easily be able to talk about the mistakes you've made,
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the projects you thought they were gonna be good
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the times you sold too early.
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Like for me, I sold Alien friends way too early.
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I even got in late and then sold early and still regret that, but I think, you know,
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understanding that aspect and then the other part of this is
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listening for what people aren't saying
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as much as what they are saying, right?
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When someone talks about, you know, telling, you know,
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giving advice about which projects to get into
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or the thing that they're most excited to,
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you know, jumping into
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and if, you know that their style of investing, right?
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Are they one that buys three N F T.
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S and then sells them to keep one,
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are they one that likes to ape indoor project and
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by 20 of them like whatever that strategy is,
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you have to look and say, okay, that's their norm.
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And if they're talking about something,
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are they going to make those same actions right?
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I mean actions speak a lot louder than words
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for me. I will say, you know, I watch
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a lot of influencers wallets because we have the tech that can do that and
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too often,
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what we hear them talking about is not actually what
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they're backing up with their wallet or their own,
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you know, strategy and this also comes into
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Just because someone was great at investing in N. F.T.S.
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the summer of 2021 doesn't mean they're going to be great at doing it in 2022.
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And what I mean by that more so than anything else is that
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we have to really listen for people's advice on how they got to where we're at now,
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but we have to skate where the puck is going.
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Remember that wayne Gretzky quote. Right?
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So just because someone had has a really great track record,
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doesn't mean that they're also going to be someone
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that's going to lead you into the future,
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the best.
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Right? So it's about balancing
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that advice on on all sides. So
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with that being said, let's jump into,
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I'm gonna give you three examples of bad advice that I've
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heard that hopefully we can avoid or at least we can,
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you know, try to dissect the first one is if you are, you know,
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you should be delisting or never listing your actual N.
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F. T. S for sale. If you love a project.
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I've heard that one actually more than once, I've said,
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I've heard people talk about, you know, if you love a project,
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you should never post it for sale.
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You should never um you know, sell your your N. F. T. Project. Now,
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what I will say about that is
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the first thing we have to do is we have to stop flip shaming,
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right? This flip shaming
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is getting a little bit ridiculous, right,
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and I don't like if someone is promoting a project and telling
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people to stay in yet they're selling all of their N.
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F. T. Is like that's
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that we that's not flip shaming flip shaming. Is
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this idea of telling people how or when or why they should or shouldn't sell
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or anyone that lists lists below this floor price
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is an idiot because we don't know people's circumstances.
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The other thing that we have to remember is that
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flipping and selling NFTE es especially like flipping up into a N. F. T.
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Actually benefits the community because if there is
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that residual percentage that's going back to the team
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every time there's a transaction. Well if I'm and this is something I do a lot right?
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Like we're
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I'll buy three of of a project. I'll sell one to cover my
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My um you know my basis which you can go back and listen to
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the episode three x 3 x three to listen to this full strategy.
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But what I'll do is I'll then have to
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and then oftentimes I'll be like you know what I really
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like this one art or this one speaks to me,
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I'm gonna sell these two so that I can buy this one that is at a higher price right?
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Like so understanding like kind of like some of those mechanics. The other thing is
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there are sometimes where you're gonna want to buy a lot of of of an N. F. T.
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Because hey you want to really support,
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but then you want to sell parts of that so that you can actually increase the,
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the reason that you're holding that and increase your own liquidity right?
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Like people making decisions for their own liquidity should not be shamed,
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should not be looked down upon.
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And the last part about it is
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you never know what someone might be willing to pay unless you put it out there.
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Now I'll give you a little bit, there's a little bit secret of mine. If you see my N. F.
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T. S listed for 3.9
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Or 9.3 es.
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Those are ones that I'm like, hey, I have no plans on selling that anytime soon.
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But if someone offered me that amount,
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I'd be willing to sell it because I know I can spend more money
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now going in and maybe sweeping the floor or going back into that project.
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And I will tell you there are some projects that I bought eight of the mint
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Once the art revealed. I'm going to sell six of them.
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But I'm gonna use my profits from those 62
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by two of my favorite ones in that collection.
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So I think we just have to be very careful on the, on the, on the flip shaming.
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I also noticed there's a lot of flip shaming from people that are project founders.
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But those project founders
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in their personal life, all they do is flip
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and it's like they're like, please don't flip my project now that I'm the founder,
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even though I'm the one that does that on a regular
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basis to me that's talking out both sides of their mouth.
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It's already that's a massive red flag for me. All right,
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number two.
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But hearing this advice actually a lot on on twitter spaces,
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also in a couple other projects,
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they will say things like only invest in established N.
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F. T. Projects. There's too much guessing in the minting of N. F. T. S.
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Or they'll say, you know, don't don't try to bet on, you know, a upcoming N. F. T.
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You know, go back and only invest in existing in FTS. Now,
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a lot of this advice is actually coming from people
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that mentioned N. F. T. S early on and got lucky.
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And it's so interesting
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when someone says, don't,
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you know, don't try to get lucky like I did, you should do this instead, right?
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And it's like
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where is that advice coming from? And I always say like
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for me,
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listening for the intent of someone's advice is essential for us to understand.
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Oftentimes what if we if that advice is critical now Moonshot minting,
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which means you're just minting an N.
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F. T.
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Hoping that it shoots to the moon, it's the next blue chip,
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that's not really a strategy that's like playing the lottery
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And I will tell you as someone now that's minted, you know, 105 straight days
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you know that's like trying to predict if an N. F. T. Is going to be around
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for three months is a hard thing to to to
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research towards trying to predict or to know which N.
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F. T. S are gonna blue chip. That's it. That's I believe it's near impossible. But
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here's the thing
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I am also a big fan of
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of making my my risk and my investment lower
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on some projects and then holding on to them
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you know for a year and just seeing what happens like there are
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there are a bunch of N. F. T. S.
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That I have that I don't really have any plan on selling them.
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I'm just gonna hold them because I didn't have to buy into them at a very high price.
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Therefore it's worth just holding on and seeing if they
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shoot up if they end up going to zero,
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they go to zero.
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But my risk tolerance is actually very low
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and I've explained this in some past episodes right?
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If if someone is buying into a project at a higher price right?
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If they're like okay this project's been around for a while, I'm gonna spend 0.3 et
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they're like investment risk investment is at a higher threshold.
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So more than likely they're going to have a little bit more,
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They are going to feel a little bit more worried if all of a sudden the
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floor price dips but if someone's minting in and taking a shot at it or just
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supporting their favorite artists use a lot less
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likelihood of you kind of uh you know
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being thrown off by the volatility or trying to dump a project because it went down
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you know 10% or 25% on the on the project.
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So I I think there are times to mint, there are times to invest in existing projects.
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There's also like you know
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no idea like buying the dip
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and then I always say like buy the dips,
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sell the rip and what I mean by selling the rip is like when
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all of a sudden something starts taking off like what great things go up,
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they're gonna come back down.
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But I also am like I like I like looking at the trends in the different phases right?
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So what is the trend during the mint phase?
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So what is the trend during the pre reveal phase?
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What is the trend during the reveal to execution of of utility phase?
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And then what is that long term phase? And really kind of looking at that.
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the third piece of bad advice is buying a cold wallet or a
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hardware wallet will prevent you from getting scammed or losing your N.
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F. T. S. And you can sleep through the night.
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I've heard this a lot
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and here's the truth
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Just because something is stored on a hardware wallet or a cold wallet
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does not mean that they are 100% secure
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and giving someone false sense of security
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to me is
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it's like a pet peeve of mine because here's the
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thing we have to really balance the risk versus reward.
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And we also have to realize that security
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for security sake does nobody any benefits?
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Right? So like if you're someone that that if you like to flip your N. F. T.
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S a lot and move them around a lot, you're using a hardware wallet
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and having to pay extra gas to either mint them in there
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to move them in there or move them back and forth.
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That's not doesn't make any sense for your um your total, you know, investment.
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The other thing is if you're only buying an N. F.
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T once a month or twice a month maybe and you're not connecting to a lot of websites
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then having a cold wallet or harbor wall,
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it really doesn't doesn't protect that much of the things that it might protect
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you from.
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You know, you know, for someone, you know,
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you're giving away your seed phrase but it's not
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going to protect you from all things everywhere.
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And so
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we also have to remember that like
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if I'm adding extra security,
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how how many times am I going to get frustrated
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and might have to work around my own security,
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So I like that that whole like keep it simple stupid method right? For kiss?
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Uh You know Kiss. Keep it simple. Stupid. I like keeping it simple right?
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So if if I if I want to mitigate my risk,
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I'm gonna take some certain I'm gonna have a wallet that I'm gonna mint with.
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And then a wall a different wallet that I'm gonna store my energy.
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But it doesn't mean that that wall it actually has
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to be um one that is a hardware wallet right?
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You can have multiple hot wallets and one of
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them that you don't access very often at all,
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that can be just as secure as having a hardware wallet, right?
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And the other thing about a hardware wallet to remember is
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I was telling someone the other day,
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they're like well brian now I have nothing to worry about.
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And I was like well
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heaven forbid if my house burned down.
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The thing I can pretty much guarantee that's coming out the door with
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me is my phone which will have my wallet stored on it,
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The thing that I might not guarantee is that I might not be able
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to get my hardware wallet out of my security box or from my desk.
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And the other piece of this is like what's the chance of me losing
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that actual hardware wallet versus me forgetting a
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password or giving away the seed phrase,
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So I'm all for kind of like that risk versus
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reward and understanding that balance when it comes to N.
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F. T. S.
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The last thing I wanted to share and when it comes to like bad advice
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is that
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there are some people that are just
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they're looking for like their next
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you know their next opportunity for fame or fortune, right?
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There are a lot of people that are going to
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speak on panels and going to these different events that
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if you ask them like what N. F. T. S.
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They've bought they probably haven't bought that many.
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If you ask them what projects they've advised on,
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they might be able to say they have advised on a bunch of projects but it
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might be because they just were brought in and given a free white list uh spot.
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And so
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this happens in every space right? There are a lot of people that will claim to be
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an expert or an evangelist or N. F. T.
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Thought leader and maybe they have friends in
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the right places or maybe they're the ones
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they're willing to spend out of their own pockets
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to go fly to all these events and all of a sudden there on all these stages or maybe
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they're just one that kisses ass really well
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and they get you know promoted a lot by other others in the N. F. T. Space.
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Here's the truth,
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those people will come and go
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the people that are building a brand a
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personal brand built on trust built on authority,
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build on you know don't just you know, listen to what I say, but watch what I do,
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those are the people to stick around with and I will tell you,
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I I work really hard at giving people the benefit of the doubt.
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But if you like screw me over or screw someone else over
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or take advantage of someone one time you're done like I will,
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okay, that's it.
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Now I've said before, I'm willing to give people a second chance,
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but I'm going to go from trusting you to now you have to earn my trust back, right?
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And I think that's kind of like some of those balance and I will say
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we get a ton of requests right now for the podcast for people to come on the podcast
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and there are some people that I just will not put on the podcast as a guest.
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There are some projects that I will not put on the podcast.
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Um and and and in some cases it's because I don't know them enough or I'm not,
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I'm not aware enough enough or in other cases is
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I've been burnt one or two times by something similar
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and I'm just not going to take that risk and I will say this
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and I will say it over and over again,
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this is for the flip side of this, right? No N. F. T. Project,
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no brand sponsorship,
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no connection with an influencer is worth jeopardizing or
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losing the trust you have with your audience,
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I don't care how much money it is
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and if you remember that and you remember that on what other people are doing,
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If people are willing to sell out to their audience for to eat,
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what else are they willing to do?
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What else are they willing to say or not? Do
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we have to be very aware of those that are willing to do that?
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Now here's the flip of this.
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We should be paying influencers, we should be,
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we should be willing to give people money and
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if you are an influence or thought leader and
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you are getting paid you just need to disclose
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that and make make people aware of that arrangement.
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I've said that here on the podcast, you know,
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we are we are bringing on sponsors of the podcast, we have sponsors of the show,
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we have people that we are working with
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in collaboration with but I will promise you
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that that relationship will be disclosed very openly with me on any twitter space
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anytime I talk about them on the podcast or any tweet that I make.
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you know,
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it is a little bit of the Wild Wild West uh we have
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to kind of decide who we trust who we are willing to,
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you know spend our time listening to and I think this will also evolve over time.
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There will be some people right now that have just started
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out that will end up being some of the smartest wisest people
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um to listen to in this space and then the last part is
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and I feel like I say this every time
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you define your own success
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and then go listen and learn from those that are on a similar path in you,
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it's really easy for us to want to listen to. So on that is uh you know has 500 or 1000 N.
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F. T. S in their bag.
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But if you're someone that has three N. F. T. S
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are you gonna is there advice for someone that has 1000 FTS
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the right advice for you or should you be listening to someone else
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that is closer to your journey, your values, your mission, what you have going on.
- 17:58 - 18:01
So I hope that helped trying to keep a positive spin
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on bad advice or worst advice let me know on twitter,
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jump over to our discord on instagram stories or anywhere that we're at,
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let us know like what's the worst advice you've heard given in the N.
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F. T.
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Space and maybe I'll do a a second,
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a part two of this episode and I'll bring in some
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of the bad advice that many of you have heard.
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But until tomorrow my friends make it a good one, cheers
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alright. Video friends.
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I mean
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they always say there's no no bad questions I think for me bad
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questions are usually questions where you don't have to worry about you know,
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you're asking for like a finite answer and google can answer that for you
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and that's kind of like when it comes like too bad advice.
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Like there are a lot of bad advice out there,
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but bad advice does not become a problem unless you're willing to take
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people's bad advice just based simply on the advice that they're giving.
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And I think to me that's a big, you know, soapbox of mind.
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It's a lesson I had to learn the hard way,
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the hard way. So
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hey, to each their own right, cheers my friends make it a good one.